I get your sentiment and it is commendable.
But, when considering quality of fruit, a "bad" tree would produce fruit that is sour and inedible, dried up or toxic.
When considering this sentiment is nice but were one to remove the "bad" tree and plant in its place one which produces edible and nourishing fruit it seems a more practical solution to feed a starving family.
Just like people who nourish themselves on ideas that masquerade as truth, People say they are "pro life"while in the same breath the living, young and old are neglected and left to die. Healthcare is withheld and racism is justified using obscure and erroneous myths.
They produce bad fruit and their effect on the minds of others is toxic and devoid of quality and wholesome thinking. Words become weapons and doctrines become practice and produce chaos and death. A gardener knows to toss out the weeds so they do not choke the good seed from taking root.
This is part of life that we produce quality fruit and we toss the bad fruit.
We separate the wheat from the chaff, so that the fine cedars and firs are not overrun by the bramble.
In time of drought the bramble will light afire and burn the whole forest.
It takes a discerning mind to know the difference between what is good and what is bad.
The bad can seem good and the good can seem bad, the end thereof in wrong discernment is death.
There tree of life and a tree of knowledge of good and evil (bad), both are required.