What is Evangelism?

Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 09:34 pm
You refuse to even wear a mask and you are gonna tell women they can't have sex too?

Masks are prolife because they prevent disease and death...
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 02:31 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

1 Corinthians 10:23

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything"—but not everything is constructive.

I could masturbate every day, three times a day. However, my sexual organs would likely break down.

Likewise, if you have sex, the natural consequences are:
1. Possibly pregnancy
2. Possibly an STD

The odds of the former go up when you have vaginal sex multiple times, the odds of the latter go up when you have sex with people that you don't know or with multiple people or if you take it up the butt.

Now, if you really don't want to become pregnant, the surest way is (a) stick to oral and anal sex, (b) only have gay partners, or (c) never have sex ever.

Unfortunately, all but (c) carry the risk of #2, getting an STD.

So let's talk about pregnancy. I'm sorry, but pregnancies don't just spring from nowhere. If you were sexually active, and not wearing any kind of protection, frankly one wonders how you could have gone through sex ed. Or if you were taught only about abortion, all shame goes on your teacher. A sensible person checks after each pregnancy, or follows all precautions to prevent it. This business of "not knowing until you go into labor." Really?!? You don't suspect anything when you start to have strange cravings? When you're nauseous all the time? The very first thing you should do a few days after having sex is pee on a strip. Not having the foresight to maybe check with a physician after a week at most, yeah I don't buy that. After about nine weeks, the critter has started developing from embryo and amniotic fluids to an actual fetus. If you cannot be bothered to get off your ass for nine weeks to schedule a doctor's appointment, the fault is entirely yours. Btw, all pregnancy-related medicine should be free, with or without insurance. This is the only allowable reason why I could see delaying it this long, that you simply can't afford the checkup. But late-term abortion really has no excuse aside from that.

An abortion can cost from $250 to $750, although I'm sure alot of these same assholes probably pass the buck to someone else. The cost of pregnancy if you are uninsured is financially ruining enough (anywhere from $9600 to $22k for an uncomplicated pregnancy, even more for complications) that it creates an incentive for abortion. That's sick.
What this tells us is that a person who hasn't money to be getting pregnant has no business having sex in the first place. What else this tells us is that the medical field is a complete racket. These people should be ashamed.

Honestly, all the people complaining about women's rights and abortion (which btw, benefits men more than women; men get away with promiscuous sex, women get an emotionally and sometimes physically scarring surgery which can be botched and render them sterile), neglect to demand the right to choose to have the baby. To demand cheaper medical care for pregnant women. If this isn't the most sexist thing ever, women are basically taxed for their pregnancy, effectively telling the poor that they can't reproduce.

As I said, if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body, she should be allowed to do it legally and with the aid of a doctor working legally...

...and if a man wants to jerk off for the pleasure of it rather than for the purposes of procreating, he should be able to do it legally working with his fist, legally.

Anything short of that is bullshit.
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NSFW (view)
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 05:24 am
Another breadcrumb from the Republican's war on transgender.


Luckily, the liberals are here to put them in their place...

Hell, yes, I'm "woke." Better than being so dead inside you can't wake up from your inexcusable bigotry.
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 06:06 am
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 06:10 am
Who says?

He rocks that haircut better than her gramma.
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 06:13 am
It is not ONLY the hair, it is the ugly person inside...

Also, I am not sure how you can defend someone who hates your guts.

I am not transgender, not even close, but I have the sensitivity and concern to stick up of them out of duty to our beautifully diverse society...
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 06:28 am
And you don't think something about this is a bit petty and disingenuous? Liberals really are nasty people.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of "charity organizations" that far from having members who tend to be liberal or conservative (NOT the point of the limit), actually donate to causes as part of their core goals. The charity tax exemption is not about "opinions I don't like", it's about donations to push certain politics and policies. For example, mosques tend to donate most of their money toward Muslim politics, specifically gaining a foothold in the country they visit. If anyone deserves to have their tax exemption stripped, it's them.

Meanwhile, neither the church who mostly had members that voted Trump, nor that Unitarian church (I don't have to tell you that most Unitarians are liberal) qualify because it is the PEOPLE not the church itself that is politically active. Until even one donation using the collection money is used to win an election, we are talking instead about donations in the pockets of members. Collection money is usually for about five things: paying the priest, paying groundskeepers, paying the organist/musicians, paying for upkeep of the building, and giving to charity. Depending of what they value, more or less goes to charity, but the only time they should be taxed is when money that should feed little orphans instead is sent to help elect Obama or Trump or whoever.
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 06:58 am
Hypocrite, you're quite happy for them, (and you,) to wage a war on my transgender son.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 06:59 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Liberals really are nasty people.

You got that right.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 May, 2022 07:11 am
You don't stick up for them at all!

You were quite happy with a person with breasts and who passes as a lady to be forced into a men's bathroom (solely on her genitals), where she might be sexually harassed or beated up or even killed, solely to prove a point that there are homophobes out there! Yes, I read you right.

TheCobbler wrote:


The woman in the men's room has a boob job and a penis and the man in the women's room has a vagina.

So which bathroom should they be in?

Yes, there are homophobes out there, but you subject LGBT ppl to them the moment that you force people to go to a restroom based on genitals and not what gender they most resemble. The person, and the occupants of the restroom, have the ultimate say over who enters. Not lawmakers.

You have proven from your own comments here, that you think a trans girl who passes ought to be treated as a male just because she didn't get it chopped off.
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Reply Wed 29 Jun, 2022 11:30 am
Good riddance.

In the UK we have free health care, women can have abortions and nobody shoots up our schools.

I can see why you wouldn't like the place.
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 07:00 am
Oh God, this thread again.

Look it's simple. Let's have a reread of the second amendment.

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

“Well regulated”, however, meant something completely different in 18th century US.
Back then, nothing was “regulated” in our sense of the word. There were no actual regulations like we know of them today.
Well regulated meant it functioned well. A “well regulated” business was one that operated efficiently. Consider that a well regulated gun was one that worked right.

So, a militia that works right, not as you suspect, an overly regulated militia. We have an example of this, the minutemen. Not troops, not state employed, regular citizens that could be armed within a minute (if your gun has to be in a safe, you cannot be armed in a minute; if your gun isn't allowed to be openly carried without also searching the house for your permit, you can't be armed in a minute; and if you cannot even leave the house with it as in some states, the fight is already lost). What are these minutemen for? Well, it should be obvious. Not for hunting, for legitimate threats.

A well regulated militia would be a group of people who could unite together well and act as a cohesive unit. To protect against threats. Foreign or domestic.

Most people don’t realize this divergence in the language. Well regulated militia is nothing more than a group of hardy people that have guns that could come together and perform well. It does not mean government regulated or managed. It never did.

A foreign threat would be an army about to invade its homes and shores in the middle of the night. Example, Saudi troops dropping from planes, so one screams "The Saudis are coming! The Saudis are coming." A domestic threat? Well it could come from civilian or state sources. Some group of Neo-Nazis might try to take over government ( in which case, again you have to fight the government) or just kill blacks, Jews, and gays. Or the government itself could send SWAT teams after people minding their business and paying their taxes, because they don't like the fact that for instance they are refusing to take the (*cough* poison) vaccine. You see, an unarmed populace cannot say "over my dead body" without it rather quickly and easily happening just that way. A man with a shotgun next to his door can say, "You'll have to speak up there. My double-barrelled shotgun had trouble hearing you."

The reason "kids are shooting up the schools"? Btw, we almost never have a live shot of these events. Not that they don't happen. They are ruthlessly controlled murder campaigns. But they are typically staged with "actor" killing people (usually either a "teen" or some Arab, depending on whether the government wants usto fight in the Middle East for oil today, or just wants us to hand over our weapons). It's a snuff film where innocent people are blown to bits, and then crisis actors (you'll often see the same "cast" of "witnesses") try to ramp up the drama. It's sick. And what's even sicker is that it convinces alot of people to willingly hand over their only protection.
In UK, you have "fee" health care. Everyone pays the fee in their taxes. Only not everyone pays taxes cuz they're too poor (exempt) or too rich (weaseling out of taxes, through loopholes). What this really means is that some people get "free" healthcare at the expense of others bearing the brunt for smokers, the obese, and people who tried to jump off a bridge and drown themselves only to mangle their body.

In UK, you've not only handed over all guns, but the powers that be weren't satisfied. I heard somewhere that this cucked nation was about ready to hand over its kitchen knives as well. Whatcha gonna cut your chicken curry into nice neat chunks with now, a butter knife?

Women can have abortions. As a subscriber to ACLJ, I signed a petition to stop Roe vs Wade, but I have zero interest in preventing certain states from pursuing abortions. California can depopulate its own state all it wants. I support abortions in leftist states. But I don't support my state being one of those. On the other hand, national abortion on demand is an atrocity. There will always be pockets of women doing back-alley stuff, but they should be aware that it's illehal because there is inherent risk even in legit clinics. Meanwhile, the UK acts like they did some ******* great thing here, and I'm tempted to draw comparison between a baby being proud after taking a giant dump on a chair, and these policies.

Lastly, let's talk about the UK. I visited it years ago with my dad. We had hidden traffic cameras everywhere, billing people for speeding. My dad didn't even notice he was "caught" until the passive aggressive little device sent a ticket to our home exchange. That's ******* big state right there. I liked the small stores with fresh meats and such, but Ireland had stuff like that with no cameras everywhere. Or at least less or them. In UK, they were all over the place. "The silent policeman," they called it. Yeah, I prefer police to actually pull me over and tell me that I was speeding.

You can keep all your "progress". I love the US. That's legit why.
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 08:00 am
I live in a country where that is not subservient to the child murdering second ammendment.

We pay no attention to NRA paedophile filth over here.

Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 08:39 am
Number of violent acid attacks recorded by the London Metropolitan Police from 2002 to 2019

London is 'acid attack hotspot of western world' with victims as young as 10
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 08:48 am
Clutching at straws.

America has acid attacks too.

27 school shootings this year alone.

That's one a week, and no sign of changing.

That's your NRA for you.

No access to abortions and a **** healthcare system that murders the poor through neglect.

And you're proud of that!
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 09:10 am
Ghislaine Maxwell Receives 20 Years for Aiding Epstein in Sex Trafficking

Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell is a British former socialite and convicted sex offender. She was found guilty in 2021 of child sex trafficking and other offences in connection with the financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison on 28 June 2022. Wikipedia

1 day ago — Ms. Maxwell, who was convicted of conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to recruit, groom and abuse underage girls, will spend much of the rest of her life in prison.
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 09:22 am
She deserved it, and she was only playing second fiddle to AMERICAN Epstein.

American R Kelly got thirty years.

27 school shooting this year alone, hundreds of children murdrrdd so sad pathetic men can have a gun.

It's disgusting.
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 09:24 am
Robert Maxwell was a real **** as well.

And he was Czech.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2022 09:28 am
Kurds still haven't opened up a second fron in Syria fighting Russian troops.

And they never will.

The very notion is stupid and could only have been dreamed up by a complete ignoramus with no concept, or understanding, of anything at all.
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