What is Evangelism?

Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 03:04 am

Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 03:16 am

Some people expect others to make them feel good about themselves.
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Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 03:29 am
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Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 05:36 am
Ahahaha, you're funny!

So did you know, there's this surgery called getting your tubes tied (or even ovaries removed)? My mom got that after she didn't want more children. There's also another surgery called castration. If some horndog is pursuing you, there are better options than KILLING A ******* CHILD. Which is the "choice" proposed by so-called "pro-choice" groups. The "choice" to be a literal psychopath. If you don't want a child, the better option is to leave it on a doorstep (preferably not the doorstep of a known abortionist). There are laws protecting children, that nonetheless free their natural parents from any responsibility. You don't want the child? You should have thought about when you had sex with a condom. As for instances of rape, no I don't make that exception. You have responsibility to a living thing that is an innocent party in all this. Have the baby, give it to adoption (possibly kill the rapist and dump his body thousands of miles away), enjoy the rest of your life.

Meanwhile, the first objection to literally being pressured to wear a mask and get a vaccine? It was to turn the "my body" thing that abortion people always say back on them. Fauci and his cronies were out of line.

Oh and btw... Like other medical substances foisted on the population
the vaccines had adverse effects. Some produced blood clots, while the mRNA drug literally screwed with pregnancy. So unlike a single rapist (I am in favor not of abortion under cases of rape, but excusing murder, especially after watching film Volver) that hurts you and your body, this is the government literally doing the equivalent of rape on the public. "Your body is not up to you, and we will force you to take this drug, possibly barring you from jobs if you refuse." Yes, they literally tried to rape us, under the philosophical definition of rape as egregious abuse of another's body, particularly sex organs.

Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 06:34 am
Once again you show how much you can be on the wrong side of an issue.

Killing a ******* child?

Does child equal baby equal fetus equal embryo equal egg equal sperm?

If so then having your tubes tied is killing a ******* child as well as getting castrated.

You should know a lot about castration and killing a ******* child.

While we are being vulgar about human rights, horndog in a dress...

And if the court is gonna tell a women she can't have an abortion well then the court can tell you to wear a ******* mask so you don't kill a ******* child by spreading a deadly disease and the court can demand that you can't wear a ******* dress you hypocrite, wear some pants instead and breed.

Because making a ******* child is all that ******* matters...

The next time you decide try to use the ladies room think about a women's right to choose.

You are so full of **** anyway.
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 06:47 am
I can see why you put on makeup and wear dresses...

To cover up the nasty person inside.

To conceal the soulless, heartless frame of the nothing that you have become.

Matthew 23
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Comment: Should your right to choose come into question as well?

The Republican pedos, rapists and horndogs are coming for your rights too Nancy...
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 11:04 am
Killing a ******* child, yes.

You are so fixated on a so-called women's right to choose that you see a potential child as nothing more than a thing to be disposed of. Keeping it in your pants, and just not having sex?
Nah, make someone who is growing inside you pay the death penalty. Its crime? The child was an i0"inconvenience".

You're projecting your own nastiness onto me. Today, I just saved a bee. I won't pretend I'm a great person, but I respect life alot more than you seem to.

Prevention =/= abortion. If you don't wear a condom, and you're not taking sterility medicine, and you have a child, and then you try to kill it, this isn't prevention anymore, it's murder. That should make sense to anyone, but "Oops! I was too stupid to prevent myself from being pregnant (they make ladies' condoms btw) so now I take it out on a developing fetus." Oops? Nahhhh.

And I can see how much of an ally you are to LGBT ppl. Proving my point, I don't agree with your woke ideas, out come the slurs.
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 11:18 am
The Pharisees were people who pushed their ideals onto others, and when they didn't agree, basically made them into second-class. This isn't automatic license against morality. It's a commentary on hypocrites, and how they think they are wonderful, and other people are so awful. Under the Pharisees, all lepers, sinners, and demon-possessed were shoved to the side. They couldn't worship at the temple, because their sins were unforgiven.

Jesus tells a story about a tax collector, and a Pharisee. The Pharisee is thankful he is not a tax collector, the tax collector just wants forgiveness.

Today it would be "God, I am thankful that I know about social justice, remember to recycle, and am not racist or bigoted like those people. Help make them understand the error of their ways," vs "God, please make those assholes leave us alone. I know I'm not the best person, I drink and smoke, and I cuss alot too. But I'm strapped for cash, and I have to drive 50 miles to work in the city, only to listen to how people from the country are so stupid. I just want to find a job in the small town where I live."

Which of these should have their prayers answered?

Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 03:59 pm
Oh but the republicans oppose contraception (get with the program) as well so it is another strawman they actually don't give a **** about a ******* child's life they actually just want authority over woman's bodies.

Because they make chauvinist public policies that any sensible woman (or "sensible" transgender) would never ever vote for so they have to force themselves upon women like rapists and pedophiles to abscond with their votes and there choice.

Babies never fit in well with republican coke parties and orgies anyway.

Republicans want polygamy so they can screw around and well, the family was never important to them either.

You sure are dumb and blind to what is at stake here.

The left is more about the living and choice.

No one likes abortion.. NO ONE... But that is not YOUR choice to make, it is a woman's choice.

Not a man's choice or the ******* courts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 04:19 pm
You are much better when you are honest about your situation than when you are are spouting hateful republican crap.

They have darned near ruined you with their hateful fake religion and hypocrisy.

You have to answer your prayers, not God.


Clean your body from smoke and drink, I know that is easier said than done.

God is not gonna change you you have to change you.

It took me a long time to learn that. I sat around wasting my life for many years. Your republican scam artists have fogged your thinking.

The only way to unfog your mind is get clean of all mind altering substances including nicotine and caffeine and anything else.

Do it for you, not for God. If there is any kind of God, well then they should admire your courage and independence.

Answer your own prayer with commitment, heart and action.

With practice...

People may support you and they may not. You need to support yourself, the love constant is up to you alone.

Everything changes when you answer your own prayers.

First goes the toxins and toxic people (republicans and their crap) and then everything else comes to you, the job, the self respect, serenity and maybe a few good friends.

No one is going to hire a hateful mess.

Liberty, freedom and wholeness come with cleaning up your act.

God has nothing to do with it... It is you who must answer your own call.
Reply Sun 22 May, 2022 04:23 pm
To pro-life:
To think that you can decide for a woman if she should abort or not, is treating her like an imbecile. Why would you know better than her what to do in her situation?
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 05:34 am

This is a Pharisee mentality.

"It's things that you do that make you acceptable to God, so you need to follow this law, and this law, and this law." You are the Pharisee that thanks God he is not like 'those people'.

I do not smoke or drink, I was using this man to tell a parable.

What Jesus taught me, was after nearly 30 years of perfectionism and struggling to make jobs work after going to school, getting straight As, burning out sometime in the middle of college, then trying to earn jobs after collehe and figuring out my studying didn't transfer into automatic job, working part-time gigs for years, and finally landing two jobs in big companies was that I didn't need to be perfect. I was in the middle of work at Amazon, and totally in the middle of a nervous breakdown. We were supposed to meet quotas and I was stressed out because I kept getting warned about time and stuff. I finally signed up for therapy. It didn't help me keep my job. But I continued with it. It helped me get perspective. I started going to church, and I started talking to old friends (ahem: Nathan Larson) and new friends.

It's okay to be a loser. Nobody cares, or rather people care about you, not your moral self-righteousness. You may not wanna hear this, but that year was actually the weirdest and the best in my life. That was the year I really got to know Jesus. Or Emily. Or Jasmine. Or Chris. Or countless other names, which amounted to the same thing. Christ is God among people.

The Pharisees don't understand this. They want a Messiah that fulfills their wishes (Messiah will come to save us from the Romans, fight climate change, stop gun violence, etc). But it's kinda like when you're hanging out on a cold day and you cuddle with someone for warmth. A person that hadn't any business being there aside that she decided to show up. This actually happened. We had a blackout during the winter, and Nathan Larson's sister (she's nearly as weird as him, without the pedo issues) dropped in on me. Jesus is God who comes to cuddle with us when there is no logical reason for such a thing.

I don't have normal relationships like boyfriend/girlfriend nowadays. Instead, I have a strange familiar relationship with people I just met who I see Jesus in. Sorta "Hey there, I've known you all my life (and somehow you're not looking at me blankly like "who are you" but you feel it too). " I've seen this sort of thing alot, actually. Where there should be every reason why he or she rejects me, but instead they shrug it off like "Yeah, I know you."

And you will probably never understand this. All you know is following stupid rules.
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 05:58 am
It's not that we know better.

It's that "my body, my choice" extends to the moment that you get pregnant, and you have any and all measures you can take. Sterility pills, contraception of all sorts, no sex, even carrying a taser.
I'll even admit that while this developing organism is still an embryo, I'd probably shrug off someone going to a doctor and hitting it with a megadose of sterility chemicals. That's just cells and fluid and stuff.

But if you've waited until it becomes a fetus? You basically have no excuse. A "choice" shouldn't take nine months. You have a window (smaller than the full nine months) where you can say "Nah I didn't want this child." After that, yes, you are committing murder, cuz it's no longer cells but something alive. After that, adoption is a plausible option, but no you still think it's a choice here.

This is something symbiotic attached to you. It's not your "property," to do with as you like. My body My choice isn't exactly relevant when your entire digestive system is rerouted to share with something inside you. Or when said organism decides to kick you.
Your body you choice? More like you're a landlord. What kind of landlord murders their guests? Wait I know... Norman Bates.
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 07:28 am
Some women go into labor not knowing they were even pregnant.

It is more complicated than your make it out to be.

Make women take contraceptive pills when you won't even wear a mask?

Make them give birth because it was their fault they got pregnant?

When you won't even wear a mask when you were told the virus was circulating around and it was deadly, yet, you refused to comply with one single and very small "life saving" procedure?

You have no problem telling others what they MUST do... Stomping all over their rights.

How about if you let women make their own choice rather than you making it for them?

Abortion is horrible... but it is a woman's choice to make, regardless of how you or anyone else feels about it.
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 08:12 am
I can't fault you for turning to religion for answers. At first it seems dazzling and intelligent.

I got ordained as clergy, I was like you, involved heavily in the church.

I was better then, but definitely not my best.

The church, God, Jesus and all 12 apostles made me nauseous every day and conflicted inside.

Because I swallowed their line of crap and believed it.

Maybe God of the Bible was once moral but cunning (mostly) men slithered in and added their hate to the words there and corrupted God.

I lived each day both loving and hating myself.

I suggest when the time is right for you, dump the whole religious thing ASAP.

You can always keep the good things but you certainly shouldn't subscribe fully to it.

This frees you to be part of every religion equally... and also take from each of them what is good and also as well, dump the rest.

The Bible and its God hates you...

The people who fully subscribe to the Bible also hate you and they hate themselves because the Bible hates them. (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God) (So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.)

We are "all" in the flesh.

This is why the conservatives are all miserable and the wolves among them vote for Trump and his minions. These are the most tortured by the unholy book.

When I consciously left Christian religion I was at first baffled.

I thought, who will I pray to? How can I do this? Do I pray to the Christian God I have made up in my head?

I pray to the Earth and Sun if I need to ask for things, for mostly other people in need, when the need arises.

The first thing I noticed was an immediate weight lifted from my heart. I became free. Something I have not ever felt before. Completely free.

Religion was a prison. Though it had some very good truth the amount of negativity was something I did not realize. This negativity got inside me and tried to "constantly" rip me apart. Every day I lived in fear of "God"...

When you reduce this God to a myth then you can be what you really are. How the Earth made you to be.

Religious people are fucked and they have no idea how fucked they are until they stop believing in the whole crazy thing.

If there is a real God it certainly did not crawl up from the pages of the Bible.

The truth is God is probably all around us and the Bible has usurped the God of our world and transformed that God into hateful and ignorant beast.

They dressed that God beast in pure white robes and surrounded him with blessed heavenly angels but inside are the multitude of bones of its many unfortunate victims.

The Bible does have some truth but so does any book.

It is the lies that are the serious problem.

Religious people will twist and contort reality to its upmost extent to make those lies seem true.

They are not true...

Free yourself.

If there is a God they do not want you conflicted.

The true God is the God of this world... This is where true peace lives.

In the sunsets and the waves gently rolling into the shore.

In the family of humanity and, science is our Bible...
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Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 08:49 am
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Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 12:28 pm
Sound like you're making excuses. Stop making excuses.

If you're already in labor, and hadn't even noticed the pregnancy before then, what's the harm of between several hours and a few days of labor, and immediately giving it to some mother who wants it?

Why is it so much better to kill off a child, than just talking to someone late at night, and saying, "Look, I know you and Bill haven't been able to have a baby. Nine months ago, I was raped by a guy named Ramrod (the real name of a movie villain). I didn't find out until yesterday. I never wanted to be pregnant. Can you guys pretend it was yours instead?"

You're doing something nice for another person. Or you're being a narcissistic asshole who is so occupied with having fun, that they can't even share a child once delivered. I've reminded of someone I know who used to put their paper trash on food rather than allow it be leftovers. Selfish, thoughtless, and destructive.

I am not making women go one contraceptive pills. I am not making them wear a condom either. I am asking them to take some damned responsibility for their own actions. Suppose you had an orgy with ten men. Do you honestly think it won't make you pregnant? Or don't you think before said orgy, both you and the ten men ought to have protection of some sort? Forget pregnancy, you can just as easily get AIDS! Or herpes.


But you think wearing a mask is harmless? Humans aren't supposed to wear masks. My aunt got crud in her lungs and had to go on a respirator, after reusing masks. That tells me right away that masks not only stifle oxygen but trap dirt, dust, and microbes. My mother went along with masks more than my father. One day, during a walk, she was literally gasping, and we had to pick her up by car. This was after only light exercise. I noticed the same thing repeatedly for two or three hikes until she finally eased off this crap.

Let's turn this around. I am not demanding she be one contraceptives but rather figure out what's medically best for her, before considering a threat to a child's life. But you won't ask me to decide what's best for me, or my mother, or my aunt. You will force a mask down our throats. Btw, if a mask were literally forced down our throats, you'd see just how "harmless" they are as they get embedded somewhere near our larynx and have to be surgically removed before we turn blue.
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 12:44 pm
On, not one.

I kept typing "one."
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 02:20 pm
If a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy occurring in her own body...she should be allowed to do it legally...and with the aid of a doctor working legally.

If a man wants to jerk off for the pleasure of it rather than for the purposes of procreating...he should be able to do it legally...working with his fist...legally.

Anything short of that is bullshit.
Reply Mon 23 May, 2022 09:22 pm
@Frank Apisa,
1 Corinthians 10:23

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything"—but not everything is constructive.

I could masturbate every day, three times a day. However, my sexual organs would likely break down.

Likewise, if you have sex, the natural consequences are:
1. Possibly pregnancy
2. Possibly an STD

The odds of the former go up when you have vaginal sex multiple times, the odds of the latter go up when you have sex with people that you don't know or with multiple people or if you take it up the butt.

Now, if you really don't want to become pregnant, the surest way is (a) stick to oral and anal sex, (b) only have gay partners, or (c) never have sex ever.

Unfortunately, all but (c) carry the risk of #2, getting an STD.

So let's talk about pregnancy. I'm sorry, but pregnancies don't just spring from nowhere. If you were sexually active, and not wearing any kind of protection, frankly one wonders how you could have gone through sex ed. Or if you were taught only about abortion, all shame goes on your teacher. A sensible person checks after each pregnancy, or follows all precautions to prevent it. This business of "not knowing until you go into labor." Really?!? You don't suspect anything when you start to have strange cravings? When you're nauseous all the time? The very first thing you should do a few days after having sex is pee on a strip. Not having the foresight to maybe check with a physician after a week at most, yeah I don't buy that. After about nine weeks, the critter has started developing from embryo and amniotic fluids to an actual fetus. If you cannot be bothered to get off your ass for nine weeks to schedule a doctor's appointment, the fault is entirely yours. Btw, all pregnancy-related medicine should be free, with or without insurance. This is the only allowable reason why I could see delaying it this long, that you simply can't afford the checkup. But late-term abortion really has no excuse aside from that.

An abortion can cost from $250 to $750, although I'm sure alot of these same assholes probably pass the buck to someone else. The cost of pregnancy if you are uninsured is financially ruining enough (anywhere from $9600 to $22k for an uncomplicated pregnancy, even more for complications) that it creates an incentive for abortion. That's sick.
What this tells us is that a person who hasn't money to be getting pregnant has no business having sex in the first place. What else this tells us is that the medical field is a complete racket. These people should be ashamed.

Honestly, all the people complaining about women's rights and abortion (which btw, benefits men more than women; men get away with promiscuous sex, women get an emotionally and sometimes physically scarring surgery which can be botched and render them sterile), neglect to demand the right to choose to have the baby. To demand cheaper medical care for pregnant women. If this isn't the most sexist thing ever, women are basically taxed for their pregnancy, effectively telling the poor that they can't reproduce.

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