What is Evangelism?

Reply Fri 13 May, 2022 12:57 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
That light doesn't bend unnaturally, water doesn't curve, and a number of other messed up ideas that you can see are wrong with your own eyes.


Water doesn't curve?
Water is one of the most fluid and malleable substances known. Water can curve around, under, through, up and down... Water can also magnetically travel uphill.

...and (from Google),

Can light bend around objects?
The answer is β€œYes”, light can bend around corners. When light passes around the edges of an object it tends to bend its path around the corners. This property of light is known as diffraction. The phenomenon of diffraction depends on the propagation of light.


bulmabriefs144 and your "messed up ideas" that are 100% incorrect.

Error built upon error leading to well, "more messed up ideas"....

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
The ancient Greeks had science, but it hit a dead end because they let their philosophy [religion] color their ideas.

Wow, simple stupendous description of yourself bulmabriefs144...

The more you talk the more you prove yourself wrong...
Reply Fri 13 May, 2022 01:17 am
Water can evaporate, curve up into the sky and fall again by gravity as rain...

This is called, the water cycle or water "circle".

...much like bulmabriefs144's "clouded judgement".

Even space and time are, curved...

Just as the Earth is likewise curved.

The sun is the most perfectly round object known...
Reply Fri 13 May, 2022 01:29 am
His lies need to be exposed to the light of day for all to see. 😊

Sloppy thinking = religious zealot

...careless and unsystematic.

Reply Fri 13 May, 2022 01:38 am
I don't think anyone rational takes him seriously, those that do are every bit as delusional and bigoted.

There has been an upsurge in antiSemitism of late, these crackpot conspiracy theories and antiSemitism go hand in hand.

Anti Vax, anti mask antiSemitic.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 May, 2022 08:14 am
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 03:05 am
I don't know about the Superbowl but I reckon Liverpool will beat Chelsea in today's FA Cup final.

I'm not bothered either way.
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 05:45 am
If you fill your bathtub, and it curves upward, you're likely to react the same way as the people in Ghostbusters with pink goo spitting out the tub. Something weird just went down and you're freaked out.

If things do not work on the micro level, they cannot be proven on the macro level. Just the same as you wouldn't use a fertilizer that kills plants in your garden on all of the world's agriculture. Now, I know you've been educated by woke "science" and this is hard for you to understand. But if something utterly fails when you try to reproduce it at home, chances are you're wrong about it.

Watch when this beautiful man washes the underside of the pan. Do you notice water sticking to the curved surface of the pan outside? No, because water doesn't behave that way, gravity or no gravity. Water stays level to its container and drips off curved containers. This is simple, Earth must be flat and must have an edge. We can sort other concepts like why you can go around the Earth later. But the idea that water bends is really really stupid, and you should be ashamed for even suggesting it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 06:00 am
What are you showing me?
Do you not understand the difference between the upward curve of water supposedly that exists on a round Earth, and a horizontal bend?

Water is a thing that flows...
It lies flat, bends around containers, and if you dig a hole, it drains into that. Water goes uphill only when there is enough of it, and then it empties downhill in a waterfall.

Show me a waterfall that travels uphill, and we'll talk. Show me a "hill" of water on a flat area (not a wave), and we'll talk.
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 06:12 pm

Maybe you should stop trying to force science to fit with your crazy religion?

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Water goes uphill only when there is enough of it


Gravity can cause water to adhere to a surface, even upside down.

How does water hang upside down?

Since every molecule pulls on one another, and the molecules on the surface have no molecule to pull on them from the outside, this causes what is known as 'surface tension'. This is the reason why one can overfill a glass with water, past the top, by a couple millimeters.

Stop spreading lies to fit your crazy religious dogma.

Gravity holds matter to the earth, even young children understand this.
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 06:13 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 06:39 pm
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 11:17 pm
Maybe you should learn how logic works before conflating my religion with actual science? I studied both at school, before coming to my own ideas.

Actual science:
1. Specific matter has specific behaviors. Metal is drawn to magnets, rusts (unless it's gold or tin), and can be pounded into shapes. Fluids (especially water), fits to the amount for the container. Gases can slip into tiny areas because each molecule is allowed its own movement. Solids block the flow of liquids (like ice preventing water from flowing to the other side of the stream). Acids tend to break down solid matter, but unlike in shows, only certain acids affect certain materials.
2. A horizontal curve created by fitting a container is not the same as a parabola extending into midair. Horizontal =/= vertical curve.
3. Water flows uphill when it is under high volume or high pressure (such as when pumped through a tap). This is not the same thing, at all, as what I asked. I asked if you have ever watched a waterfall flow in reverse or water bend (not around a corner, but in the unnatural way it would have to in order to comply with the requirements of a perfect sphere). In fact, the behavior of water you are describing is so unnatural, that I cannot even find a decent picture. There is a reason why water rides don't typically have "loops" like roller coasters, water would have to be pumped against its own flow at high force, or it would pool at the lowest point causing whoever was riding it to drown. It also tends to separate it the loop is enough. Water can be pumped uphill, it can be pushed downhill, but water looping generally isn't a thing without significant momentum or energy, and alot of risk. And if you do somehow manage that, you cannot have a water ride with an open top, not unless you want people flying off into space as the water drips out.


You notice that this has significant downhill force before even trying that? If the loop were bigger than the downhill, you might even get backflow, where the water tries to make the loop, goes backwards and merges with other water. And the water needs to be able to push a person steadily forward. Maybe if you pump enough, it can continue. Maybe people will drown on your ride too.

Most water rides look like this...
Or this.

It tunnels, it turns, yes. It's also water flowing downhill. For an example water going "uphill" you're talking about a canal, where what is trapped and rises because it gathers. Thus is quite diff from what I mean.


This is a hill. Show me a hill of solid water not clinging to any earth, and I'll have no trouble believing your round Earth theory. Otherwise, you're wrong.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 May, 2022 11:46 pm
TheCobbler wrote:


It's 1:28 am so I'm not watching. Nor do I have nuxh patience scientists that cannot critically analyze their own theory.

I notice the shape of the surface. It vaguely looks like a record player. The center is concave. Without even watching a minute, I can predict the effect from analysis. The water fills the center, and the scientist says it goes "uphill". No it doesn't. Water exceeds its volume, and it collects on the next surface.

But in the real world, this next surface is usually sand or clay. It's porous, which means rather than water continuing to go to the next surface, and the next after that, some of it forms underground rivers that make up our water tables, some erodes the ground, some does collect and rise to eventually make a waterfall, and some stays level but cuts through the montain. This is a bullshit-named effect for a very simple process.

I bothered to look up Leidenfrost, and I literally snickered. Nice try. That's incredibly fake. I think his explanation was something like partial evaporation. But that's not why rivers go upstream. It's volume, and the surface permeability. Btw, in the hill above, you wouldn't have water go upstream because of some effect covering the hill. Usually, it would flood the area around the hill. Hills of water don't exist with some heat trick or camera effects.

Computer generated, and still more real than Leidenfrost. Water on a sphere.
Reply Sun 15 May, 2022 06:30 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Hills of water don't exist without some heat trick or camera effects.

Typo. Sorry about that. Bottom line, even if Leidefrost Effect is real, it explains nothing. I think I've seen this effect on really hot days, when rain from the previous day "skips" on hot pavement. However, the reason most rather arrives at the top of a mountain is not because the Earth is round, not because of an effect that has more to do with evaporation, but for the same reason that water ends up in our tap.

Water always always conforms to its container; narrow container, high water; wide container, water has nowhere to go. This is why you can pump water, and why you can fill a pool of nearly any shape. And why waves crash against the shore rather than continuing to go up the entire coastline. There's a whole ocean of water there, so why doesn't it keep going uphill, if it's able to wrap around walls like round Earth says it is. Because water doesn't behave that way!

Reply Sun 15 May, 2022 06:52 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Hills of water don't exist without some heat trick or camera effects.

And that proves what?

What scripture is that?

I read in Harry Potter that werewolves can be trapped souls of dead people.

It must be true! Because I read it. No clinical tests and analysis are needed to confirm this belief. "It is written..."

And even if there is proof that werewolves don't exist I will still deny all proof to the contrary.

Just because no werewolf has ever been caught on camera (other than tricks and camera effects) or captured in the wild does not disprove what I read. Reading is believing.

Believe what you read because it is always right. No verification is needed, just blind faith. (cynical) And hey, all these other crazy people at your church also believe this crap.

By the way, clouds are "hills of water".

Some skies have no clouds so they have no water hills. Your mind often simply does not think about the stuff you feed it.

Hills of Water (camera effects because clouds are not real) lol

When all of your foolish and crazy reasons are knocked down you will still believe your deluded nonsense. It was never about truth anyway.

And green leprechauns live in the forest and have pots of gold at the end of rainbows... I read that somewhere too. (cynical)

One of these days you might consider getting HONEST with what you truly know and don't know.

It would be a great improvement on your social skills. People might begin to respect your opinion.
Reply Sun 15 May, 2022 06:53 am
I was right, Liverpool beat Chelsea in a penalty shootout at the end of the match.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 May, 2022 02:51 pm
This is science, not scripture. I pity the fool that can't tell the difference.


Clouds are not hills of water. Here, I'll show you what I mean.


Not a wave, not a tsunami. This is a hill of water created by the curvature of the Earth. Nothing to see here, folks.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2022 07:20 am
Water can be a solid, liquid or vapor and all thee of these states can have hills and valleys.


I can't believe you keep pushing your idiot crap even when your have no logical ground to stand on.

You are so immature and dumb.

The Earth is flat because water doesn't have hills?


Grow up.

I post an actual picture of the round Earth and you still argue it is flat.

You have not one single point to prove your case. NOT EVEN ONE.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2022 09:02 am
Gravity is a force acting on an object with mass, magnetism is a force exerted by virtue of charged particles. Both are based on ferrous material, one is created by mass the other by the movement of the mass.

Gravity is much stronger than magnetism, exactly it is 137-times stronger than magnetism at the planetary level. Whereas, electromagnetism (or, magnetic force) is stronger than gravity at the atomic and sub-atomic levels.

Nothing mysterious here, just science.

Scientists say several moons within our solar system have significant subsurface liquid water deposits. Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa are two examples. Both appear to have salty, liquid oceans covered with thick layers of ice at the surface.

The gas giants also have vaporous, sometimes molten surfaces held in place by a gravity core.

Because you can show a photoshopped hill of water in front of a flat river somehow proves water has no waves or swells?

Water being a liquid is held by gravity to the earth's curvature and surface mostly at sea level.

The Gravity of Water
Reply Tue 17 May, 2022 10:25 am
You're confusing "waves" and "hills." Those are "waves"... A hill is where land (or in this case, water), does not flop up for a few seconds and fall back down. Hills are a permanent slope where one can climb the surface without disturbing the structure.

If you wrap water around the globe, water must necessarily bend vertically. You can see this by drawing curved lines around the globe diagrams. So would the sky. But on a normal day, you look at the beach and view this.


The blue line represents the line of the ocean. As you can see, the photographer introduced a slight slant, but the left edge is slightly higher, and the left is slightly lower. If we were to correct for this, we'd find a straight line. A flat line.
The area the sky meets the clouds (black line) likewise is straight. There might be vanishing point, but there is no vertical curvature (which I've been talking about, and you've been too in denial to understand. If we alter the only the curve of the sea, we get this.


Why is this so hard for you to understand? You're being obtuse.

You post an"actual picture". The source of the picture? Oh right, someone who wants you to believe in round Earth. So you'll visit NASA's space station. So you'll agree to fund money into their program. Or at the very least not believe that they are a bloated federal agency that needs to be defunded far more than the police ever did. NASA will scam you and take your money in taxes. The police will actually defend you if you call when a mugger or rapist is nearby. Especially if you do what this woman did.

NASA will keep showing you fake pictures while your mother-in-law starves from inflation and high taxes. While your farm or business gets foreclosed on. Have fun being stupid, I guess.
I've already told ya their motive. What is my motive for telling you the Earth is flat? Am I selling anything? No, my only motive is that it is actually stupidly illogical to believe in the above picture involving water curving towards the sky. And it's even more stupid to not know the difference between a "wave" and a "hill."





Again, lemme know when you've found that elusive ocean hill. I'll be waiting with baited breath.

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