What is Evangelism?

Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 04:36 am
No you don't, you only talk ****.

Real scientists think you're a joke.
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 04:39 am
Satanists and spiritualists from the mid 20th century and witches from medieval England were more enlightened than today's conservatives...
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 04:41 am
I know what I’m talking about Izzy ..they just think they do….lol

The gravity theory was created from flowery maths…..its a BS theory based upon a religious belief.

I don’t think you have taken in what I have said either….The electromagnetic fields were around at the same time as big bangs/big crunches….this changes everything regarding science.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 06:39 am
...oh man are you really trying to educate her/him on basic 101 gravity and geology?
You know...just saying if he/she missed that in school then there is no point in trying.

I am still wondering why he/she didn't come up with the argument of people falling on the down side of Earth if it was a sphere!

It would be entertaining if it wasn't tragic...you or me could be born him/her...
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 07:34 am
The Enlightenment isn't really about enlightenment. It's about pompous assholes whose children and children's children became Marxist progressive types becoming increasingly fixated on the idea that they built all of this.

Are you aware that human beings can now make the weather? (It's called cloud seeding)
By your logic, being enlightened means if we know how the weather works, there is no need for God to be believed in. Which means we're totally free to make our own weather. Just one problem, somehow weather worked long before we tampered with it. Simply knowing how weather works don't imply the removal of its source, especially since we can only do our work by adding silver iodide to the process, and silver is semiprecious.

The "enlightened" go around thinking that because they know things, they are somehow superior not just to other people but to God. Yeah, get over yourself! The average conservative has done nothing to bother you, but you've done plenty to mess with their lives.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Feb, 2022 08:10 am
I took earth science, chemistry, biology, physics, and eventually botany up to college level.

Then I graduated college, and realized from a few basic observations that what I'd been taught in the classroom might not be so.
It started when I realized that a high school dropout had more business sense than I ever will. He made his janitor gig work, while I had a bunch of fancy references from literature but little in the way of practical skill. It continued when I learned that the order of operations math actually got in the way of real math working at the library. And it ended when I realized that theories of gravity and the "Earth's rotation" had more to do with blind public acceptance than anything that couldbe called "proof."
The Universal Theory of Gravity is often taught in schools as a fact, when in fact it is not even a good theory.

First of all, no one has measured gravity for every atom and every star. It is simply a religious belief that it is "universal".

Secondly, school textbooks routinely make false statements. For example, "the moon goes around the earth." If the theory of gravity were true, it would show that the sun's gravitational force on the moon is much stronger than the earth's gravitational force on the moon, so the moon would go around the sun. Anybody can look up at night and see the obvious gaps in gravity theory.

The existence of tides is often taken as a proof of gravity, but this is logically flawed. Because if the moon's "gravity" were responsible for a bulge underneath it, then how can anyone explain a high tide on the opposite side of the earth at the same time? Anyone can observe that there are two — not one — high tides every day. It is far more likely that tides were given us by an Intelligent Creator long ago and they have been with us ever since. In any case, the fact that there are two high tides falsifies gravity.

There are numerous other flaws. For example, astronomers, who seem to have a fetish for gravity, tell us that the moon rotates on its axis but at the same time it always presents the same face to the earth. This is patently absurd. Moreover, if gravity were working on the early earth, then earth would have been bombarded out of existence by falling asteroids, meteors, comets, and other space junk. Furthermore, gravity theory suggests that the planets have been moving in orderly orbits for millions and millions of years, which wholly contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Since everything in the Universe tends to disorder according to the Second Law, orderly orbits are impossible. This cannot be resolved by pointing to the huge outpouring of energy from the sun. In fact, it is known that the flux of photons from the sun and the "solar wind" actually tends to push earth away.

And you can drop the smug attitude. None of us "knows" anything is a law. Gravity became a law because people just accepted it. But having layers of air buoyancy works just as well as gravity. How that works? As you get into higher layers of air, the air gets thinner, and heavier objects tend not to "float" any higher. It is consistent with what we know from climbing mountains that air gradually gets thinner (I've had my ears pop a few times).

If this can be done with various densities of liquids, then layers of air can certainly explain why a jet isn't stuck on the ground in much the same way as a huge metal barge floats on water.

Or do you want to tackle Newton's fluxions and Einstein's tensors? That they had to invent math around their theory is a pretty good indicator that current math wouldn't support it. Existing science and math in buoyancy works, and does so without adjustment. Gravitons, however, have never been observed, any more than dark matter has.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 02:06 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
I took earth science, chemistry, biology, physics, and eventually botany up to college level.

...and then you took religion and thus threw critical thinking out the window.

Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 03:09 pm
In 7th grade I asked my science teacher how I should look at science as compared to the bible. He told me that when he is in the church, he looks to the bible and when in the lab he looked, to science. I thanked him for his splendid advice.

Over time I saw more religions through the study of history and compared these to Christianity. By this college time I had listened to 40 or 50 preachers and saw that they were men talking about something / someone they had never seen. Then there were the ones on TV. The biggest comparisons I came to was:

Jesus died on the cross because he refused to pay homage (money) to someone else's god. All these preacher's told me, I must pay homage (money, 10%) to them. And, I saw how rich they were, where they lived, the size of their church - especially the ones on TV.

Nope, my God is my God! And, there is a lot of good things in the bible. In my opinion, if read correctly, it does back up science! I get a little bit from ALL religions.
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 05:26 pm
While I was at church, I hurled myself down a large flight of stairs. I lay at the bottom confused and bedraggled. When I eventually came to my senses I still could not speak fluent Icelandic...
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 08:10 pm
You passed!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Feb, 2022 10:55 pm
I never lost critical thinking.

You took woke university courses, and decided that Justin Trudeau is a national treasure. https://youtu.be/lC4tlUkAP6o
Oh wait, no, the man is trying to take over the country.

Critical thinking means that instead of being a SHEEP, and only seeing the perspective of "He's trying to flatten the curve, and these people aren't cooperating," you maaaaybe do some thinking, and realize that medical safety should never EVER trump public welfare.

Suppose everyone in a three mile radius had the sniffles. Suppose I built a 10-mile high wall around the town. With no entrance or exit. To prevent the sniffles from spreading, obviously.


If you think yes, you're calling what you do critical thinking. But my critical thinking tells me that such a plan would cost taxpayers a completely unthinkable amount, and the fact that the people you are supposedly saving from the sniffles are now slowly starving to death because neither planes (the max height of a plane is 45000, let's see divide by 5280, about 8 miles), nor trucks (dude, no entrance) can get them any. If there aren't any farmers, everyone in this town dies. And the farmers are all instructed to plant "cover crops "to save the environment." In case you're kinda urban, and don't really understand what that means, cover crops are crops that are planted not to eat but to cover the soil and replenish it. We do that every year or two, but as a food source, that loses.

But you see, this isn't a theoretical small town. This small town is named Earth. Yeah, I know, funny name for a small town.

But we need to "trust the science!"

Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2022 07:03 am
Yeah, that's what I thought.

You're all into flattering the curve, as you put it, but you have no real answer for all the brutal authoritarianism going around. So you turn a blind eye to it, and accuse me.

Very well, I accuse you. I accuse you of being on the wrong side of history, on the side of people who cynically sold out to this crap. I accuse you of being part of the problem, of being so invested in being an enlightened world citizen, and not being racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic that when it came time to consider whether following orders was really about health and safety, you didn't even know enough history to understand that you're dealing with a Neo-Nazi movement. You just trusted the science.

Unlike the factory ruralism of communism, Nazis threw around the world science alot too. But their science was built around human experimentation. I also know what experiment this is. This has nothing to do with a disease, and everything to do with study of the effects of human social deprivation. It's Harry Harlow's experiments, only they didn't have the decency to stop at monkeys, but used humans. You haven't as much given any thought to how sick and abusive it is to continue to force a child to wear a mask and distance themselves from other people. Or the idea of giving a wild card vaccine that has caused blood clots to adults on growing children. Children who btw often haven't been informed that this disease (if it exists at all) seems to mostly affect the elderly, with practically nothing happening to children. That is, they are preying on the feelings of mothers to protect their children to instead institute population control, tricking them into maybe giving their child dangerous treatment. Even masks alone have an impact. My nephew and niece have a rash on their face from frequent mask wearing.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2022 07:19 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yeah, that's what I thought.

You're all into flattering the curve, as you put it, but you have no real answer for all the brutal authoritarianism going around. So you turn a blind eye to it, and accuse me.

Very well, I accuse you. I accuse you of being on the wrong side of history, on the side of people who cynically sold out to this crap. I accuse you of being part of the problem, of being so invested in being an enlightened world citizen, and not being racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic that when it came time to consider whether following orders was really about health and safety, you didn't even know enough history to understand that you're dealing with a Neo-Nazi movement. You just trusted the science.

Unlike the factory ruralism of communism, Nazis threw around the world science alot too. But their science was built around human experimentation. I also know what experiment this is. This has nothing to do with a disease, and everything to do with study of the effects of human social deprivation. It's Harry Harlow's experiments, only they didn't have the decency to stop at monkeys, but used humans. You haven't as much given any thought to how sick and abusive it is to continue to force a child to wear a mask and distance themselves from other people. Or the idea of giving a wild card vaccine that has caused blood clots to adults on growing children. Children who btw often haven't been informed that this disease (if it exists at all) seems to mostly affect the elderly, with practically nothing happening to children. That is, they are preying on the feelings of mothers to protect their children to instead institute population control, tricking them into maybe giving their child dangerous treatment. Even masks alone have an impact. My nephew and niece have a rash on their face from frequent mask wearing.

As someone once said, "The difference between genius and stupidity...is that genius has its limits."

You do not seem to be challenging the genius edges at all.
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 12:51 am
@Frank Apisa,
That's your problem.

You think intelligence is the prime indicator of a human being.

Which is more important?

A man of average intelligence who spends their life helping out people on a remote island, becomes sick and dies after providing clean water for an entire town? (Pick any missionary or volunteer)
Or a "genius" who spends their time coming up with inapplicable science theories (Stephen Hawking springs to mind, for the life of me, I cannot think of a single thing that man has done for humanity)?

You would rather soulless assholes destroy humanity than admit that the people you look up to are "Nobody Important."

Great people are not great because they are brilliant.
People are great because they have virtue, commitment, kindness. I respect the Buddha, I respect Jesus, I respect Gandhi, because they did things. I have no respect for Mlodinow or Hawking for wasting everyone's time pushing secular philosophy instead of making science that actually helps people.
I have even less respect for anal-retentive Dr Fauci, who actively preventing people from doing things with their lives.

On the other hand, Tesla and Edison were fine inventors. I have no use for scientists that don't make anything. Virtue, commitment, and kindness. Even a scientist should make it their goal to develop something that improves the lives of others. They are virtuous as they invent for the good of humanity. They are committed, in that they test their results, making sure that they work. Even I can claim to have invented code, but I have no idea how original it is. Lastly, they are kind. They are not willing to release dangerous devices on the public.

"Wow, that Hawking guy in a wheelchair is brilliant!"
Oh really? What has he done?
"He made several theorems in general relativity (riding on the bootstraps of Einstein), made a prediction that black holes emit radiation (we can't even prove black holes and dark matter exist, so it's a theory of a theory), which he names Hawking radiation (oh good, he's also a narcissist). Oh yeah, and he was involved with quantum theories."

Yeah that's great. How is my life any better than before this man was born?

I respect the guy who invented Hawkin's chair (Walter Woltosz). Not Hawking himself. One of these men was a genius inventor who improved quality of life for people with ALS and other issues. Like Walter Woltosz, my grandpa helped in the space program (he helped with the suits). I think he was in production rather than the actual invention. Doesn't matter. I'm no less proud of him.
Hawking never invented one thing. Neither did Degrasse Tyson.
Did Hawking ever invent anything?
Was Hawking Smarter than Tesla

For me, if a theory cannot be transferable to any useful technology, it’s as good as theories of Unicorns and dragons. They are good only for movie scripts. That’s why sci-fi movies are full of these spacetime, black hole, worm hole, time travel concepts. Hardly you will see a movie which comprehend natural philosophy. It would be too boring, at-least for 21st century audiences.

Scientists of today think unnecessarily too deeply and not clearly. They are mostly mathematicians and rarely have any connection to nature. Ever since relativity is pushed as mainstream, no significant invention happened in the past hundred years. Science is hijacked into a religious cult with very little scope for critical thinking.


All our modern technologies use science before 1920. No technology uses anything related to relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory etc.

Hawking was pillar of corruption in science. Just like Einstein, he had no idea of the units and disciplines of measurement. Because they will never going to experiment anything as its useless for them. These people had no idea how to formulate a theory of measurement and the theory he developed takes no notice of the modern approach to measurement and worse, contradicts some of its fundamental principles.

As a fundamental requirement, a theory of measurement always assumes an absolute standard of measurement. The relativity theory begins with its first postulate by making the assumption that no such absolute conception exists. Therefore the theory is dead as a scientific theory of measurement, because no scientific theory at all can be built on the shifting sands of the assumption that any one and all inertial reference frames are equally valid as a frame within which the standards of measurement can be defined. Such a theory is obviously a contradiction, since no clear meaning can be assigned to any measurement, since all are relatively absolute to each other at the same time.

Hawking also lacks basic understanding of thermodynamics. He extended the absurd black concept and derived an equation for it’s temperature as:
T = ħc^3/8πGMk

T is temperature,
ħ is reduced Planck's constant,
G is constant of gravitation,
M is black hole mass, and
k is Boltzmann's constant.

Now ħ, G and k are universal constants so they have no thermodynamic character.

The numbers 8 and π are pure numbers so they too have no thermodynamic character.

Temperature T and mass M have thermodynamic character. Temperature is always intensive, according to the 0th and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.

Mass is not intensive, mass is extensive.

In any thermodynamic equation the units must be the same on both sides (dimensional analysis) and the thermodynamic character must also balance.

Hawking's equation equates temperature, which is always intensive, to a combination of terms which is not intensive. His equation is therefore in violation of the laws of thermodynamics. So it’s false.

Now I admit that I don't know modern science, and math was one of my worst subjects. But even to me, the 8 and the pi appear to be pulled out of Hawking's ass. Why 8? And pi is typically used to measure rotations within a circle.

Enjoy your "scientific" unicorns people. As for me, I trust scientists that built things of merit. As my great aunt would put it, "Isn't electricity wonderful?" (She said this to change the subject away from heated debates, but yes, it's a real marvel)
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 06:10 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

That's your problem.

You think intelligence is the prime indicator of a human being.

Did someone help you dream up this absurdity...or did you do it on your own?

I am not even sure what it is supposed to mean. It makes no sense.

And as for my "problem"...my major problem is that I cannot hit my driver nearly as far as I used to...and hitting the driver far IS important, even though putting and chipping are more important. I can hit the ball very straight, though. Most of my playing partners refer to me as Fairway Frank.

Which is more important?

Being kind and concerned for fellow humans, other animals, and the planet Earth are all very, very, very important...and I respect people who do that.

The rest of your rant is just bullshit, so I will not bother with it.
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 07:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
The rest of your rant is just bullshit, so I will not bother with it.


Let's start by trying with Hawking's bullshit math.

And then let's try with the fact that Hawking never did anything substantial for his fellow men, while Jane Wilde cites her conversion to Christianity as what gave her strength to put up with this man and care for him for the better part of 30 years.
And how the people around this man (including the man who designed his chair) were decent and loving and kind, and how this man's atheism was a reflection on his absolute **** personality, and inability to give credit to those around him. When he got inducted into the Royal Society, not a word about his wife. Who gave up her dreams to play glorified nursemaid. A women with a PhD in Irish poetry, and she's driving Mr Daisy.
You talk a good game about those things, but I suspect your definition of them is social justice. That is, "kindness that I hope benefits me."

1Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, the hometown of Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. 2So they hosted a dinner for Jesus there. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with Him. 3Then Mary took about a pint of expensive perfume, made of pure nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

4But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was going to betray Him, asked, 5“Why wasn’t this perfume sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?” 6Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. As keeper of the money bag, he used to take from what was put into it.

Now try to imagine people who invent practical things instead of sitting around in a chair making arcane math assumptions. You are sitting here typing this because of the inventors of network technology and computers. I have no use for theoretical math, I only care about math used to give life to technology. If you cannot use it in the physical world, it doesn't exist.

This man did nothing but sit on a throne (literally) and hand down assumptions. Without the novelty of him being on a device, nothing about this man was impressive. If we want to talk about crackpot quantum theories, I could easily tell you that that black holes are really portals to parallel dimensions or that time is really an inverted funnel. And here, here's some nonsense math.
∞/0 = √-Ω
I'll pretend I know what the hell I am talking about, and proceed to acquire an entourage of people to tell me how brilliant I am. Or maybe, you can admit bad math, and that real science is based on results, not peer review.

Then tell me one modern device that uses quantum theory. Just one.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 07:59 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

The rest of your rant is just bullshit, so I will not bother with it.


Let's start by trying with Hawking's bullshit math.

And then let's try with the fact that Hawking never did anything substantial for his fellow men, while Jane Wilde cites her conversion to Christianity as what gave her strength to put up with this man and care for him for the better part of 30 years.
And how the people around this man (including the man who designed his chair) were decent and loving and kind, and how this man's atheism was a reflection on his absolute **** personality, and inability to give credit to those around him. When he got inducted into the Royal Society, not a word about his wife. Who gave up her dreams to play glorified nursemaid. A women with a PhD in Irish poetry, and she's driving Mr Daisy.
You talk a good game about those things, but I suspect your definition of them is social justice. That is, "kindness that I hope benefits me."

1Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, the hometown of Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. 2So they hosted a dinner for Jesus there. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with Him. 3Then Mary took about a pint of expensive perfume, made of pure nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

4But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was going to betray Him, asked, 5“Why wasn’t this perfume sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?” 6Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. As keeper of the money bag, he used to take from what was put into it.

Now try to imagine people who invent practical things instead of sitting around in a chair making arcane math assumptions. You are sitting here typing this because of the inventors of network technology and computers. I have no use for theoretical math, I only care about math used to give life to technology. If you cannot use it in the physical world, it doesn't exist.

This man did nothing but sit on a throne (literally) and hand down assumptions. Without the novelty of him being on a device, nothing about this man was impressive. If we want to talk about crackpot quantum theories, I could easily tell you that that black holes are really portals to parallel dimensions or that time is really an inverted funnel. And here, here's some nonsense math.
∞/0 = √-Ω
I'll pretend I know what the hell I am talking about, and proceed to acquire an entourage of people to tell me how brilliant I am. Or maybe, you can admit bad math, and that real science is based on results, not peer review.

Then tell me one modern device that uses quantum theory. Just one.

As I said, it is all bullshit...so I will not bother with it.
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 08:31 am
@Frank Apisa,
Mmmm hmmmm.

So you cannot name one.

Yes, you are full of bullshit, indeed.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 09:20 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Mmmm hmmmm.

So you cannot name one.

Yes, you are full of bullshit, indeed.

Your post was bullshit, Bulma.

If you are making the assertion that no modern devices use " quantum theory"...(although why anyone would want to make such an assertion is beyond imagination)...the burden of proof falls on you.

If you are saying that one does not incur a burden of proof if one makes an assertion...then I assert that my refrigerator and my computer both use "quantum theory." (Although I do not understand what a theory has to do with "being used.")

Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2022 09:32 am
@Frank Apisa,
I've not Bulma's posts, but theoretical science doesn't always have immediate practical applications.

When Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace were working on algorithms there wasn't a lot of practical use for them.

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