More of this bullshit.
"Helped incite the January 6 attack"
Conservatives didn't realize initially why liberals kept calling random people "traitors" for their involvement (or supposed involvement) in this event
Okay, first of all, nobody "helped incite the attack". The guy had just been elected, and it seemed unfair, and either it was a grassroots internet-inspired protest (I highly doubt that) where everyone got swept up in things, or more likely it was complete false flag bullshit so Biden could justify a fence and troops near the White House. I highly suspect the latter.
Second of all, the reason the word "traitor" keeps being invoked is by smearing people and declaring their involvement in this event (I wasn't involved, nobody I know was involved, so I don't really know whether it was a false flag or just something out of control; I asked the internet, "It's not like it was a false flag or anything!" It gave me a very biased denial, so yeah) , is to invoke the 14th Amendment clause against treason and attempt to bar legitimate candidates fron office. This happened with a North Carolina candidate.
Over his "alleged" involvement, they're trying to ban him from the ballot. That's right, he doesn't even have to be involved, just loudly accuse him of being a traitor. Allege that he had something to do with this.
The 14th Amendment was not properly ratified. It was introduced under duress, in fact unlawfully stripping several states voting rights until they accepted it. In other words, they broke the rules and forced an unlawful Amendment through purely through coercion. A law defeated by several states, but because those states didn't count, they declare it ratified. From start to finish, the 14th Amendment itself is treason. Allowing anchor babies to be citizens? Stifling proper opposition to tyranny by saying traitors don't get rights? Sorry but citizens of this country, unless they run afoul of real treason (like selling Uranium to to Ukraine or Russia) not "treason" (talking to the leader of Russia) are citizens of this country. What about offering illegal aliens legal protection? Everything about this "Amendment" has been abused.
But if anyone questions it, they point out that because it technically gives slaves citizenship, questioning it is racist.
No, it legit wasn't valid.
Quote:Article 1, Section 3. "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State"
Article V provides: "No State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate."
The fact that twenty-three (23) Senators had been unlawfully excluded from the U.S. Senate, in order to secure a two-thirds vote for adoption of the Joint Resolution proposing the 14th Amendment is shown by Resolutions of protest adopted by the following state legislatures:
(And they show several states writing letters of protest)
Third of all, everything that Biden (and his oligarch globalist handlers) have done since this election has been treason. Treason!
Treason!!! From his using COVID as a tool to attack small businesses. Economic abuse of private citizens is an attack on American prosperity, which is by definition treason. We have no duty to other countries, only our own. So it's treason to open our borders even for humanitarian reasons, and his reasons have clearly nothing to do with humanitarianism, and everything to do with destabilizing our great country. Trump is a patriot. These people are traitors. And it's treason to cut off our energy pipeline, and to disrupt the supply chain (if there were no mask or vaccine mandates, truckers would truck, he tried to do the same thing that Trudeau is doubling down on), and it's treason to try to push a spending bill that will impoverish most of the country just so you can be woke. All of this should strip him of power right where he stands, but he also has a treasonous media helping to call those who are actually
patriots for standing against him when he is all too clearly invested against the interests of the US "traitors" simply because they oppose a (supposedly) elected president. No, 14th Amendment, even if it were valid, is not a weapon against questioning the leader. If that were so, then the Bill of Rights has been suspended, because we do have the right to ask the government to address grievances. The 14th Amendment is about treason, not opposition of the president. If it is believed that the president was not duly elected, the standing president has the right to protest the election. This is part of the Constitution. Biden since his "election" has not only behaved as a dictator, but actively opposed the sovereignty and military power of his own country. And let's talk about the criminal neglect in Afghanistan.
Okay, you want to use that against people? Well everything done against this country is treason, so there is a laundry list of liberal crimes.