What is Evangelism?

Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2022 03:49 pm
Jasper10 wrote:

I know what real science is and it ain’t the BS that modern day science peddles ……..I’m not the one in the dark I can assure you……my lights are on…..modern day science is the one in the dark……….

I believe that people's biases (such as insisting on "political correctness") has made today's "science" far less accurate than science should be.
Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2022 04:11 pm
How accurate is religion today?


Religion is a sham...
Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2022 04:39 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

How accurate is religion today?


Religion is a sham...

Perhaps it is a sham.
However, a personal relationship with Almighty God is fantastic. Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.
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Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2022 03:03 am
I totally agree with you…….we need to get back to “real” science based upon sound philosophy……all sciences are interconnected.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2022 03:23 am
I feel like you have a little demon on your shoulder telling you stock aphorisms.

"Religion is a sham," it says.
You repeat it.

"Eat your Soylent Green!" it says.

Are you aware that the purpose of religion means to "reconnect"? If religion is a sham, it's because we've allowed the con artists to run the thing.
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2022 11:18 am
Religion was created by con artists to run you...

And you have given it control...

Now you never think for yourself or wonder if your path is justified.

You simply follow blindly while allowing your sense of reason and rational to weaken and wither away.

You spout verses by memory that have eclipsed your real soul and sense of wonder.

You live a fake existence because you never developed an independant life of your own.

My philosophy is to develop my own life, then the concept of ultimate truth is more evident.
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2022 03:56 pm
I know the purpose of religion.

I am not a con artist. Nor am I conned by anyone.

You have believed the simiplistic lies of others, and assume you know the whole story. Yes, there are con artists posing as priests. There are also real priests who really believe in their job, and do legit ministry for the poor, the lonely, and the depressed.

You think you are free, but actually you are a slave.
"The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle." - Einstein

What did Einstein mean? He means that atheists spend their entire lives struggling against a God that actually wants to give them perfect freedom, telling themselves they are free now that they don't believe in God. But are they free? Not in the least. They are not free to not be harassed, and they are not even sure of what they know anymore. The worst sort of slavery is when someone else can gaslight you and tell you that you imagined something you know is true. When your mind is enslaved, because you are a subject to your own fear.
In Orwell’s classic novel, Oceania’s totalitarianism rests on compulsory atheism. Oceania is ruled by “the Party,” which forbids religion to its members. Religious belief is one of the “crimes” to which Winston Smith, the hero of 1984, confesses under torture—along with sexual perversion and admiration of capitalism. The Party has to forbid religious belief because atheism is both the moral and metaphysical basis of its absolute power.
Atheism is the moral basis of the Party’s unlimited hold on its own members because it makes them terrified of death as absolute nonexistence. Like any government, the Party in 1984 has the power to kill disobedient subjects. Party members, however, view death not just as the end of bodily life, but as a complete erasure of their being—their thoughts, their words, their affections, their deeds.

Think about it. North Korea, Pol Pot, Maoism, Leninism/Stalinism. All state atheistic governments that discouraged or banned worship. Why? Well, they figured rightly what secular people and even marginal Christians will do when Big State tells them to do something or else. They obey. They are frightened that death is the end of them.

A theist (particularly Jews and Christians) would prefer to die rather than bend the knee, because they know that there is an afterlife. You smugly think you are better than people who believe in an "imaginary friend" are somehow strange, but you're the one tooled around by people just because they threaten you.

1984 thus confronts us with a radical and very significant suggestion: without God as the eternal, omnipotent observer, there is no objective reality. Many have argued that without God there can be no fixed moral principles. Orwell’s great work goes further, raising the possibility that without God there cannot even be “facts” in any meaningful, reliable sense.

Think about it. Suppose I spill some water on the pavement on a hot summer day. It is gone in just a few moments—evaporated. Can I insist that it was really there? Where is the evidence of it now? If there is no eternity, if there is nothing but ceaseless flux, then every human life—and, indeed, every human civilisation and the whole human past—is on the level of that quickly evaporated water. These things appear for a moment and, once gone, no longer exist. Thus we may claim them to be whatever we want, or even deny that they existed at all. Or, to be more accurate, those who have power can impose these claims and denials on the rest of us.

For decades—for centuries, in fact—many allegedly profound thinkers have proclaimed to the world that they were promoting enlightenment and the liberty of the mind by discrediting belief in God and the afterlife. Orwell’s 1984, however, invites us to consider whether such thinkers have really been destroying the basis of freedom and laying the groundwork for unprecedented despotism.

"My philosophy is to develop my own life, then the concept of ultimate truth is more evident. "
Your philosophy is bullshit. There is no ultimate truth outside of the divine.
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2022 05:20 pm
The problem is certainty.

Certainty of atheism or certainty of religion.

Each type of certainty can bring absolute rule and cruelty.

Agnosticism or secularism (freedom of and from religion) is the only rule of practice that allows for doubt in both cases.

So your religious fervor is just as narrow, constricting and devious as atheism and to point the finger only shows your obsession and blind allegiance to something that is equally if not more uncertain. That is foolishness.

You follow out of a sense of misplaced certainty.

You are so obsessed with religion and those who pedal the crap you don't even trust things that are fairly certain.

You have replaced common sense with radical obedience to a system that is mythological at best.

Certainty is for provable science, not religion.

You can be fairly certain that the earth is indeed round...

Instead your judgment is clouded and your perception warped.
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2022 06:33 pm
Yes, it is.

However, having just talked to the "agnostic" that is Frank Apisa, I can honestly say that there is fraud going on even among so-called agnostics.

But here's the difference. I legit chose on my own to follow Jesus, whereas nearly every school in America (and I imagine other places) and many workplaces, they work hard on shifting your allegiance away from God and towards other idols.
That's six days a week that you put up with this unholy crap. Religion typically is a part of most people's lives one day a week, tops. Yet you think it is on the same level of con artistry. I dunno about you, but having to deal with the so-called con artistry of priests once a week, and having the secular world six days a week, somebody is trying alot harder to make me spiritually dead inside than they are to make me religious. I became religious in spite of secular programming, not because of religious.
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 05:32 am
If you want 7 days of religion a week become a priest.

The secular world is the practical world.

Like health class, running around with lepers is not really the best thing to do. Learning how to be social, learning a trade so you are not a beggar, learning science so you are not stupid and think the earth is flat.

Learning civics so you participate in government rather than buy guns and shoot up kindergarten schools.

Sports so you are not an intellect with a flabby, boney weakling body.

Science so you are not athletic but still a dumbo.

And one day a week so you can read about how God murdered entire races and stood by while his innocent son died on a cross.

Caused a earth wide flood so babies and children could drown.

...and then gave a lot of horrible, bleak and horrendous prophecies about the end... More death and God's loving and kind wrath to come.

One day a week should be enough to swallow that crap...

There is secular freedom of religion but is religion really free? Religious radicals and social misfits cause society have to pay their way and clean up the carnage they leave behind.

You do have a duty to society too, so you are not running around spreading pandemic germs in nursing homes and day cares.

It seems you are full of so much crap you are nearly unfit for society.

Are you overweight, malnourished and antisocial too?

It's likely a secular education you need even more of rather than less.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 06:11 am
TheCobbler wrote:

The problem is certainty.

Certainty of atheism or certainty of religion.

Each type of certainty can bring absolute rule and cruelty.

Agnosticism or secularism (freedom of and from religion) is the only rule of practice that allows for doubt in both cases.

So your religious fervor is just as narrow, constricting and devious as atheism and to point the finger only shows your obsession and blind allegiance to something that is equally if not more uncertain. That is foolishness.

You follow out of a sense of misplaced certainty.

You are so obsessed with religion and those who pedal the crap you don't even trust things that are fairly certain.

You have replaced common sense with radical obedience to a system that is mythological at best.

Certainty is for provable science, not religion.

You can be fairly certain that the earth is indeed round...

Instead your judgment is clouded and your perception warped.


Bulma just cannot get past that crap about "I KNOW there is a god...and I KNOW the god revealed itself to a relatively unsophisticated, unlearned, superstitious people 2000 years ago."

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 06:14 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yes, it is.

However, having just talked to the "agnostic" that is Frank Apisa, I can honestly say that there is fraud going on even among so-called agnostics.

But here's the difference. I legit chose on my own to follow Jesus, whereas nearly every school in America (and I imagine other places) and many workplaces, they work hard on shifting your allegiance away from God and towards other idols.
That's six days a week that you put up with this unholy crap. Religion typically is a part of most people's lives one day a week, tops. Yet you think it is on the same level of con artistry. I dunno about you, but having to deal with the so-called con artistry of priests once a week, and having the secular world six days a week, somebody is trying alot harder to make me spiritually dead inside than they are to make me religious. I became religious in spite of secular programming, not because of religious.

Oh, horse ****!

Here is my take...please show me the "fraud."

I do not know if any GOD (or gods) exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect that gods cannot exist…that the existence of a GOD or gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that at least one GOD must exist...that the existence of at least one GOD is needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction on whether any gods exist or not...so I don't.

(When I use the word "GOD or gods" here, I mean "The entity (or entities) responsible for the creation of what we humans call 'the physical universe'...IF SUCH AN ENTITY OR ENTITIES ACTUALLY EXIST.)

Where is the "fraud" in that?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 06:24 am
Absolute horseshit. Science isn't PC, it's based on observation. You are just parotting far right lies and disinformation.

Instead of vague nonsense give a specific example of how political correctness has mucked up science.

Political Correctness is all about treating people decently, only bigots have a problem with it.

So why don't you tell us which group of people you think you should be allowed to treat like ****, black people, Jewish people, LGBT people, Muslims, who?

One thing I have noticed is that the very worst people in society are all religious, the most judgemental, hate filled bigots all go to church.
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 05:10 pm
Yes. The "scientific method" is fantastic. However, it is negated by the biases of the "observer" today.
Political scientists are often wrong because of their biases. For example look at the projections of Brexit and the 2016 presidential election. These projections were made despite contrary evidence.
If not for biases, Corina Virus would have been controlled.
Political Correctness has destroyed American's first amendment rights.
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 06:05 pm
Republican slander, lies and hate speech are not a protected right neither are they political correctness.

So sometimes statistics can be wrong.

I will take that rare chance of a statistic being maybe wrong any day over maskless vigilantes plundering our government with smearing feces and urinating, bashing cops with fire hydrants, confederate flag poles and bear spray...

All so they can erect their dictator wannabe and, where is the first amendment then?

You are so full of crap...
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 07:03 pm
My dad's a priest.

He certainly does not work seven days of week, nor does he live religious life seven days a week. It's closer to one day a week real work, and six days of partial work (mainly visiting parishioners). Now, he's retired, and it's more or less only the one, working as a supply minister.

You are thinking of a monk or a nun. Not a "priest." Someone who cloisters themselves in a monastery and says chants every six hours or so.

You seem to be terribly ignorant of my religion, where as I know all too well what your "religion" is like. I know very well from experience how the secular world treats believers. I know after being railroaded out of my jobs because I refused to take that extra work on Sunday like the godless boss-man wanted. I know after refusing to serve money as a god, instead being jobless as a result because my family and friends came first, especially if their health was an issue. And I know because I've seen the graceless woke culture that crucifies Christians while they and theirs are some of the worst racists ever, yet Republicans voted on the civil rights movement and the woke left took credit for it having done almost nothing to promote it and everything to sabotage it.
...In this bogus narrative, Republicans are the bad guys because Republicans opposed the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. For progressive Democrats, the civil rights movement is the canonical event of American history. It is even more important than the American Revolution. Progressive reasoning is: we did this, so it must be the greatest thing that was ever done in America. Republicans opposed it, which makes them the bad guys.

The only problem is that Republicans were instrumental—actually indispensable—in getting the Civil Rights Laws passed. While Lyndon Johnson pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the backing of some northern Democrats, Republicans voted in far higher percentages for the bill than Democrats did. This was also true of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Neither would have passed with just Democratic votes. Indeed, the main opposition to both bills came from Democrats.

Interestingly enough the GOP is not merely the party of minority rights but also of women’s rights. Republicans included women’s suffrage in the party’s platform as early as 1896. The first woman elected to Congress was Republican Jeanette Rankin in 1916. That year represented a major GOP push for suffrage, and after the GOP regained control of Congress, the Nineteenth Amendment granting women’s suffrage was finally approved in 1919 and ratified by the states the following year.

The inclusion of women in the 1964 Civil Rights Act was, oddly enough, the work of group of racist, chauvinist Democrats. Led by Democratic Congressman Howard Smith of Virginia, this group was looking to defeat the Civil Rights Act. Smith proposed to amend the legislation and add “sex” to “race” as a category protected against discrimination.

Smith’s Democratic buddies roared with laughter when he offered his one-word amendment. They thought it would make the whole civil rights thing so ridiculous that no sane person would go along with it. One scholar noted that Smith’s amendment “stimulated several hours of humorous debate” among racist, chauvinist Democrats. But to their amazement, the amended version of the bill passed. It bears repeating that Republicans provided the margin of victory that extended civil rights protection both to minorities and to women.

Secular liberals support slavery and Jim Crow. For reals.

Christian rightists not only are not bigots but actively supported abolition in a majority of cases. The blacks originally voted Republican, despite being bullied by the KKK, precisely because they knew who their enemies were. Now their enemies have hidden behind a mask, claiming they are doing everything they can to help blacks. Yes somehow, they remain on welfare, instead of earning their own money.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2022 09:51 pm
As I predicted, nothing specific, just vague unsubstantiated horseshit.
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2022 01:33 am
The problem is not about scientific certainty, the problem is that modern day science does not adopt the principles laid down in nature when it comes to logic output possibilities.It should be adopting full logic in all its calcs and it doesn’t it only adopts half logic….

The cosmos operates due to electromechanical principles…..this is why you get sinusoidal waveform outputs from the brain.You only get that from SPIN….because you need spin in electromagnetic fields (which incidentally permeate the whole of the cosmos at both the macro/ micro levels) to create the 2 off + and - magnetic force interactions which hold matter together and keep stars/ planets/ subatomic particles in position.

Electrical signals are also produced from spin which are needed or else our bodies wouldn’t operate.

At least be a bit more open minded to consider other possibilities.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2022 12:23 pm
Come on Izzy. You live in Great Britain. Are you not familiar with the vote to leave the EU?
It was extremely difficult to find a a liberal who predicted that Donald Trump would win the 2016 election. This was because of the extreme biases of the liberal press.
A person can make a lot of money by using the biases of other people in his investment decisions. In this one sense , liberal stupidity is a major friend of the investor.

Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2022 12:38 pm
You said science suffered from PC bias and when asked to give an example you say the "liberal" media, and say it's stupid.

Thinking that's what science is, is even more stupid than voting for Brexit which has brought zero benefits and a shitload of disadvantages and bureaucracy.

That's Conservative ******* stupidity writ large, and the rest of us are paying the price of the cretinous Brexiteers.

The only person benefitting is Putin.

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