What is Evangelism?

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2022 01:15 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

This forum presents itself to the public as one where a person can come to get reasonable advice.

If you honestly believe we are asking experts, you are far crazier than I.

Secondly, not only can I not afford to sit and navel-gaze to an "expert" (only the most narcissistic think that their problems are bad enough to blow through $80 to $300 per session, especially when friends are a far cheaper solution), but I might ask by what measure you think I am especially crazy.

What I am, is especially honest about my problems. You sir, will be in a nursing home in just a few years, screaming "That bulmabriesf144 is crazy! Crazy I tell you!" and they'll be like "Yeah okay, grandpa, whoever this
bulmabriefs144 is, they're not a harm to anyone. You've tried to bite me earlier today." Up until that point, you will be pretending to be normal. When I go senile, I'll probably not be noticeably different.

One, you are not "especially honest"...in fact, you are not honest at all.

Two, you do need professional help. My guess: You will not get it...and y ur problems will get worse.

Three, I doubt I am the only person who has ever told you that you are nuts.

Four, you are nuts...and need professional help.
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Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2022 01:33 pm
You have the word DELUSION marked opaquely on your forehead...

The problem is not Mary or Jesus, it is "worshiped".
The later of which is the reason for your delusion.

You worship, not consider.

You vote without the same consideration.

You swallow fake news and paranoid anti government propaganda without dissemination.

You are a lazy, mindless, thoughtless person parroting like a wooden dummy in the lap of foreign interests.

Who benefits most by your anti government mistrust?

Certainly not you...

You neither benefit from your worship of things which are uncertain.

...and Dawkins is a wise agnostic, he is not an atheist.

He uses the word "delusion" objectively and appropriately.
Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2022 01:44 pm
...and Dawkins is a wise agnostic, he is not an atheist.

He uses the word "delusion" objectively and appropriately.

'And in those last days, God will send strong delusion on those who reject reality so that they might never believe.'
(Paraphrased, too busy to look it up)

You might be right about 'delusion'.
The question is, who is deluded?
The deluded would never question that it might be them.

PS: Frank must be so proud.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2022 01:49 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

You have the word DELUSION marked opaquely on your forehead...

The problem is not Mary or Jesus, it is "worshiped".
The later of which is the reason for your delusion.

You worship, not consider.

You vote without the same consideration.

You swallow fake news and paranoid anti government propaganda without dissemination.

You are a lazy, mindless, thoughtless person parroting like a wooden dummy in the lap of foreign interests.

Who benefits most by your anti government mistrust?

Certainly not you...

You neither benefit from your worship of things which are uncertain.

...and Dawkins is a wise agnostic, he is not an atheist.

He uses the word "delusion" objectively and appropriately.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2022 01:52 pm
More strong delusion.

Reply Mon 17 Jan, 2022 06:39 pm
On your forehead, huh?


Kinda like this on the forehead?

Meanwhile, this is what I get every Ash Wednesday that isn't so messed up I can't attend.

Reply Tue 18 Jan, 2022 04:13 am
Bravo, you are so brilliant you know how to copy and paste.

What does your God think of you voting for Mr. "grab 'em by the p****"?

Do you think 666 appropriately describes your mark?

Who is the reprobate here? That would be you...

Who is anti life by refusing to cover your mouth to lessen the transmission of a deadly virus? Your breath is toxic.

There is knowledge of truth but you are still blinded by delusion.

Isaiah 44:18
They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand.

Who is really marked on their forehead by delusion?

People with your beliefs are now in hospital beds trying to draw their last breath due to this death cult delusion that has marked their very existence...
Reply Tue 18 Jan, 2022 04:32 am
Jesus was his own father and his own child...

God was Jesus when he impregnated Jesus' mother?

And you care about delusions?

Entire earth floods, flat earth with the sun revolving around the earth.

A God who demands genocide of babies, children, women... and you don't even wince or blink an eye at that? ...and people who pray fervently for years for world annihilation?

Nothing I believe is even close to as delusional as that.

Shall I list more?

How many people did Paul murder before he became more strongly delusional?

And wives need to submit to husbands because? Are men really more moral than women?

Oh and the original sin, eating an apple... Is that worse than voting for a monster maniac egotistical seditionist dictator wannabe?

Talked to any snakes lately?

Demons that cause sickness, prayers that have zero measurable results.

A God that exists only in your imagination.

Yea, Bingo!

More strong delusion. YOU.

Free your mind and your heart will follow...

Your delusion has made you delusional...

It simply takes rejecting the religious nonsense and then you will not need to pray for the end of the world to come...
Reply Tue 18 Jan, 2022 06:33 am
I don’t believe much you listed there and as stated, none of it is Biblical except perhaps for Paul's killing and God's willingness to wipe out entire nations or cultures in order to preserve his goal.

Paul sincerely repented of his errors but neither I nor God apologize for defending his right to his goal.

Reply Tue 18 Jan, 2022 06:52 am
I didn't vote FOR "grab 'em by the pussy." Though it made no difference.
I voted AGAINST a bitchy woman who without provocation told me that I was part of a basket of deplorables. Most people in small towns were minding their own business. Then this smug bitch tells us all that we are a basket of deplorables. Why? Solely cuz they weren't likely to vote for her.
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America.

The next day, rather than recanting this statement, she only regretted the word "half." You wanna know what gave the election to Trump? It wasn't "the Russians", it certainly wasn't Trump himself (this is the thing liberals never GET, people didn't vote for Trump, they voted because it was the best chance of beating her), it was the fact that she had sketchy deleted emails, that the left predicted they had already won the election as a 99% chance, and that there was a woman here who called all of rural land "not America."

I see, so a working waitress mother who has seen far too much of her tip money go into taxes for leftist programs? Not America. She's racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic.
A Hispanic legal immigrant, who sees illegals skip the line after he worked hard to get in here? Not America. What a racist.
A small farmer looking to see his farm continue? Not America. We went to a restaurant owned by a small farmer during the COVID crap, he had his door kept open when masks were not required outdoors. He and his wife talked about how if Hillary had run things, we would have had no food, but Trump voted for laws favoring farmers during all this.

Biden clearly has not, instead trying to push the idea of black farmers. Black, white, whatever. But don't take farms from existing farmers just to give to people who can't farm. That's what they did in one economy in Africa, and they suddenly had inflation (I think it was Zimbabwe, instead of KEEPING white farmers and TEACHING blacks how to also farm, they gave blacks the white's land, and suddenly we have a food shortage and an inflation problem; but I suppose it's "racist" to talk about how good common sense means you have new farmers, not just redistribution of land to people who dunno how to use it).

Excuse me, but it isn't left, moderate (they're gonna vote for the left cuz the left is moderate), far right. It's left, MODERATE, right. That is, the bulk of people will swing against you if you say something to piss regular people off. We saw this with Terry McAuliffe and his anti-parent statements. This unrepentant asshole (Hillary, not McAuliffe) called us irredeemable and not America.
When you're a coal miner, and you've struggled with black lung, and some prick tells you that you're privileged, while she shops at L.L. Bean and drinks double espresso with latte art or whatever, pretty soon you're not gonna care who the other guy is. That guy is your ally.

This is what you don't seem to be bright enough to get. It's not Trump. It's Hillary, and Biden, and Obama. And these other jokers.

Hillary, the reason they used to have 11 thousand and now have 11 million, is that people got angry. They got frustrated. They saw their jobs sold overseas with themselves not moved with them. They were told it's multiculturalism. Oh? Cuz it seems like you just lost your job. Now some of them talk about Jews and are all stereotyping Nazi stuff. Honestly I shout down such hate myself. But I suspect these people are plants. Most of the folk on these forums are just thwarted small towners.

You know what though? I wasn't even among those who got upset by the basket of deplorables. I turned to Trump when some people at a gay nightclub in Orlando were shot in cold blood, and the only reason more weren't shot was the guy at the bar had a piece. And out-of-touch Hillary wants to work to restrict more guns, while Trump says rightly that the source of the problem was a self-identified Muslim homophobe, and that Trump will work to protect the gay community.
At the time, I was a trans gal, very much out. And I imagined being in this nightclub, and having someone shoot in my direction. And being told by Hillary rhat I didn't have the right to defend myself against violence. And being told by "homophobic" Trump that he would do everything he could to defend me against this menace. I sure will vote for Trump.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Jan, 2022 07:13 am
Congratulations . You have shown yourself biblically ignorant, by taking all of these things out of context.

This is like objection to God bringing a flood while ignoring that before, there was a drought. Context. Context is everything.
Reply Wed 19 Jan, 2022 04:11 pm
Oh, so now there was a drought that covered the entire earth...

And that must be why Noah built a boat. lol

Like using an archaic book and applying it to today... (context is everything...)
Reply Wed 19 Jan, 2022 04:21 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
God's willingness to wipe out entire nations or cultures in order to preserve his goal.

And your God is so insecure he needs to murder millions because the ends justify the bloody means.

God is so powerless he must resort to barbaric methods to impose his will upon the world. Rather than convince people of his greatness through ethical policy and benevolence he instead uses murder and death to instill the fear of how loving he is.

Because children and babies surely deserve his wrath. (cynical)

All so you can live a brainless existence as his ignorant slave.
Reply Wed 19 Jan, 2022 07:35 pm
Now, when 80% + of the population of the world is wiped out due to an extra fast and large climate warming - christians can blame on God. How convenient! It is the fault of man after all...........
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Reply Thu 20 Jan, 2022 08:26 am
No, there was wickedness.

But wickedness is a drought of sorts. It's a drought of human mercy.

You read the Bible and you seem to think that this is just God being a mean dick to people.

But I read this pasaage, and I'm reminded of my nephew.

My nephew wants for nothing, yet he's deprived. That is, my bro has money to spare, and does not enforce any sort of discipline on the children. He usually lets the kids choose meals to a large extent, orders food for them... and they don't try much of anything. Despite my brother making six figures, his children can't be bothered to eat anything other than mac and cheese, and chicken nuggets. They usually waste money on ordering food for them, then throw out leftovers from their crowded fridge. The same with toys. They have toys, they break them and expect Dad to buy a new one. Ummmm, sometimes this isn't possible, you little shits. I gave them my old Ghostbusters toys, once those are broken, they're done. And he ripped up a semi-collectible stamp because it had a tiny imperfection.
If that were all, I'd say kids being kids. But sometimes they literally want to hurt other people, and when I stop them, they start crying.

This is like people who have ravaged a land like a plague, who say "let me in so I can rape your guests", and actively want to hurt others whining because they can't do so.

The reason I said drought before flood was not a specific Bible pasaage, so much as that floods don't come out of nowhere but are preceded by droughts in many cases. But since you brought it up, yes by all accounts the wickedness of humanity despoiled the land. Adam and Eve's people were not given a Ten Commandments. They lived in Eden and were told to tend the garden. Even when they were cast out, that was still his job. Cain, Abel, and Seth were all basically herders and farmers. So whatever wickedness the rest of the folk wete doing, I can imagine big factories or something. Destructive cities.

You accuse God of being insecure, and having bloody ways. How much blood has been shed by humans? In contrast, how often has God punished people? God won't answer most prayers to bring people we see as wicked to justice. But we humans all too easily chuck stones at each other.
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Reply Thu 20 Jan, 2022 08:40 am
I see, so you think because a book is old, it's automatically obsolete?

Based on normal common sense, standards that are still applicable today (let's leave out the rule against pork and mixed fabrics) should be applied while rules that don't work should be ditched.

But you say, simply because a book is old, it's no longer relevant.

The US Constitution is old. But it grants you the right to speak freely, to believe what you want, to have a gun if you want, to be able not to testify against yourself, and to not be held to excessive fines. Yeah you're right, obsolete. Such backwards rules!

Now you walk down the street, you get raped because you can't use a weapon to defend yourself. You are forced to go to the temple of Isacrombur or arrested if you don't. You say anything unpopular, you get arrested, you are forced to declare yourself guilty, and fined for $1 billion. You spend the rest of your life paying off fines. It's so good to be freed of such old laws!

Of course, most leftists I know cry loudly about THEIR rights, but don't think other people should have rights.

Reply Thu 20 Jan, 2022 09:59 am
And your God is so insecure he needs to murder millions because the ends justify the bloody means.

God is so powerless he must resort to barbaric methods to impose his will upon the world. Rather than convince people of his greatness through ethical policy and benevolence he instead uses murder and death to instill the fear of how loving he is.

Because children and babies surely deserve his wrath. (cynical)

All so you can live a brainless existence as his ignorant slave.

The problem with your argument is that you can’t help writing from the stand point that THERE IS NO GOD.

If you wholeheartedly knew or at least pretended to know that this God that literally created everything including your own consciousness, your very 'being', do you see how absurd your complaint would be?

What If at the same time you understood that this God had offered you an eternal life if only you would recognize His character within yourself, Voluntarily, without any coercion whatsoever? And that this was the only way an eternal society could stand; make it peopled with beings who had passed such a challenge.

What kind of mercy would it be to build such a society and let it be killed by those who hate Him and want it to fail?

This is the only alternative that God has if he wants to build the society described as ‘heaven'. Find it within and fully embrace it or die. That’s our choice.
But you will never find it if you can’t at least assume there is a God while searching for it.

And yes, I am not ashamed to be God's ignorant slave.

Reply Thu 20 Jan, 2022 10:26 am
I have one single question to you on the Heaven topic...

What would you do in Heaven in your eternal life half a billion years from now, how would you imagine yourself spending a infinitesimal part of infinity there?
Reply Thu 20 Jan, 2022 10:35 am
You do not have the time to listen and there is a 65000 character limit here.

All I can tell you is that I can imagine so much more than is on offer in this world.
(not that it hasn’t been glorious)

Reply Fri 21 Jan, 2022 02:27 am
A big imagination with a small reasoning capacity...

That is the very definition of delusional...
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