@Frank Apisa,
Of course it makes it okay.
This means that if you actually grow up instead of merely
claiming you grew up, you realize that there's an easy way to fix your relationship with God, and that it can have lasting effects far beyond you and your kids.
And it's funny that you should mention Jesus Christ.
The good deeds done since Christianity have greatly improved life since the Biblical Ages. Thousands of generations have improved from sitting in the dirt to having houses with electricity, running water, and barely concern for bedbugs biting. On the other hand...
Today I learned that in 1914, there was a Christmas Truce, that had it not been shut down by commanding officers (i.e. if people had not been bullied into going back into the trenches), the war probably would have ended. Unlike wars of invasion or against oppression, it really wasn't people's fight. Some guy named Franz Ferdinand. Who the **** cares about this guy. Another crappy noble making crappy alliances that caused a crappy war that had nothing to do with commoners that reduced humans to molerats sitting in contaminated muck trenches while gas is blown around, grenades are tossed, and barbed wire cuts people to bits. And in months, they had barely moved a few miles.
Flash forward 4 years. A soldier named Adolf Hitler is hit by gas that blinds him and eventually makes him mad. His war experience also makes him bitter, and the enormous war debt makes him seek out someone to blame. He proceeds against the Jews as well as invading Poland and such. He sends many many people to the gas chamber.
He forms an alliance with Russia only to break it. During the march against Germany, I believe I remember Russian facing a pretty harsh march which eventually leads to the tsar getting rebelled against. Communism takes root in Russia, Germany, and China. After the war, they too start extermination campaigns (in fact some of the Jews who would have been killed in Germany, turn around and kill a few Germans under the rule of East German communism).
The US decides to set up a Cold War against communism. To this end, they actively try to stop countries from setting up commie governments. In fact, some of the Middle East, we interfered with their elections. This, plus the exploitation of oil reserves in the Middle East (plus Muslims just being assholes who want to invade the world) causes a number of unnecessary wars in the Middle East. Tack on EU open borders policy, and we have a perfect storm for immigration issues.
Out-of-control immigration becomes a major issue in the US, with many citizens feeling they've been losing their country to wokeism. Trump is elected (sorry guy, no Russia). This guy tries to build a wall, and is accused of being "literally Hitler" (uhhhh yeah, that's why no Jews or Muslims were sent to concentration camps) and spends much of his term being in one court hearing after another. After it becomes clear that no amount of effort can fix his impeachment into a removal from office, they decide to cheat. Tell people it is too dangerous to vote. "But how do we do this...?" they ask. Enter medical "experts" like Fauci and media shills that push a narrative of numbers over and over. Too bad some of us ignore the news. Anyway thanks to these events, even though Trump cannot be legit removed from office, many people vote by mail. So instead of the polls closing when they should, when all in-person ballots come in on that day, we wait several days while they fish out ballots by mail, some of which very obviously could have been "found" by being produced on the spot. As a result:
1. We have a dictator that literally made the White House into a military fort with troops stationed.
2. Freedom of Speech was largely suspended. So was Freedom of the Press (unless you're a media stooge; if you're Alex Jones, expect to be shut down)
3. Freedom of Assembly was so bad that most people couldn't gather in stores without harassment.
4. We have tin pot dictators asking us medical questions that they do not have legal right to. Medical information is confidential.
5. Most elections now are extremely crooked. So are recounts.
6.6.6. We have people literally feeling coerced into doing things just to buy and sell.
7. Oh yeah, and we are starting to realize that the bishops aren't the religious leaders we thought they are but effectively secular politicians who act as tenants for church land, and are now conspiring to sell such land cuz social justice. Unfortunately, most churches are under attack from their stupid rules. This in turn means that religions are turning into corrupt secular agencies no different from the weak-hearted world. During the Dark Ages, church people aren't afraid to risk particularly gruesome death to help others. But now the church is too timid to stand up to a disease that often doesn't even kill people sick from it. In fact, they found that most COVID deaths had as many as six comordities. In other words, they already had cancer, diabetes, liver issues, obesity, etc. But yeah, COVID. In the mean time, we have poverty, suicide, rioting/crime, and severe antisocial behavior, all of which have a severe destructive effect on society.
This is a mess.
People could have embraced peace in 1914. This in turn would have prevented a great chain of other evil events. Instead, humanity kept fighting God, and suffered as if under a curse. Today, you have a choice. You can continue resisting God and doing what the State tells you to do. And we can all see what happens.

Or you can turn away from that, and who knows, maybe humanity will have that thing they like to talk about (Age of Aquarius/Thousand Years of Peace) with peace and brotherhood.