What is Evangelism?

Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 06:02 am
I imagine they were way nicer than yours.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 06:11 am
That's an interesting point, now I'm beginning to wonder about your parents.

For all practical purposes, I didn’t have any. They fed and sheltered me, but
They were far too wrapped up in their own individual lives to do any ‘parenting' at all.

That turned out to be a blessing.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 06:59 am
" If you can't do, teach. " Isn't the expression something like that?

Given that humans aren't eternally young and don't retain their memories well even after 70 years, you're looking at a fairly tiny window of scientific usability. Roughly 30-50 years, assuming they start at 20 or 30 when they got all their schooling out of the way.

So let's see, instead of receiving education mostly by doing, and having personal hands on experience, they have time for a very few experiments (I remember only ten or twenty in my years up to college taking science classes), they learn by studying from dead tree textbooks. Dead trees, dead writers mostly, and we have to take their assessments as laws.

Gravity is assumed to be a law, but to bs a law, I would assume that battery after battery of tests are there to prove gravity is a law and not a theory. So I asked the internet about it. "Internet," I said, " how is gravity proven".
Internet: Your first two results are...
(The next two were from NASA)
From the first one.
First of all, no one has measured gravity for every atom and every star. It is simply a religious belief that it is "universal".

Secondly, school textbooks routinely make false statements. For example, "the moon goes around the earth." If the theory of gravity were true, it would show that the sun's gravitational force on the moon is much stronger than the earth's gravitational force on the moon, so the moon would go around the sun. Anybody can look up at night and see the obvious gaps in gravity theory.

The existence of tides is often taken as a proof of gravity, but this is logically flawed. Because if the moon's "gravity" were responsible for a bulge underneath it, then how can anyone explain a high tide on the opposite side of the earth at the same time? Anyone can observe that there are two — not one — high tides every day. It is far more likely that tides were given us by an Intelligent Creator long ago and they have been with us ever since. In any case, the fact that there are two high tides falsifies gravity.

Uhhh, if you're looking for proof of gravity, that's not very reassuring.

Okay, the second is from Forbes a respected magazine surely they'll tell why...

What is the definitive proof there is gravity?

There isn’t one. That is not how science works.

Gravity is the name we give to the phenomenon that objects accelerate towards each other when they are otherwise left to their own devices.

The “proof” of gravity is the demonstration that the phenomenon happens.

A casual demonstration would be to hold an ordinary object out in the air at arms length and let go. Watch it fall. The object and the Earth just accelerated towards each other when there was no other significant force acting.

Actually, that is how science works. We collect evidence. We test and test to for instance make sure that the thing we are calling Thing One isn't in fact Thing Two. Or maybe we don't.

Back to teachers. I have no doubt that science teachers are well-read, but the fact of the matter is, the less well-read they are, the lower the grade they teach. This means that kindergarten up to about third grade are chosen more for their friendly demeanor than their scientific expertise. A degree in children's education with a minor in science is likely all you need there. You start needing more credentials as you go up the education system, usually needing a master's in Science and a degree in education at top tier.

But let's break it down. Most of the teachers in early levels are not scientists, they simply know the material. Teaching children at a level when children are at their most vulnerable intellectually, and will tend to soak up information like a sponge. A six to eight year old does not know how to question the information they have been given. They are not going to draw lines and angles to see if Copernicus or Archimedes or whoever was actually right, just a dumb Greek dude, or was actively misinforming them. Now kids are being taught leftist propaganda too like that America really started at 1618 (forget 1492), because America was really "all about slavery." The point is, children learn the fastest at this age, and it is right before childhood amnesia sets in, and their minds become more fixed. So really you should have the most qualified people who have done their research. Instead , you have jobbers that mostly care for grading papers. My mom was a teacher. I forget her field, but she was a 2nd grade teacher and I don't remember her actively testing math or science or English rules. She taught the material as she learned it.

But I am an amateur game programmer. What I mean by that is that I use Rpg Maker 2003, rather than coding an engine by crunching numbers or something. But even at that level, I understand the adage "Garbage in, garbage out." If you put crappy ideas into kids heads, instead of telling them, "Go out tonight, and observe the path of the setting sun, draw the angles and stuff, and tell me whether tou think the Earth is flat or round, rotates around the sun or the other way around," you tell them what to think, you have effectively brainwashed a child. If I started young enough, I could probably teach kids that red is green or left is right, especially if like the left wants, parents have little or no input in setting a child straight.

But it gets worse. The more qualified, and the more experienced a scientist is, the more likely they are to have an extensive education. Self-taught scientists are largely weeded out at higher academia, where their different ideas are the cause of them losing credentials. It is now very hard to rock the established orthodoxy. In fact, even the most brilliant scientist, even if they had proof that gravity didn't exist, that PhD or whatever gets retracted. Years of work gone, so even if they privately believe in one thing, they don't say or write anything to the contrary.
Not just that, but the more education you get, the longer you've been indoctrinated, and the less time you have to teach after a career in science.

Therefore, all science teachers are either washed up, getting into senility, or too green to tell students anything but what they read in books.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 07:23 am
I do understand Shakespeare. These were mostly the equivalent of trashy tele novellas and soap operas today.

The difference is the language is archaic and it was approved by royalty. Otherwise you'd understand that Shakespeare is gutter trash. Like I already know.
Since people don't look at links, I'm gonna quote the whole thing!
Whilst on a short family break earlier this week, I made the mistake of turning on one of the network channels to see the news headlines. I was greeted with the sight of a person with a waxed moustache (look at me, aren’t I eccentric!) dribbling on about a modernised version of Shakespeare based on the second Globe Theatre that some university professor had spent the last five years (!) researching. My first reaction was that any university that pleads poverty whilst paying someone to waste five years on this tosh should be cut off from public funds. My second thought was to wonder why Shakespeare continues to have such a hold on our culture four centuries after his death. Personally, I feel the same way about Shakespeare as Rowan Atkinson in “Blackadder: Back and Forth.” And I don’t think I’m alone.William Shakespeare is widely considered the finest writer in English history. This has been repeated so often that people simply say it as though it were self-evident. Anyone who disagrees is dismissed as an uncultured “philistine” – an slur that is about as scary to anyone with half a brain as the Establishment’s other favourite insults that end in “phobia” or “ism.” But Shakespeare is not the finest writer in English – a title that rightly belongs to George Orwell – or even close to being the finest. Shakespeare’s dramas – “Romeo and Juliet” springs to mind – are dull and his comedies are not remotely amusing. His jokes are either convoluted word play or simply not funny. And his so-called histories are propaganda designed to justify the Tudor seizure of power. William Shakespeare, Elizabeth I’s Dr Goebbels?

Like Shakespeare, J.R.R. Tolkien enjoys an undeserved and unquestioned place in the pantheon of great English writers. But pages and pages of utter drivel interspersed with the odd good scene is not my idea of a classic. I liked “The Hobbit” when I was younger but “The Lord of the Rings” is over-the-top, long-winded trash. And I wonder how many of the people who vote for the latter as their favourite book are really voting for Peter Jackson’s films? And Peter Jackson? Anyone who can turn a 280 page children’s book into more than nine hours of cinematic Onanism is in desperate need of an editor.

But then the media in the UK are nor really known for their self-awareness. They like to think in binary terms – this is great, fantastic, the best ever or this is horrible, terrible, the worse of the worse. And they apply this rule to people too. The Establishment’s mouthpiece – the BBC – is probably the best example of this. We are reliably informed that the BBC is a “world class broadcaster” and the “envy of the world.” It is nothing of the kind. Look at its flagship programmes – a bakery show presented by two unfunny comedians whose “”repartee” consists of childish double entendres culled from a Finbarr Saunders cartoon circa 1988 and a soap opera that allows the Tristrams to demonstrate their ignorance of and hatred for the working class. The criminal destruction of my favourite childhood show – Doctor Who – should see Stephen Moffat arraigned in The Hague.

When the media are not driveling on about Shakespeare or how wonderful the BBC is, they love to tell us who we should admire. As soon as someone is described as a “national treasure” then I know the person is either annoying (Ed Sheeran, Jamie Oliver), talentless (Victoria Beckham, Clare Balding) or fat (Jennifer Saunders, Linda Robson). And sometimes all three – step forward James Corden. Remember how Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris were once described as “national treasures”? Wonder what the media will have to say about the current crop in 2050?

I actually like Tolkien. But his work is rightly designated as popular fiction. Shakespeare, meanwhile, is given the status of high art, and scores of asshole stage artists and high school theatre teachers fawn over the guy like "To be or not to be, that is the question" is a particularly profound statement. For a far better depiction of depression, we get Frodo's Mount Doom speech about how he can't hear the Shire, how the taste of food and the feel of sunshine is gone. Sorry Hamlet, I don't believe you really want to die.

But yes, I agree with the assessment that today's trashy films are the high art of two centuries later. In three hundred years, this song will be quoted by drama students everywhere.

A place where nobody dared to go
The love that we came to know
They call it Xanadu

And now, open your eyes and see
What we have made is real
We are in Xanadu

A million lights are dancing
And there you are, a shooting star
An everlasting world and you're here with me

Xanadu - Xanadu (now we are here)
In Xanadu
Xanadu - Xanadu (now we are here)
In Xanadu

Xanadu your neon lights will shine
For you Xanadu

Will you still say then what you say about me not liking Shakespeare? No, because you'll be dead. But I'll be laughing and laughing.

Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 07:30 am
Don't talk rot, most stuff shoots over your head.

You're of the same backward mindset that put Gallileo on trial.

You attack what you don't understand which is why you attack so much.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 08:32 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yeah, Leadfoot he chooses to focus on that.

Especially since the passage nearby talks about God wants to reward even the thousandth generation of those who do right by him.

Oh, so that makes it okay in your book?

Jesus H. Christ!
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 08:37 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Are you perhaps projecting here?

Also, you have very much impressed on me your own inability to recognize truth.

You think the world we live in is true, even though most of of what is told to you is bullcrap parroted by high school science teachers who have never studied anything themselves. Meanwhile, you dismiss ultimate truth in favor of a great delusion.

As they say, "Truth seems like hate to those who hate the truth." Pilate at least admitted he didn't understand what truth was when Jesus talked to him.

28Then they led Jesus away from Caiaphas into the Praetorium. By now it was early morning, and the Jews did not enter the Praetorium, to avoid being defiled and unable to eat the Passover.

29So Pilate went out to them and asked, “What accusation are you bringing against this man?”

30“If He were not a criminal,” they replied, “we would not have handed Him over to you.”

31“You take Him and judge Him by your own law,” Pilate told them.

“We are not permitted to execute anyone,” the Jews replied. 32This was to fulfill the word that Jesus had spoken to indicate the kind of death He was going to die.

33Pilate went back into the Praetorium, summoned Jesus, and asked Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”

34“Are you saying this on your own,” Jesus asked, “or did others tell you about Me?”

35“Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed You over to me. What have You done?”

36Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now My kingdom is not of this realm.”

37“Then You are a king!” Pilate said.
“You say that I am a king,” Jesus answered. “For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice.”

38“What is truth?” Pilate asked.

You see my words as false because of a failing of yours. You would probably have a similar reaction if a mailman came to your door. "That man seems nice but the messages he delivers are evil. They are filled with bills and taxes. I shall take care of him (pulls out BB gun)." Now is the mailman really that bad or is he simply delivering a message. Nevetheless, because you dislike his message, or even what you believe is his message, he gets pelted with balls of metal.

I do not dislike your message. I accept the stuff you write as your blind guesses about the REALITY...and acknowledge that some (perhaps even all) of your blind guesses might be correct.

I just think that you are a mental case who needs help...and I've tried to get THAT message across to you.

Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 11:06 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Of course it makes it okay.

This means that if you actually grow up instead of merely claiming you grew up, you realize that there's an easy way to fix your relationship with God, and that it can have lasting effects far beyond you and your kids.

And it's funny that you should mention Jesus Christ.

The good deeds done since Christianity have greatly improved life since the Biblical Ages. Thousands of generations have improved from sitting in the dirt to having houses with electricity, running water, and barely concern for bedbugs biting. On the other hand...

Today I learned that in 1914, there was a Christmas Truce, that had it not been shut down by commanding officers (i.e. if people had not been bullied into going back into the trenches), the war probably would have ended. Unlike wars of invasion or against oppression, it really wasn't people's fight. Some guy named Franz Ferdinand. Who the **** cares about this guy. Another crappy noble making crappy alliances that caused a crappy war that had nothing to do with commoners that reduced humans to molerats sitting in contaminated muck trenches while gas is blown around, grenades are tossed, and barbed wire cuts people to bits. And in months, they had barely moved a few miles.
Flash forward 4 years. A soldier named Adolf Hitler is hit by gas that blinds him and eventually makes him mad. His war experience also makes him bitter, and the enormous war debt makes him seek out someone to blame. He proceeds against the Jews as well as invading Poland and such. He sends many many people to the gas chamber.
He forms an alliance with Russia only to break it. During the march against Germany, I believe I remember Russian facing a pretty harsh march which eventually leads to the tsar getting rebelled against. Communism takes root in Russia, Germany, and China. After the war, they too start extermination campaigns (in fact some of the Jews who would have been killed in Germany, turn around and kill a few Germans under the rule of East German communism).
The US decides to set up a Cold War against communism. To this end, they actively try to stop countries from setting up commie governments. In fact, some of the Middle East, we interfered with their elections. This, plus the exploitation of oil reserves in the Middle East (plus Muslims just being assholes who want to invade the world) causes a number of unnecessary wars in the Middle East. Tack on EU open borders policy, and we have a perfect storm for immigration issues.
Out-of-control immigration becomes a major issue in the US, with many citizens feeling they've been losing their country to wokeism. Trump is elected (sorry guy, no Russia). This guy tries to build a wall, and is accused of being "literally Hitler" (uhhhh yeah, that's why no Jews or Muslims were sent to concentration camps) and spends much of his term being in one court hearing after another. After it becomes clear that no amount of effort can fix his impeachment into a removal from office, they decide to cheat. Tell people it is too dangerous to vote. "But how do we do this...?" they ask. Enter medical "experts" like Fauci and media shills that push a narrative of numbers over and over. Too bad some of us ignore the news. Anyway thanks to these events, even though Trump cannot be legit removed from office, many people vote by mail. So instead of the polls closing when they should, when all in-person ballots come in on that day, we wait several days while they fish out ballots by mail, some of which very obviously could have been "found" by being produced on the spot. As a result:
1. We have a dictator that literally made the White House into a military fort with troops stationed.
2. Freedom of Speech was largely suspended. So was Freedom of the Press (unless you're a media stooge; if you're Alex Jones, expect to be shut down)
3. Freedom of Assembly was so bad that most people couldn't gather in stores without harassment.
4. We have tin pot dictators asking us medical questions that they do not have legal right to. Medical information is confidential.
5. Most elections now are extremely crooked. So are recounts.
6.6.6. We have people literally feeling coerced into doing things just to buy and sell.
7. Oh yeah, and we are starting to realize that the bishops aren't the religious leaders we thought they are but effectively secular politicians who act as tenants for church land, and are now conspiring to sell such land cuz social justice. Unfortunately, most churches are under attack from their stupid rules. This in turn means that religions are turning into corrupt secular agencies no different from the weak-hearted world. During the Dark Ages, church people aren't afraid to risk particularly gruesome death to help others. But now the church is too timid to stand up to a disease that often doesn't even kill people sick from it. In fact, they found that most COVID deaths had as many as six comordities. In other words, they already had cancer, diabetes, liver issues, obesity, etc. But yeah, COVID. In the mean time, we have poverty, suicide, rioting/crime, and severe antisocial behavior, all of which have a severe destructive effect on society.

This is a mess.

People could have embraced peace in 1914. This in turn would have prevented a great chain of other evil events. Instead, humanity kept fighting God, and suffered as if under a curse. Today, you have a choice. You can continue resisting God and doing what the State tells you to do. And we can all see what happens.
Or you can turn away from that, and who knows, maybe humanity will have that thing they like to talk about (Age of Aquarius/Thousand Years of Peace) with peace and brotherhood.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 11:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yes, you've told me this.

A great lie, you tell stupid people enough times, and they believe it. But sensible people know that assertions need that there be proof.

You are insane. I can prove this, unlike you. You value things rather than people, looking at your life as successful because you have more toys. If that were actually the case though, you would not need to "ask an expert." This is clearly how you found this forum, and able2know is not an intuitive search. You found it, because you were looking for an expert and this forum popped up on a search engine. Treating people are though they are things and valuing things more than people is psychotic. It puts you on the same level as those suits from the Matrix who call humans a disease.

An insane person risks human life for trinkets and baubles. The people who live with me are irreplaceable. Priceless. So are my friends. I cannot make another Kara G or another Rebecca M or whatever. They've left me. Meanwhile, this?
It is literally just paper that someone has said is valuable. That's what fiat currency is! "Because I said so" money!

This is my proof. This is how I know you are in far greater need of psych help (which btw, I've gotten) than I. Because you say, "I’m rich; I have become wealthy and need nothing," and you don’t know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.

Well I don't seek such false economy. I want to figure out how to amend my relationship with several family members. I want to find friends and a church that aren't so phobic. And I will knock on any doors in order to be let in.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 11:45 pm
Does it shoot over my head, though?

Or do you lot think you are being intellectual, when you are just parroting back your English teacher's fawning.

Shakespeare said literally nothing of value except for this.

Shakespeare wrote:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms;
And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion;
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

Even that is tainted by the fact that Shakespeare entirely seems to be a blatant secular humanist. But surely if he was buried in church he was a Christian? It's not reflected by his writings, which are almost entirely consumed by thoughts of this world with not a trace nor a speck of reasoning beyond this world. If he was truly religious, I would think such a romantic story would end with Romeo and Juliet eternally being together. Rather, the only upside of these two stupid kids throwing away their lives is the feud ends. Exactly what I cared about.
That fact that this poem above ends with oblivion leads to a depressing and altogether unsatisfying conclusion. I counter with this below. I have no hand for poetry, and frankly despise it. So I'll write in prose.

Me wrote:
If all the world is a stage
and all of us are merely players,
then I have a question. You see,
while it does seem likely that
each of us play a part... with our
masks and our costumes and our
dances in order to prove we are normal,
there is something missing. There cannot be
a stage where there is nothing after the show.
Perhaps we exchange one costume for another
in the endless cycle of plays. Or perhaps like
true actors, whatever our character claims to be,
they ditch their role after the show. They go home
to their real life, and work at their real job. They
sip a cup of coffee and snuggle close to their actual lover,
leaving behind their fellow actors in the previous romance
when the curtain falls. There is no such thing as nothing
after a play. If that were so, then all the world is not a stage.
But that's why they call it a "play."

So if things are going over my head, care to explain how I made that up on the spot? Let's face it. I not only understand literature, symbology, and religion but I know crap when I see it. Shakespeare is not only boring and unsatisfying, but he's also depressingly secular. Sorry guys, he sucks. And you suck for liking him.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 11:48 pm
From your lips to somebodies ears........and they were nicer than yours, miss happy pants.
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 11:52 pm
There's nothing wrong with my parents. My attitude arose independent from my parents.

I got bitter after college. From smug people who told me that I wasn't needed. Repeatedly.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jan, 2022 11:53 pm
Well, we are all grateful for your state of perfection.....especially all the crap about how much you loathe education. You still haven't explained the math thing though. But whenever you aren't all tied up with insulting people you don't know, perhaps you can clear up the math mystery for me.
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 12:24 am
I'm glad to see how self-effacing you are.

But next time, maybe click on the right person to reply to?

As for math, here's a good way of thinking about it.

They tell you that you need to do
A = πr2
to measure a circle. We learn in class that π is 3.141592653589793238462643 (etc). And we learn that it can be expressed as a series of irrational fractions like 22/7. That's great and all but uhhhhhh how did they get π in the first place? It's a mathematical tautology. And why didn't they use 4? A circle can be sliced evenly into 4 even segments.

Go ahead, ask the teacher. Most teacher will be completely stumped and either shut up or try to change the subject.
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 12:26 am
That's very gratifying, we worship your views....truly. Plus your ability to catch a typo or typo type mistake is breathtaking. You will be pinching yourself the rest of the day.
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 12:55 am
I know you're being sarcastic. I suppose you think this is what you mean by "stuff going over my head."

But it doesn't. I honestly care equally as little whether you are being sarcastic or serious, and treat it exactly the same.

If you think you're being funny (see izzy's post elsewhere), and I don't find it that clever, I'll treat it as though you haven't told a joke. Not because it went over my head. Because it's a lame attempt at humor that is at the expense of others. A funny joke isn't that funny if its sole purpose is to try and make people feel bad.

Yes I am blunt, brutal, and somewhat indifferent. Especially so to the jaded or lacking in compassion. When it becomes clear that someone doesn't care that others are starving or suffering or being abused, neither do I return any level of compassion, even when they squawk about me being a bad Christian.

Bottom line, if you embrace a philosophy that castigates people for not recycling enough or being woke enough, a system of law with no grace, then you obviously want the exact treatment you would get under such a system.

"Mercy is for the weak"?

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 06:52 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Of course it makes it okay.

So you say that because your god loves the children of people who "do right by it"...it is okay for your god to curse the children of people who do not do right by it. And to curse their children's children and their children's children's children and their children's children's children's children.

If so, you are as much a disgusting monster as your god.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 07:05 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yes, you've told me this.

A great lie, you tell stupid people enough times, and they believe it. But sensible people know that assertions need that there be proof.

You are insane. I can prove this, unlike you. You value things rather than people, looking at your life as successful because you have more toys.

I do not have more toys. I have lived most of my life at or slightly above the poverty level. I have mentioned that to you several times. I do consider myself to be successful because I am content without the toys.

If that were actually the case though, you would not need to "ask an expert." This is clearly how you found this forum, and able2know is not an intuitive search. You found it, because you were looking for an expert and this forum popped up on a search engine.

I found this forum like most of the regulars here, by coming here with its owner from the New York Times/Boston Globe forum, Abuzz, when it closed. I did not search it out...most of us came here together.

All of your so-called proof about me saying that I am rich...and that I came here as a result of a search...is just nonsense that you have made up. It is totally wrong...or more likely, just a lie you invented.

Treating people are though they are things and valuing things more than people is psychotic. It puts you on the same level as those suits from the Matrix who call humans a disease.

An insane person risks human life for trinkets and baubles. The people who live with me are irreplaceable. Priceless. So are my friends. I cannot make another Kara G or another Rebecca M or whatever. They've left me. Meanwhile, this?

It is literally just paper that someone has said is valuable. That's what fiat currency is! "Because I said so" money
This is my proof. This is how I know you are in far greater need of psych help (which btw, I've gotten) than I. Because you say, "I’m rich; I have become wealthy and need nothing," and you don’t know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.!

You are nuts, Bulma. I have never said I am rich...and I most assuredly am NOT rich.

You are nuts. Get help.

Well I don't seek such false economy. I want to figure out how to amend my relationship with several family members. I want to find friends and a church that aren't so phobic. And I will knock on any doors in order to be let in.

Great. Knock on the door of a facility for people with mental problems. They will let you in.
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 07:47 am
@Frank Apisa,
And what I'm saying is okay is that the real God, not the one you make a prop to hound you, is not some dictatorial lawgiver.

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

You have allowed someone else to tell you what God is. Here, an old man who is angry with your sins and likely to throw a thunder bolt at you. Right?
Seems convincing, right?

Too bad that's not God. I deliberately pulled a picture of Zeus to show you that your concept of a deity is wrong. There's no angry old man here. That is the truth. This is what God looks like to the best of my knowledge.

God is a spirit over nature and the universe. Yet God chooses to be a part of humanity. God chooses himself to suffer to give us an opportunity to help. Not to judge humans but to get them to stop ruining their lives and looking on the mess proudly. God does not dole out punishments as you imagine. That's Zeus. So if you feel like you're being punished, it's time to look at another source.
Reply Fri 14 Jan, 2022 08:04 am
@Frank Apisa,
Abuzz you say. No such forum exists, so how can I know you are not lying?

After all, if I treat all of your statements with disbelief and say that you need mental help (as you have done to me), then obviously here is where I'd say you imagined the whole thing.

Now, I could with effort look up your assertion, but since you've never given me any trust, the most I'll offer is a five minute search, which gives a dictionary definition of abuzz and an Abuzz Insurance.

You obviously dreamed it, a telltale sign of a delusional mind. Even Wikipedia doesn't have any sign of Abuzz, and they have City-Data, the forum I used to belong in.


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