What is Evangelism?

Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 12:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Christianity in America is in danger of becoming the antiChrist.

I’ll say one thing, when Frank gets it right, he hits it outta the park.

But why’s 'e try’n to help?
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 09:07 pm
But Frank was pointing at you when he said that...
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 06:38 am
The Bible says "false prophets" and "Antichrists". Plural.

This leads to two assumptions:
1. At the time of Revelation, all of us are actively trying to do things our own way, and the Christ (singular) steps in.
2. The one that prefer as a Taoist Christian syncretic. That these prophecies of end times refer to a dualism. Notice there is Antichrist(s) and Whore of Babylon. There is also Christ/Body of Christ and Bride of Christ. Despoiled, and then made clean.
(probably a third option too)

I won't say one is more right, only that I prefer one. Your opinions about this are yours.
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 07:10 am
But Frank was pointing at you when he said that...

Then he should have guts enough to address it to me.
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 09:23 am
I don't believe in the Book of Revelations.

I believe in the Star Trek version of the future.

We reach out for the stars through science and inhabit the universe.

Revelations was written by bitter, narrow minded and short sighted individuals who wanted to lay a guilt trip on the world. To paint the future dismal and foreboding. It is a bunch of crap.

This doom ending does not have to be the case, but some hateful Christians seem to want to make it so. So they ruin the future for others, ignore climate change and poison the ocean, our lakes, rivers and air...

They are the problem, not a solution to our problems.

Science is the way of the future, not religion.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 09:24 am
You should have the guts to admit you are wrong.
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 01:16 pm
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 01:45 pm
Yes, it is singular not plural Neal.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 02:02 pm
You should have the guts to admit you are wrong.

Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 10:33 pm
Anti-Vax Podcaster Reportedly On Ventilator For COVID After Attending Right-Wing Rally

Oh no, we've had another motorcycle accident! (cynical)
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 10:36 pm
Let's start with your hoping and praying for 10 years for biblical genocide?

How many billions of living things would your like your "loving God" to smite?
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 10:42 pm
"They" are bleeding voters with this anti vax thing...I don't know what to call it but political suicide...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 06:53 am
Let's start with your hoping and praying for 10 years for biblical genocide?

How many billions of living things would your like your "loving God" to smite?
I don’t recall endorsing genocide, but I take your point.

To answer your question, I expect God will at some point exterminate every living thing that presents a threat to the way of life in the kingdom where he desires to live with those who love him.

What would you do in his place?

Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 10:12 am
While I don't go to the extreme of Cobbler (Christians poison the air, seas, etc.) would it not make sense for Christians to be moderate environmentalists?
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 12:46 pm
In a way, I have come around to what might be called an environmentalist POV.
As I learned more about biology, it became clear what a rare and carefully engineered system this environment is. Marvelously self correcting to a great extent but any physical system can be pushed beyond its limits. I suspect we are approaching those limits.

And I respect them almost unconsciously, I have an engineers dislike for waste of any kind, energy, resources, time, etc. On practical measures, I do the two most helpful things for the planet possible. I did not reproduce beyond replacement value and I did not travel by airliner for 'fun'.

My problem with typical environmentalists is the ignorant view of fossil fuels as a poisonous enemy. I view them as a precious gift that potentially brought us a lifestyle with more time to consider the meaning of 'all this'. Not that we took advantage of that, we just waste it while staring at screens hoping to be mindlessly entertained. Or donating time and resources to idiotic fights against coal, oil, gas, etc.

But really, I do not see an impending disaster. Fossil fuels have gotten us to the technological level where the answers are there in plain sight and being implemented. The hysteria of most 'hard environmentalists' is unnecessary.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 02:57 pm
Many Evangelical sects have taken it on to adopt an environmentalist theology. Theyev taken up the idea of srvice to the planet and incorporated into their catechism. Its ver laudable that thyeve done this to help fix the damage that has been inflicted on the earth based on a more Calvinist "You are master of all the earth, conquer it"catechism. Major damage has lready ben don. As an example, coal mining in the US has stripped frtil soils above almost all minable lands ))Deep mining is a thing of the past but deep mining has fucked up almot half of streams in the mining stat. Pennsylvania has about 84000 stream miles (second state in
t amount of stream miles in all of us --second only to Alaska)/ A good 1/3 of ourstreams are dead from acid mine waste. NOTHING can live in these stream miles. These were some of the greatest cold water fisheris in the USA. Thos mils will almost b forever lost The costs to even bring the pH's down a tnth of a point is in the BILLIONS of dollars and avg damage streams have pH s in the low 4 )pHU). we need to get the metals out of thestream beds and the pH up to about 6+ for catfish and smallmouths and 7+ for trout.
Yet all the mining intrests do NOT count these anticipated costs/

In PA theBaptists have taken a lead in noodging the mining interests and the non-evangelicals have only recently become active. Fossil fuel has reaked a vast damage bill that may nwver be paid. Mining till has a hold in Pa govt. Its disgusting how the problem is being enied

I sat on a Gov Commission to develop a plan to clean up ground and surface waters and develop better plans for water uses. The GOP worked very hard to disband the entire commission mostly by just plain lying about the facts
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 03:14 pm
If you want to honor farmers version, stop using anything made of, delivered by or powered by fossil fuels. And then go convince the rest of the worlds' 8 billon people to do the same.

And don’t pretend you haven’t enjoyed the hell out of using them so far.

I think I now understand why they burned Prometheus with the gift of fire that he brought them. Or at least the mentality.
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 06:46 pm
stop writing lik a moron. "If you want to usLeadheads version, think of everything fossil as a precious gift"

Its not a precious gift dipshit, its a fuel of the last two centuries that has a bunch of risks.Ive elucidated th risks an have spoken FACT that coal mi ning in th past (As well as strip and mountain top removal" has a legacy toxic effect as well as an ongoing one.Its always possibl that there are many sides to an issue. Your assessment is one that cam out of your ass bcause you just want (in your passive aggressive manner) to argue with anything I say.
NOOOO. you just want to talk lik th classic make believe scholar you wish you were. I dont know why I engage you cause youre about as stupid a wanker we have on line.

As far as the more intelligent ones on line, There are risks on the entire production and prosessing , distribution and use lines of most all fossil fuels. They were available fuels from the 16th (coal and wood) to the 19th centuries (whale and petroleum).ven the 20th century "fossil fue" (nuke) all have serious risks in their use stream. Nobody ha denied that they have and had a use.NOT AS A FOREVER THING , thats moonic. all these fuels are bridge technologies. l
Risks that hav very high costs to mitigate (Such as acid mine drainage) or ground water in the case of ptrolum production and refinery.

Just cause you wanna run yr Bremen mobile you may as well understand that "Your precious gift " will be out of most of the vehicular markets in a few years. BMW , Audi, VW, and even the better cars like Porsche will all become all electric in less than 10 yars.
So you can drink yr precious gift.Even Prevost's coming out with an e -version

Im working ith some mfr groups that are going to full biodegradable veggie based plastics . were working with some german firms testing the biodegradability of various veggie plastics in aerobic or methnogenic means ,
petroleum andcoal wont be totally done away with, just mostly

Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 10:49 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
I don’t recall endorsing genocide, but I take your point.

To answer your question, I expect God will at some point exterminate every living thing that presents a threat to the way of life in the kingdom where he desires to live with those who love him.

What would you do in his place?

Considering the trillions of planets and the matter in space that could be used to harbor life as it continues to evolve and mature...

And that God (theoretically) has eternity everlasting...

But, limiting all life to a small city "the new Jerusalem" is rather myopic and an idea that seem concocted by an idiot.

The fact that you see that all of the diversity of life and all of the universe being squeezed into a small city of elites who are slaves to some jealous and murderous overmind seems not well thought out.

As I said earlier, the science and Star Trek future seems like more of what an intelligent and far thinking God would intend to happen. A God who created not the world in vanity.

The New Jerusalem idea may provide some with retribution for certain past wrongs. But at what cost? While the rest of creation and innocence suffers at the hands of a mass murdering and vengeful psychopath.

This is is not the Revelation of Jesus, this is the manufactured God of a hateful person who is shortsighted and degenerate.

They are the apocalyptic nightmares of a madman...
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 11:03 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
If you want to honor farmers version, stop using anything made of, delivered by or powered by fossil fuels. And then go convince the rest of the worlds' 8 billon people to do the same.

And don’t pretend you haven’t enjoyed the hell out of using them so far.

I think I now understand why they burned Prometheus with the gift of fire that he brought them. Or at least the mentality.

No you are wrong...

Yes, we have all enjoyed the hell out fossil fuels... But now, science offers us another, cleaner and greener way forward, healthier air and water and your profit driven party which you defend and swallow their propaganda whole without thought is standing in the way of this vital path forward for survival. All while dumb idiots like you pray for your imaginary Jesus to come who will kill the remnants of humanity of for some crazy apocalyptic piece of **** book of lies.

And you wonder how you need to change? It should be quite obvious...

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