What is Evangelism?

Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 08:52 am
Leadfoot wrote:
Only an idiot ignores what an enemy is saying.

Only an idiot believes what their enemy is saying...
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:18 am
LeadFoot wrote:
Again, only an idiot ignores what an enemy is saying.

There are enough people on the left to parrot what the hateful right are doing.

Left wing newspapers are full of what some jerk on the right said. So much that I just skip over it.

Trump said this Trump said that. I don't give a ****.

Each day is a new load of crap meant to steal away my life and its happiness.

Trump got booed for telling his dipshit fans he got the booster... I don't care either way!

I have people who genuinely need me. They live in times and places of great peril. I have a decision become a slave to this endless barrage of crap news or go and comfort them and give them hope that one day their dreams may happen for them.

Do you really think Trump and the republicans are worth my time?

Not, they are unworthy.

Fear is sand in the machinery of life, it binds the machinery so it does not work.

Paul the Apostle was told by his apostles and friends not to go to Jerusalem. They warned him on several occasions. But he couldn't "ignore his enemy".

The people at Jerusalem beat him an inch from death and left him outside the city for dead.

Not a single person was converted, comforted, edified or strengthened by his foolish act...

He is lucky he was not poisoned or thrown from the top floor of a hotel....

The harvest is plenteous but the laborers are all sitting on their ass glued to what their enemy is saying.

There is a high calling in life and it does not involve listening to every word that is uttered out of the mouths of wolves and unrepentant malefactors.

The choice is bury the dead or comfort the living.
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:46 am
What about the hateful left?

Oh right, you think the left is loving and peaceful.

Sure, until they burn down someone's store because he doesn't want to bake a gay cake. People have the right to their own issues. But the left doesn't believe in minding its own business, it believing in punishing people disproportionately, and calling them hateful.

Usually it doesn't stop there. Cities have known to be burned down because one black kid died. Was this kid a paragon of virtue? No, often they a punk.

Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:55 am
Why bring up my nationality at all?

Why indeed. I didn’t.

I checked.

You did.
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:57 am
Only an idiot believes what their enemy is saying...

But how would he even know if he wasn’t even listening?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:01 am
There are enough people on the left to parrot what the hateful right are doing.

Left wing newspapers are full of what some jerk on the right said.

So you admit you are just parroting what somebody else tells you about what somebody else says.

Sounds sketchy to me.
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:06 am
Isn't that what news is, a journalist reporting what someone else has said/done?

There has to be a certain level of trust.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:09 am
I pointed out that the industrial revolution originated in an area where there was no slavery.

You then turned it into an attack on the British Empire and by extension me.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:58 am
No one burned down the creepy right wing cake man's store.

But to boycott his creepy cakes is also a right.

You seem to come to the aid of hypocrites like you are one.

A double standard the armed republican proud boys who came to murder our publicly elected senators...

You have to make **** up to make any point.


These are your people


and these.


...and these.


Here you go, baked fresh for you...
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 01:16 pm
Godwin's Law rides again
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:07 pm
U.S. Has Reunited 100 Children Taken From Parents Under Trump

How many years will it take to undo the wrongs done by Trump?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:29 pm
Pope Francis Demands Humility In New Zinger-Filled Christmas Speech
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:37 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
Godwin's Law rides again

Not mentioning the Nazis when discussing right wing protests?

You are oblivious while sleeping with your enemies...
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 09:56 pm
If it smells like a "rat", call it a "rat"!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 12:32 am
You're right. They didn't burn his store.

He went to trial, the results of which took years. In the end, he won the right to reject customers based on personal beliefs (a right he should have had in the first place in a free society!) but the victory was pyrrhic. He stopped baking wedding cakes because he didn't want the fuss of dealing with gay weddings, cutting a good chunk of his business out. No big deal, just regular cakes and bidthday cakes... some trans person comes in and demands a transgender birthday cake. You cannot tell me this is a coincidence.

They didn't burn his store down.
They may as well have. They made an example of him, crippling his livelihood. And for what? For having a firm sense of his own beliefs. These people weren't from the same state. They came to his town, his shop, from another state simply to screw with his business.

This is the sort of hateful vindicative assholes the left has. It's the rule, not the exception either.
A senator or governor had a firm stance against mandating vaccines. No big deal right? You can still get one. Well, they published his address so anyone can harass him.

The "hateful right" is rigid in their faith, but they generally respect the basic right of privacy. The "tolerant left" feels that it isn't enough to be virtuous about animals or recycling or carbon footprints or any other crap where they have blind spots a mile wide, they like the idea of shoving it down everyone else's face. Or in some cases, they even get everyone else to do it but don't practice it themselves.

You know what we on the right do to such hypocrites?!?

...Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
It's time to get back to work. And if we're short on meat maybe we'll hunt or kill a cow or pig. It's tough being so hateful.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 12:43 am
Nazis weren't right wing. Or even Christian, which is something right wingers tend to be.

The sources that I use come from very old books, rather than Wikipedia. I own these books and the books were written during the very years in which Nazism came to power. The authors of these books came from a wide variety of perspectives -- Christian, Jewish, atheist, Marxist and the like.

Christianity had declined severely in Germany at the time the Nazis came to power, which is why the Nazis were able to come to power. In his book, The Dictators, Richard Overy states that in the decades preceding the First World War Germany was becoming increasingly secular, and that after that war, from 1918 to 1931, 2.4 million Evangelical Christians formally renounced their faith as well as almost half a million Catholics. In Prussia, only 21% of the population took communion and in Hamburg only five percent of the population took communion. Before Hitler, German religious leaders were publicly condemning the rise of moral relativism and decline of traditional religious values.

Weimar Germany largely had abandoned Christianity and increasingly was embracing hedonism, Marxism and paganism. There, decline of Christianity in Germany led directly to the rise of Nazism. Professor Henri Lichtenberger in his 1937 book, The Third Reich, describes the religious life of the Weimar Republic as a place in which the large cities were "spiritual cemeteries" with almost no believers at all, except for those who were members of the clergy. The middle class went through the motions, but lacked all living faith. The workers, influenced by socialism, were suspicious of the church. Even in the countryside, preachers had little influence on the people. In the 1938 book, The War Against God, by Sidney Dark and R.S. Essex, describes pre-Nazi antipathy toward Christianity by noting that churches had lost all their vitality and that their services were lifeless. Mower, in his 1938 book, Germany Puts the Clock Back, wrote that by 1920, God and Christianity had been in steady decline, a process that had begun in 1860. Mower talks about a culture not so much casual as vicious about sexuality. He writes of art sickened into atonal music, about the absence of any sense of sin, about entire graduating classes in high school turning up for birth control devices, and about the commonplace occurrence of abortion.

This hostility or indifference toward Christianity in Europe, and especially in Germany, led naturally to a profound anti-Christian sentiment in Nazi Germany. Nazis, more than most Germans, were indifferent or hostile to Christianity. Hitler originally appeared to just ignore Christianity. Dark and Essex write in their 1938 book that Mein Kampf has few passages which in any way refer to religion, none that refer to Hitler's own personal religion, or to the teaching of the Bible, nor any branch of Christian teaching. Jacob Marcus in his 1934 book by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations notes that "Though his parents were both Catholics, Hitler himself has apparently no interest in any organized religion."

In fact....
Mann notes that the three enemies constantly cited by Nazis were Judaism, Freemasonry and Christianity; and that the remedy proposed by the Nazis to solve the enemy of Christianity was to take Christian children, whose parents insisted on teaching them Christian virtues, away from their parents (much like the Bolsheviks would take Christian children away from their parents).

This is similar to what Pierre van Paassen wrote in his 1939 book, Days of Our Lives, who says that Germany is farther on the road to dechristianization than the Soviet Union and that in place of God, Nazis have placed the almighty state which demands everything from man. Also in 1939 Ernest Hambloch wrote that because the Roman Catholic Church had been opposing the Nazis as pagan, the Nazis accused the Vatican of being in league with Communism. The same year Ogg wrote in European Government and Politics that from the Nazi viewpoint Christianity was part of the common value systems which the Nazis most vigorously opposed, that the Nazis specifically objected to values of "a common European origin" and that Nazism opposed reason as a workable guide to social action."

Even the most superficial Christianity was rejected by many Nazi leaders and Nazi organizations. Karl Haushoffer, the mentor of many early Nazi leaders, preached non-Christian beliefs, and Nazi metaphysics included organizations like the Thule Society whose members greatly admired the Japanese Black Dragon Society. The Thule Society practiced occultism, alchemy and Islamic mysticism. Perhaps the best example of absolute repudiation of Christianity, even nominal Christianity contorted into something grotesquely different than any professed Christianity, comes from the mouth of Julius Streicher, a notorious defamer of Jews.

The Nazis even forbade parents to give their children Christian names and ordered babies instead to be given names like Dietrich, Otto or Siegfried. The teaching of Christianity by parents in the home was forbidden. Churches were not allowed to collect funds for charitable work. The Nazis transferred Catholic clergy to Protestant areas and Protestant clergy to Catholic areas. Nazis smeared excrement on church altars and church doors, desecrated shrines, and threw statutes of saints into dung piles; and when synagogues were not available to attack and loot, churches were the target with Nazis yelling: "Down with Christians and Jews!" In many places, historic church feast days and holidays were banned and even the display of religious flags and banners was outlawed; often Nazis cordoned off areas necessary for church pilgrimages and offered free beer and sausages for secular events that deliberately coincided with church festivals.

This article is but the tip of the iceberg of evidence showing the total hatred for Christianity held by the Nazis. It is also instructive to note that these same authors (and many others) observed that the only organized resistance to Nazism in Germany came from devout Christians.

Now, the atheist response to this is that the Nazis believed in some sort of non-Christian metaphysical system, but that demonstrates the point in my article "The Godless Delusion" - everyone, even atheists, believe in something and all belief systems are not equal. Belief in the Judeo-Christian faith is uniquely good.

Educate yourself on what a false flag is. You'll find that many in a group actually aren't in it, but are waving stuff for the camera. "That's a wrap guys, we got the shot of me waving a Nazi flag." Carrying torches doesn't make you evil btw. Actual conservatives, what appears to be a group of less than twenty holding up the "confederate" flag (I can tell these are false flags here, because Dixie had several flags, and only uneducated liberal mooks use that one) and one holding the Nazi flag.

This is the real Confederate flag. It's confused also with the original 13 star flag. Only posers trying to look the part for the camera hold this crap. Hell, most peiple don't even understand that confederate government has literally nothing to do with slave ownership (they just owned slaves) and everything to do with decentralization. After the Civil War, several awful laws were forced on the American people from income taxes to the 14th Amendment (which was ratified only under duress).
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 01:11 am
So, Conservatives on picture A, False Flaggots on Picture B, and Picture C appears to be Mystery Babylon.

Conservatives oppose masks. This isn't something they do, and there's a sort of weird pagan vibe to these outfits. This looks like some Norse ritual thing.

Antifa, BLM, COVIDians, all these masked regimes try to hide who they truly are. But our Bible declares what you have seen in secret (mystery/secret comes from the same word group as muzzle or mask) you shall declare from the rooftops. Thw Christian way is to be outspoken. The smoke and mirror tactics have always been the tricks of the enemies of God. Followers of Christ are blunt to the point of rudeness and despise the idea of masks.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 07:41 am
You are oblivious while sleeping with your enemies...

You may be more right than either of us knows.
But the last three women I slept with were 'liberals'.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 10:22 am
Followers of Christ?


Konservative Kristians wearing masKs....

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Thw Christian way is to be outspoken. The smoke and mirror tactics have always been the tricks of the enemies of God. Followers of Christ are blunt to the point of rudeness and despise the idea of masks.

What an idiot.

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
masked regimes try to hide who they truly are

The third picture was of "conservatives" protesting in Europe. Not vikings...

Your people wearing masks, ashamed someone might recognize them for who they really are, racist nazis.

Your party detests dark skin, Asians, Jews, independent women, LGBTQ...
Your hooded Nazis show up at peaceful protests with guns and loot...

The republican party does not represent humanity as a whole.

You are enabling their hate and you are anti-Christ.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 12:16 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

Followers of Christ?


Konservative Kristians wearing masKs....

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Thw Christian way is to be outspoken. The smoke and mirror tactics have always been the tricks of the enemies of God. Followers of Christ are blunt to the point of rudeness and despise the idea of masks.

What an idiot.

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
masked regimes try to hide who they truly are

The third picture was of "conservatives" protesting in Europe. Not vikings...

Your people wearing masks, ashamed someone might recognize them for who they really are, racist nazis.

Your party detests dark skin, Asians, Jews, independent women, LGBTQ...
Your hooded Nazis show up at peaceful protests with guns and loot...

The republican party does not represent humanity as a whole.

You are enabling their hate and you are anti-Christ.

Christianity in America is in danger of becoming the antiChrist.

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