What is Evangelism?

Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2021 11:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
Nobody who knows ghe difference between here and hear would call him a hack.

Weird use of the word, over here hack means journalist, not in a derogatory way either.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2021 11:14 am
The semi colon is a question of style, something I have.

You talk about Lady Macbeth but say nothing about her, saying it was a good part. How?

Putting to one side an actor's desire to play a certain part, I cannot see any strength in Lady Macbeth at all.

She's quite stupid, completely incapable of seeing the consequences of her own actions and unable to perform the deed herself despite haranguing her husband for his reluctance.

She goes mad and dies because of her own shortsightedness.

Not a good part at all.
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2021 11:16 am
@Frank Apisa,
Have you read The Macbeth Murder Mystery by James Thurber?

It's very good, about what happens when you take the rules of one genre and apply them to another.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 12:47 am
Remind me not to watch that steaming pile of crap then.

It seems like every idiot wants to jump on the dump on Trump bandwagon.

Ummm when Obama was elected did every writer write fiction or nonfiction about him? Nah, serious writers care more about writing good stories than indoctrinating. I've watched everything from MCU films, Star Trek, and Star Wars, to horror films, romances, and comedies, to foreign films and weird **** that I know you've never heard of.
I am a loser. I make no attempt to hide it, because unlike you folk, I do not spend a majority of my time trying to hide from shame. That's what trying to be "normal" is, being a pathetic person trying to avoid the reality that as humans all of our lives suck. Human beings are made so it is impossible for us to have everything. If we do, chances are we'll screw it up. This is why my sister who has a quiet life in a small town with the house cheap and easily paid off mones to the big city to live in a house that is usually cold, and gets to pat mortgages. That why my dad's friend fooled around, and now has an unpleasant marriage. We human suck without exception.
Without a job in awhile? Don't care, I just tighten my budget. No gf? No worries. You know what though? I know alot about films and television (because in addition to having time to watch films and tv for above, I am aldo an insomniac). I have a pretty good idea what makes a good film and what doesn't. (1) Universal appeal whether left/right/center, as well as different religions, social classes, etc should all connect with the film. (2) Films in general should avoid being preachy. (3) This doesn't mean it should be inoffensive. Boring films are just as bad as ones that push too hard. (4) Above all, story, characters, and a strong sense of originality. A play or film whining about historical events is just sad.

"Is nothing but angry little man, making a fit."

Now we're in almost 2 years into a Biden presidency. Once upon a time Trump was elected. Get over it. Or do you see me making a novel about the evil president who I've changed a few letters of his name to not look like Biden? No, cuz this book would suck.
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 02:00 am
@Frank Apisa,
He is a hack.
I'm not pretending at anything. Precisely why I hate him is that the people who spend the most effort posing tell me how great he is, but can't really tell me how anything he wrote is relevant to their lives.

Here, these are media I think are great: Deltora Quest (and the rest of the series), Kingdom Hearts, Condor Hero, Abhorsen (Old Kingdom) series, Oz books, Tao te Ching, Taoist books on trigrams/geomancy/feng shui/etc, the Gnomes book (it's cute, and it's a sort of fantastic field guild, which is a rare genre), Wheel of Time, Lunar, Mana Khemia/Atelier series, the Black Magician serie, the Bible, the Mahabharata, the teachings of Mencius (Confucius is dull for spending most of his time talking about daily routine, Mencius is a badass), Tale of Sand, One Piece, Magic Knight Rayearth.

I don't care for poetry, and I don't care to read about dull romances, mostly between fangirl types. You know that I can find a better example of that sorta thing from Korean drama? Here, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho is a better plot by far than Romeo and Juliet.
Let's lay it out for you. Romeo and Juliet revolves around a bunch of characters that I quite literally couldn't care less about. Mercutio killed him off? See ya. Romeo and Juliet poisoned themselves? They were kinda whiny and idealistic anyway.Why the hell wouldn't you just run away together, get a real job, and change your name? It's not like Capulet and Montague rule the world or are a mob family. Just move. Nope, let's have a contrived fake poisoning which the guy can't bother to tell the other in person but instead relies on the mail system. We're supposed to feel that this is selfless love and a grand story of how love conquers all and... **** this crap! It's an idiot plot (by which I mean it relies on all involved characters behaving like bad horror film stars), it's overly sentimental, and has a distorted view of love. The worlspd is too gard for us to live in, so let's both sacrifice our lives.

Here's how My Girlfriend is a Gumiho goes down. The female lead used to be an immortal ninetailed foxlady who charmed nearby men. The women loathed her and spread rumors about her eating livers of men. She gets isolated and cries until she loses her human form and becomes a furry. The goddess of marriage takes pity on her and seals her inside a temple painting. The male lead is a spoiled kid who misused his grandpa's money to buy a motorbike, and hasn't been taking proper courses but instead wants to get into acting. While his grandpa is trying to punish him for blowing off real classes and basically stealing from him, the kid sneaks on a truck. The truck drives into the middle of nowhere, and he stays in this temple. Seeing a painting, he hears a voice tell hin to paint the tails on this painting. I think he's hypnotized, but he's enough of a vandal to do this without much prompting. Gu Miho (as she later is known, thanks to a cute wordplay thing) is freed from the painting but this thug runs away, tripping and whacking into a boulder, dying instantly. Miho gives him her sacred spirit bead by mouth, restoring his life and healing all wounds. If the bead is harmed she dies, and she has to stay close, so she follows him to the city. He's afraid of her, because she has a kind of animalistic psycho girlfriend vibe. He starts to live in the upstairs of the school gym, since his grandad basically kicked him out. Miho has some pretty expensive appetites, since as a fox, she is a hardcore carnivore. The kid slowly goes broke trying to look after her, who hasn't an ID, and no marketable skills except stunt acting in the dramas that kid works with. So he eventually works hard, which makes the grandpa like her as she encouraged his work ethic (even though this is mainly due to her munching down on meat), accepting this kid's acting dream. Meanwhile , grandpa's daughter has a beta relationship with this guy who saves her life a couple of times, and looks kinda ruggedly handsome. Miho meets a halfling, who tries to sell her on the idea of being half-human. The guy kinda breaks up with her but the deal is to try to split her spieit bead, which should stabilize if she removes it halfway. But by that point, she detscides she loves him too much to remove the bead from him and kill him, so sge keeps losing her tails. Finally, the last episode she starts to disappear and the boy finally realizes he loves her back. I think the goddess of marriage intervenes. She has one tail by the end of the film, and the bead has become part of him.
Oh look, no crap about poison, no idealism about love, the characters care about each other and work hard to make things happen. the story is long enough to fit a wall of text, and I'm not left with the feeling of alot of senseless events that barely relate to one another. Tybalt and Mercutio add literally nothing to the story.
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 04:48 am
The only steaming pile of crap comes from you, and I have much better things to do than read it.

Then again, I've never read your other steaming piles of crap either. The first sentence is enough.

Brevity is the soul of wit.
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 07:41 am
That's another reason why I don't read more that the first sentence.

Steaming pile of **** is about right.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 07:46 am
19 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. Here's what their stories have in common.
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 08:18 am
Quoting Shakespeare on brevity, when he wrote a substantial 836,000 words and 37+ plays, and 22,000 words on average. Most of these plays are far too long, having their main plot covered in about 1/5 of that, and having the rest filled with dumb jokes and dumber conversation.

For an example, all people remember of the witches is their prophecies and them saying "Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble." The actual scene?

Scene 1
Thunder. Enter the three Witches.

Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed.
Thrice, and once the hedge-pig whined.
Harpier cries “’Tis time, ’tis time!”
Round about the cauldron go;
5 In the poisoned entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Sweltered venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ th’ charmèd pot.
⌜The Witches circle the cauldron.⌝
10 Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake
In the cauldron boil and bake.
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
15 Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blindworm’s sting,

Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
20 Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witch’s mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravined salt-sea shark,
25 Root of hemlock digged i’ th’ dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew,
Gall of goat and slips of yew
Slivered in the moon’s eclipse,
Nose of Turk and Tartar’s lips,
30 Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-delivered by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab.
Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron
For th’ ingredience of our cauldron.
35 Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood.
Then the charm is firm and good.

Enter Hecate ⌜to⌝ the other three Witches.

O, well done! I commend your pains,
40 And everyone shall share i’ th’ gains.
And now about the cauldron sing
Like elves and fairies in a ring,
Enchanting all that you put in.
Music and a song: “Black Spirits,” etc. ⌜Hecate exits.⌝

By the pricking of my thumbs,
45 Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks.

Enter Macbeth.

What about this is brief? Then they talk to Macbeth. A modern film maker looking to make this into a two hour film would be like. "Shakespeare! Baby! I know you like to make these witches be all dramatic, but look at how much these three talk among themselves. We need to move things along!" They'd cut from "fillet of a fenny snake" to where it says "By the pricking of my thumbs... " They'd cut most of Macbeth's conversation afterward and many other things, and this would be done in three acts.

If brevity is the soul of wit, then again, Shakespeare isn't brief enough to be considered witty. He's too fond of pretentious little sayings, dumb jokes (most of which as crass), and cheap nonsense plots.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 08:28 am
But the media turns a blind eye to sniffing creepy Joe.


If he's doing this creepy stuff in public, he's probably guilty of far worse in private. But as usual, they give their own a pass while digging up witnesses for their rivals.
Here are all the times Biden has been accused of inappropriate behavior with women
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 08:53 am
It was a run on sentence, like when I talk about something and there are actually two or three sentences in there, but I just keep writing and writing, I think a comma is enough, so I just run at the mouth.


It was a run on sentence, like when I talk about something and there are actually two or three sentences in there, but I just keep writing and writing; I think a comma is enough, so I just run at the mouth.

It's not about style. Once you start a segment that is a complete sentence on its own, if you don't either end the sentence (period!) or splice it with a semicolon, then it is noticeably bad. You had one of these teachers that was all about "being creative" and didn't bother to teach you English grammar, am I right?

The point of that segment is that the person actually into Shakespeare quotes (maybe "out out, damned spot") while the person saying they like Shakespeare actually only wants to get laid. We could take any quote here, but the poser type thinks it's a free pass to be seen as an intelligent person. This is what I object to, not individual quotes. Viewed as pop trash of its era, Shakespeare is passable with an honest eye. But much of it comes across as snobbery due to the disgusting fawning English teachers have over it. None of the English teachers that liked Shakespeare seemed particularly brilliant, but those who pushed other classics (the Yellow Wallpaper was a short story, yet a far better read) seemed to capture my interest. Read the Epic of Gilgamesh, and tell me why I should like Shakespeare. There are simply better books, and even better plays than his.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 09:04 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

He is a hack.
I'm not pretending at anything. Precisely why I hate him is that the people who spend the most effort posing tell me how great he is, but can't really tell me how anything he wrote is relevant to their lives.

Here, these are media I think are great: Deltora Quest (and the rest of the series), Kingdom Hearts, Condor Hero, Abhorsen (Old Kingdom) series, Oz books, Tao te Ching, Taoist books on trigrams/geomancy/feng shui/etc, the Gnomes book (it's cute, and it's a sort of fantastic field guild, which is a rare genre), Wheel of Time, Lunar, Mana Khemia/Atelier series, the Black Magician serie, the Bible, the Mahabharata, the teachings of Mencius (Confucius is dull for spending most of his time talking about daily routine, Mencius is a badass), Tale of Sand, One Piece, Magic Knight Rayearth.

I don't care for poetry, and I don't care to read about dull romances, mostly between fangirl types. You know that I can find a better example of that sorta thing from Korean drama? Here, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho is a better plot by far than Romeo and Juliet.
Let's lay it out for you. Romeo and Juliet revolves around a bunch of characters that I quite literally couldn't care less about. Mercutio killed him off? See ya. Romeo and Juliet poisoned themselves? They were kinda whiny and idealistic anyway.Why the hell wouldn't you just run away together, get a real job, and change your name? It's not like Capulet and Montague rule the world or are a mob family. Just move. Nope, let's have a contrived fake poisoning which the guy can't bother to tell the other in person but instead relies on the mail system. We're supposed to feel that this is selfless love and a grand story of how love conquers all and... **** this crap! It's an idiot plot (by which I mean it relies on all involved characters behaving like bad horror film stars), it's overly sentimental, and has a distorted view of love. The worlspd is too gard for us to live in, so let's both sacrifice our lives.

Here's how My Girlfriend is a Gumiho goes down. The female lead used to be an immortal ninetailed foxlady who charmed nearby men. The women loathed her and spread rumors about her eating livers of men. She gets isolated and cries until she loses her human form and becomes a furry. The goddess of marriage takes pity on her and seals her inside a temple painting. The male lead is a spoiled kid who misused his grandpa's money to buy a motorbike, and hasn't been taking proper courses but instead wants to get into acting. While his grandpa is trying to punish him for blowing off real classes and basically stealing from him, the kid sneaks on a truck. The truck drives into the middle of nowhere, and he stays in this temple. Seeing a painting, he hears a voice tell hin to paint the tails on this painting. I think he's hypnotized, but he's enough of a vandal to do this without much prompting. Gu Miho (as she later is known, thanks to a cute wordplay thing) is freed from the painting but this thug runs away, tripping and whacking into a boulder, dying instantly. Miho gives him her sacred spirit bead by mouth, restoring his life and healing all wounds. If the bead is harmed she dies, and she has to stay close, so she follows him to the city. He's afraid of her, because she has a kind of animalistic psycho girlfriend vibe. He starts to live in the upstairs of the school gym, since his grandad basically kicked him out. Miho has some pretty expensive appetites, since as a fox, she is a hardcore carnivore. The kid slowly goes broke trying to look after her, who hasn't an ID, and no marketable skills except stunt acting in the dramas that kid works with. So he eventually works hard, which makes the grandpa like her as she encouraged his work ethic (even though this is mainly due to her munching down on meat), accepting this kid's acting dream. Meanwhile , grandpa's daughter has a beta relationship with this guy who saves her life a couple of times, and looks kinda ruggedly handsome. Miho meets a halfling, who tries to sell her on the idea of being half-human. The guy kinda breaks up with her but the deal is to try to split her spieit bead, which should stabilize if she removes it halfway. But by that point, she detscides she loves him too much to remove the bead from him and kill him, so sge keeps losing her tails. Finally, the last episode she starts to disappear and the boy finally realizes he loves her back. I think the goddess of marriage intervenes. She has one tail by the end of the film, and the bead has become part of him.
Oh look, no crap about poison, no idealism about love, the characters care about each other and work hard to make things happen. the story is long enough to fit a wall of text, and I'm not left with the feeling of alot of senseless events that barely relate to one another. Tybalt and Mercutio add literally nothing to the story.

You post like a teenager and your tastes are the tastes of a teenager.

If you are 20 or older...you should be ashamed of yourself. But growing up is not an easy thing for some people. If you refuse to see a professional mental healthcare counsellor...I would advise you to go into the military. They may be able to shape you up.

Now, for a few quotes from your previous post:

That's what trying to be "normal" is, being a pathetic person trying to avoid the reality that as humans all of our lives suck.

I do pity you, but "all of our lives" do not suck. Mine definitely does not. I have a fine life...and, for the most part, I am content. Luckily, I do not crave money or things.

I am a loser. I make no attempt to hide it, because unlike you folk, I do not spend a majority of my time trying to hide from shame.

I certainly agree that you are a loser. I suspect it is because you choose to be a loser. And if you think that acknowledging that you are a loser means that you are not "trying to hide from shame"...you are even more a loser than I initially suspected.

Stop being a loser. Grow the hell up. Enjoy life...and stop hoping it will go on forever due to the sacrifice of some "savior."

Anyone who would grant YOU eternal life...is no friend. Considering what you do with the life you are currently living, granting you eternal life is sadistic. It is condemning you to eternal Hell.
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 09:36 am
@Frank Apisa,
Poetry is the waste excrement of the human brain,
and people who try to rhyme things are just insane.
There is no significance of making things rhyme.
It's akin to turning words into the sound of a chime,
and it's a colossal tremendous waste of time.

But seriously, the Illiad, the Odyssey, Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and other books when translated into prose (if they weren't already), I've read them. I have a deep aversion to poetry. And I have run into enough English lit assholes who try to declare what is and isn't good literature. Lord of the Rings was no only a fun read, but a story of decent length that is nothing to sneeze at. Neither is Journey to the West, a book of 2000+ pages. Neither is the Dune series. I've read most of Terry Brooks novels, many from Piers Anthony, a few of Ayn Rand, and Terry Goodkind (up to Confessor).
None of these were taught in any lit class. Instead, throughout high school, idiots would force me to memorize passages from "The Bard" while ignoring books that were actually a fun read. What do I care for poetry? The effort you expend getting things to rhyme means it's not all that meaningful.
I like works of literature that have heavy symbolism, that can either be read as an exciting adventure story, a biography of someone's move from Africa to Britain and later their involvement in World War, and that can be tackled from multiple angles including interpreting it as Christian text. I'd probably be reading CS Lewis fantasies too, but I prefer Tolkien's theology to Lewis's and ditto for writing style.
I like allegories and high fantasy. I don't give a **** what the professor thinks is "proper" literature, to write an epic, and to write it with layers upon layers of meaning, that's good writing, even if it's trashy. To rhyme words, that's horseshit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 10:16 am
@Frank Apisa,
You are most definitely hiding from shame.

Most of the time I've questioned you on your past, you've dodged it, to the point where I've decided you're deeply afraid that people will find out you aren't that cool.

Like any of us give a crap. Being a loser isn't so bad. I have a family, I have a relationship with God, and I have no worries most days. Could I have more income? Probably yea. Could I have some girlfriend? Sure. But I'd spend alot of energy working to try to keep them happy, and I'm not relationship material or that into work.

We watched a bio on Dean Martin last night. Basically aside from the general impression of coolness, nobody knew anything about him. But unlike the people trying to be cool, his privacy was based on being very family-centered and distrustful of the Hollywood mindset. He knew who he was and who he wasn't, and didn't waste time with the other crap. He actually caled the cops on his own party, pretending to be a neighbor, so he could get soms sleep when it got too loud.
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 10:34 am
@Frank Apisa,
Why waste your time?
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 10:41 am
izzythepush wrote:

Why waste your time?

He is a kid who might be saved...from himself.

Plus...if you do not get huge laughs out of the irony of his posts...ya gotta fix yer funny bone!

I love that laughs.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 10:46 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

You are most definitely hiding from shame.

If it makes your life a tiny bit more enjoyable to think that...go for it. You need some joy in your life.

Most of the time I've questioned you on your past, you've dodged it, to the point where I've decided you're deeply afraid that people will find out you aren't that cool.


Stop being a child, Bulma. It's time!

What exactly do you want to know about my past? Ask a question, if you are able to think of one. Don't ask me for a bio. I am 85 years old...and I have lived a very active life. I am not going to do a memoir for you.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 10:47 am
@Frank Apisa,
I don't find him funny I find him depressing.

Have you read the Thurber?
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 11:04 am
@Frank Apisa,
You propose to save me. That's hilarious.

I have been saved. You see the result.

God is clearly a troll.

As if that weren't immediately obvious from his decision to put a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the center of a garden, where it was easy to get to, nothing guarding it, and tell people don't eat it.
And yeas, he would save someone like me, and grant me eternal life if I wanted it. Or perversely grant it because I don't want it.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 11:43 am
izzythepush wrote:

I don't find him funny I find him depressing.

There is a depressing element, but the irony is funny, Izzy..

Normally I would ignore someone like him, but he is a Trump supporter, so I owe it to humanity to engage.

Have you read the Thurber?


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