What is Evangelism?

Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 05:34 am
The motorcyclist who died in the traffic accident tested positive for Covid-19.

He has been removed from the Florida Covid-19 death count but, there is still question, did Covid-19 impair his driving ability?

That is still a likely scenario...

Does Covid-19 illness contribute to traffic accidents and fatalities? YES.

Just as alcohol is often listed as the cause for many traffic accidents and fatalities.

Cause and effect.

Once again we have republican politics used to tell us another fake news lie.

It is pretty hard to cling to an oxygen bottle and respirator while driving a motorcycle.
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 05:49 am
This reminds me of the republican I saw one day with a huge pole sticking out of this sunroof with an American flag attached to it blowing in the wind.

He was driving erratically with only one hand while trying to steady the flag.

You know the type, illiterate and dumb as a board...

On the back of his car he had a sign hanging saying something about "medical freedom".

Like, the freedom to endanger others by putting a flag pole through your sunroof and driving erratically during rush hour. Or the freedom to not wear a mask and spread a deadly pandemic to vulnerable old people and children.

And when perhaps he drove his car off the road and slammed into a tree, cause of death was a toss-up. Killed by the American flag or killed by Trump. Both are legitimate causes of death, as is stupidity and maybe also killed by an erroneous fear of vaccines. Vaxism and Vaxophobia...

How quickly rights can become wrong...
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 07:40 am
The CDC's own findings on school masks.
Prolonged mask use, more than four hours a day, "promotes facial alkalinization and inadvertently encourages dehydration, which in turn can enhance barrier breakdown and bacterial infection risk.”
British clinicians have reported masks to increase headaches and sweating and decrease cognitive precision.
By obscuring nonverbal communication, masks interfere with social learning in children.
Likewise, masks can distort verbal speech and remove visual cues to the detriment of individuals with hearing loss.

You wanna tell me why you were so threatened by what I had to say that my post mysteriously disappeared?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 07:58 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Horseshit you say.

Yes I did. See...you CAN read at times.

I showed you people links. Not only did you not read them (obviously) but you didn't even notice they existed.

Your comment was bullshit.

This is what happens when you graduate from woke colleges. You stop being able to see basic facts and pretty soon you start telling ppl you're 85 and work for the New York Times.

You wouldn't recognize a fact if you tripped over one.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 08:03 am
TheCobbler wrote:

This reminds me of the republican I saw one day with a huge pole sticking out of this sunroof with an American flag attached to it blowing in the wind.

He was driving erratically with only one hand while trying to steady the flag.

You know the type, illiterate and dumb as a board...

On the back of his car he had a sign hanging saying something about "medical freedom".

Like, the freedom to endanger others by putting a flag pole through your sunroof and driving erratically during rush hour. Or the freedom to not wear a mask and spread a deadly pandemic to vulnerable old people and children.

And when perhaps he drove his car off the road and slammed into a tree, cause of death was a toss-up. Killed by the American flag or killed by Trump. Both are legitimate causes of death, as is stupidity and maybe also killed by an erroneous fear of vaccines. Vaxism and Vaxophobia...

How quickly rights can become wrong...

Over 5,000,000 dead world-wide by Covid...and these assholes are still touting the line they think their Dear Leader wants them to tout

Poor sheeple!
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 12:04 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

You're the one keeping the "fruit of your effort" while leaving the Samaritan in the ditch...

I don't mind sharing a fair portion of my effort because I feel I am rewarded by the karma of agape...

You are the fake Christian using your politics to hate...

Where did Jesus say feeding the poor wasn't his or our job?

Please quote me chapter and verse.

You are a sociopath, you take from society and give nothing in return.

Jesus forgave the thief hanging on the cross next to him, let's hope forgiving you is his job too...

OK, Cobbler. Let's get down to facts:
Here is a list of things that I have done and seen fellow Christians do. Have you done these things?:

Built homes in Northern Mexico for the poor. Also provided food, water, medicine, and other supplies for them
Provided food, water, medicine, etc. for the poor in the U.S. (although these "poor" are much richer than the vast majority of people in the world).
Helped people suffering from AIDS.
Make charitable gifts to organizations that help the truly poor all over the world.
Devote TIME to help people with special needs. This include people that so many of you liberals love to mock (people with low intelligence, Cerebral Palsy, the elderly, etc.)
Visit the sick.

I realize that I am not showing much humidity in this post. However, it is a fact that many Christians give of themselves to a great extent.
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 05:26 pm
@Frank Apisa,
My dear leader is Jesus, not Trump. Just as an FYI.

Let's talk about how most of these died.

Did they reallty die of a disease with no real symptoms that has a 99% recovery rate? Not hardly! Deaths "with COVID" are recorded as deaths "of" COVID. What does this mean? It means carte blanche recording of all deaths as COVID, including absurd ones like suicide or vehicular accidents.
And doctors probably get a monetary incentive to record it this way, just as media gets incentive to inflate the numbers.

So how did most of these people die? Suicide from extreme isolation. Poverty after losing their job because they wouldn't or COULDN'T wear a mask or take a vaccine. Have a mask phobia? A breathing disorder? An allergy to vaccine ingredients? Quit your whining asshole and get with the program! The sheer amount of cruelty and indifference, and you want to try to shame us. No, shame on you! Oh yes, and... starvation after finding nowhere in their area to shop for food. There is no reason why people can't let paying customers in regardless of what they are wearing or what their medical history is.
Btw, the trucking industry has created inflation and food shorts because people are too phobic about either being aroubd other ppl (COVID phobia) or completely averse to being forced to work under COVID standards.

You people are either lying to yourself to feel better about something on par with turning a blind eye to people being tossed in a furnace near you, or you are just that ghoulish and evil that you're okay intentionally starving conservative anti-vaxxers to death. Which is it?!?
Reply Fri 19 Nov, 2021 05:04 am
It is unfortunate how one single vote for a pu**y grabber can negate many years of honest and heartfelt charity work...


Cerebral Palsy


Low intelligence


The one thing liberals don't do is equate the two.

Isn't it your entire party that just voted against the infrastructure bill but voted to give tax breaks to billionaires?

The infrastructure bill pays for housing, child education and school lunches for poor kids. And your entire party has voted against it.

These are the people you support so your hypocrisy is not very Christian either.

What did Jesus say about hypocrites?

I used to be a republican but I refused to be a hypocrite and left the party, what is your excuse for staying?

Only a low intelligence jerk would remain in that band of wolves.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 19 Nov, 2021 05:46 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

My dear leader is Jesus, not Trump. Just as an FYI.

Let's talk about how most of these died.

Did they reallty die of a disease with no real symptoms that has a 99% recovery rate? Not hardly! Deaths "with COVID" are recorded as deaths "of" COVID. What does this mean? It means carte blanche recording of all deaths as COVID, including absurd ones like suicide or vehicular accidents.
And doctors probably get a monetary incentive to record it this way, just as media gets incentive to inflate the numbers.

So how did most of these people die? Suicide from extreme isolation. Poverty after losing their job because they wouldn't or COULDN'T wear a mask or take a vaccine. Have a mask phobia? A breathing disorder? An allergy to vaccine ingredients? Quit your whining asshole and get with the program! The sheer amount of cruelty and indifference, and you want to try to shame us. No, shame on you! Oh yes, and... starvation after finding nowhere in their area to shop for food. There is no reason why people can't let paying customers in regardless of what they are wearing or what their medical history is.
Btw, the trucking industry has created inflation and food shorts because people are too phobic about either being aroubd other ppl (COVID phobia) or completely averse to being forced to work under COVID standards.

You people are either lying to yourself to feel better about something on par with turning a blind eye to people being tossed in a furnace near you, or you are just that ghoulish and evil that you're okay intentionally starving conservative anti-vaxxers to death. Which is it?!?

You are pathetic is what it is. I do pity you, though. And I hope you grow up.
Reply Fri 19 Nov, 2021 08:54 am
@Frank Apisa,
I pity you even more. That brain damage you obviously received left you unable to sort out what really happens from what people write down on paper.

You walk around reading the newspaper, and you think statistics are real. You don't bother to check them. But people in front of your eyes are clearly struggling, and you can't seem to get it.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 19 Nov, 2021 09:33 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

I pity you even more. That brain damage you obviously received left you unable to sort out what really happens from what people write down on paper.

You walk around reading the newspaper, and you think statistics are real. You don't bother to check them. But people in front of your eyes are clearly struggling, and you can't seem to get it.

I think the medical term for your particular problem, Bulma, is "bat **** nuts."

If not...it is something similar.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Nov, 2021 07:45 pm
I was temporarily banned from this post so I could not respond until now.
I was a Democrat when I was young. However, as Frank likes to say "I grew up". In high school I would tear up at movies like " Bless the beasts and the children". I believed that everyone should be "happy and free". I believed in socialism.
However, I grew out of my emotional beliefs. I discovered that socialism may work in hypothesis. However, in reality it leads to disaster. I saw what hypocrites Democrat leaders were. I also discovered how reasonable Republicans were.
Reply Tue 23 Nov, 2021 08:30 pm
This is similar to my journey, except it kinda went off the rails at the end.

Graduated from college, had a bunch of crap jobs. More or less thought that liberals were the party of civil rights, the environment, and personal freedom. Then I wandered the country on a road trip, and actually had people tell me that no actually the right was responsible for the civil rights movement. I didn't believe it of course, but I majored in history so I knew how to do research, and eventually found out that there were actually two narratives of history and politics. And the picture of the left's actual actions were quite different from their narrative. That the left kept the people they supposedly supported dependent on the system. That alot of these minority groups were basically showing up again and again at the food stamp offices, that their so-called support groups didn't actually want them to succeed. I also learned that so-called environmentalism often was a smokescreen for things that were actually nothing to do with it. Global warming so illegal immigrants must move up from Mexico. Wait, what?

I'd like to say that I just became a conservative, but towards the end of the Trump election, I noticed that it was Trump's vaccine plan that Biden mocked while the campaign was in progress, then used while in office. I realized it was all a sham, and we should place our trust in God not leaders.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 05:58 am
NealNealNeal wrote:

I was temporarily banned from this post so I could not respond until now.
I was a Democrat when I was young. However, as Frank likes to say "I grew up". In high school I would tear up at movies like " Bless the beasts and the children". I believed that everyone should be "happy and free". I believed in socialism.
However, I grew out of my emotional beliefs. I discovered that socialism may work in hypothesis. However, in reality it leads to disaster. I saw what hypocrites Democrat leaders were. I also discovered how reasonable Republicans were.

You've got a lot more growing to do.

Hope you make it, Neal.

Stay safe over the holidays.
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 06:32 am
@Frank Apisa,
Or maybe it's not too late to admit you have actually grown up in the wrong direction.

But you won't prove me wrong. You will never change and become better. You are a funhouse mirror of me. Both of us will stubbornly insist we are right to our last breath.

Safe from what? There is nothing the physical world can do to us. There are no worries, as my dearest friend always said.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 07:34 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Or maybe it's not too late to admit you have actually grown up in the wrong direction.

I've grown up.

Give it a try.

But you won't prove me wrong. You will never change and become better. You are a funhouse mirror of me. Both of us will stubbornly insist we are right to our last breath.

I am the one acknowledging that I do NOT KNOW the answers to ultimate questions. YOU, on the other hand, are the one pretending to KNOW them. Flatter yourself to think we are similar if you want. I KNOW I am right...because I KNOW I do not KNOW the answers to those questions.

In the meantime, continue your pretense. Obviously you need it.

Safe from what? There is nothing the physical world can do to us.

Only a nut case thinks that.

There are no worries, as my dearest friend always said.

Glad you have at least one friend, Bulma.

Stop with the bravado. You are not kidding any of us...and you are not even kidding yourself. You are a worrier who thinks himself to be a warrior.
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 07:48 am
@Frank Apisa,
Have you though? Have you really grown up?

Or have you sold out? Maybe your story is another one of those who lost their self to work and monetary "success". As though paper issued on fiat could be equated with success.



You see, I remember what it was like struggling with the transition from childhood to teenage years, from teenage to adulthood. I had an honest to God midlife-crisis where I just up and left everything behind. I remember exactly what an ordeal that was, and how it led me eventually to my faith.

Next to that, your story seems kinda... shallow. In fact, it reminds me of Kira's story she told before I pieced together that the entire thing didn't add up. The truth of the matter is much different.

Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 08:15 am
@Frank Apisa,
Only a nut case thinks that.

Only a nutcase thinks what?

If I read responses like you do, I can just ignore the previous comment, and talk about how you're stupid and can't properly construct a sentence. But unlike you, I actually remember previous conversation.

Only a nutcase thinks that? Why? Because it is insane to assign value to things not of the physical world?

A body lasts for 60 to 100 years typically with only minor decay. But if I get killed, whatever force animates my body is gone. You can ask where, but I know you won't. At age 30, if you die, where there should be nothing rotting you because you are at the peak of health, you die at the same rate as other people. Which is...?

Within 24-hours of death, the internal organs starts to decompose. In three to five days, the body starts to bloat releasing bodily fluids.
After 10 days, the body turns from green to red because there is no oxygen and gas takes up residence.
Several weeks after, the nails and teeth fall out. A month after death, the body starts to liquify.

Let's review, a month after death, whether you are a newborn who was just aborted or a hundred year death, as soon as whatever was part of the body (protip: the spurit and the soul) leaves it, the body rapidly breaks down.

There is clearly something aside from just our bodies. So YOU want to call ME insane for being worried about something that in few weeks will turn to liquid? No, a nutcase attaches significance to the things of this world. I have done that too much already. The most enduring legacy humans have built is not books, monuments, or even families. It's our dreams as a species. Our commitment to a better world than this one. This idea has been handed down from people since the beginning of history, great men like MLK gave their lives for this. And it carries with it the dream of the afterlife, the world to come. You want to kill it for a few scraps of paper promised you. You are a paid shill for newspapers and other groups, their private whore of Babylon. But Babylon itself will one day fall.

Will you grow up then?

The physical world rots, so do our minds (senility). There must be something better, that manages to preserve body and mind. With a knowledge of that, why should we worry about safety? What sane person should?
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 09:23 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Have you though? Have you really grown up?

Yes...and I have the integrity to acknowledge that I do not know the stuff I do not know.

YOU are still in denial on that. YOU pretend you KNOW the stuff you merely blindly guess.

Or have you sold out? Maybe your story is another one of those who lost their self to work and monetary "success". As though paper issued on fiat could be equated with success.

My "success" comes from contentment...not from money. As I have told you, for almost my life, I have lived at, or very near, the poverty level. Money is very, very far down on my list of needs and wants.

You see, I remember what it was like struggling with the transition from childhood to teenage years, from teenage to adulthood. I had an honest to God midlife-crisis where I just up and left everything behind. I remember exactly what an ordeal that was, and how it led me eventually to my faith.

Your "beliefs" are just your blind guesses about the REALITY. Your "faith" is merely your insistence that you blind guesses are correct.

Next to that, your story seems kinda... shallow. In fact, it reminds me of Kira's story she told before I pieced together that the entire thing didn't add up. The truth of the matter is much different.

You are a nut case, seriously in need of professional help. Please, get some.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 09:24 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Only a nut case thinks that.

Only a nutcase thinks what?

If I read responses like you do, I can just ignore the previous comment, and talk about how you're stupid and can't properly construct a sentence. But unlike you, I actually remember previous conversation.

Only a nutcase thinks that? Why? Because it is insane to assign value to things not of the physical world?

A body lasts for 60 to 100 years typically with only minor decay. But if I get killed, whatever force animates my body is gone. You can ask where, but I know you won't. At age 30, if you die, where there should be nothing rotting you because you are at the peak of health, you die at the same rate as other people. Which is...?

Within 24-hours of death, the internal organs starts to decompose. In three to five days, the body starts to bloat releasing bodily fluids.
After 10 days, the body turns from green to red because there is no oxygen and gas takes up residence.
Several weeks after, the nails and teeth fall out. A month after death, the body starts to liquify.

Let's review, a month after death, whether you are a newborn who was just aborted or a hundred year death, as soon as whatever was part of the body (protip: the spurit and the soul) leaves it, the body rapidly breaks down.

There is clearly something aside from just our bodies. So YOU want to call ME insane for being worried about something that in few weeks will turn to liquid? No, a nutcase attaches significance to the things of this world. I have done that too much already. The most enduring legacy humans have built is not books, monuments, or even families. It's our dreams as a species. Our commitment to a better world than this one. This idea has been handed down from people since the beginning of history, great men like MLK gave their lives for this. And it carries with it the dream of the afterlife, the world to come. You want to kill it for a few scraps of paper promised you. You are a paid shill for newspapers and other groups, their private whore of Babylon. But Babylon itself will one day fall.

Will you grow up then?

The physical world rots, so do our minds (senility). There must be something better, that manages to preserve body and mind. With a knowledge of that, why should we worry about safety? What sane person should?

You are a first-class nut case.
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