What is Evangelism?

Reply Tue 16 Nov, 2021 04:10 am
Don't call me afool you moron.

You don't understand how vaccines work so you spouta load of cretinous drivel.

You weren't fooled because you didn't have a brain in the first place.

I was talking to someone who at least comprehends what's going on.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 06:51 am
After that watch the Exorcist with Linda Blare...

You can see she actually floats in the air, so it must be true. (lol)

Conservatives get their science from horror films and also horror news networks.

You can die from stubbing your toe but you can much more likely die from contracting the highly contagious Covid-19 virus.

The vaccine is 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 disease.

Most people will have mild symptoms from the Covid-19 disease and get better on their own. But about 1 in 6 will have severe problems, such as trouble breathing.

47.3M have contracted Covid in the US and 765K have died from it in the US...

Vaccine common side effects

On the arm where you got the shot:

Throughout the rest of your body:
Muscle pain

No mention of mass death rates or permanent illness related to the Corvid-19 vaccine.

But the side effects from being a republican?




The first picture shows that Linda Blare is merely an actress in real life.. Amazing how that works, huh?
The other pictures show republican actors in real life...

Here is another horror film you might want to take a look at...




These republican people are not actors (that we know of, though many may have been paid by Trump...) and Trump is the director of this horror film...

You have no credibility whatsoever bulmabriefs.

Y0u post as if anything you say might have interest, value or worth but your words are poisoned by fake news propaganda and cult style brain parasite mind-control.

You are no more intelligent than a parrot blindly repeating words it has been taught to speak.

You are a real life version of Linda Blare's exorcist character, possessed by your republican demon masters...

Your Russian oligarchs, evangelical charlatans and dictator wannabe Trump are the source of your demonic possession...

Everyone dies, so why not listen to republicans and die sooner rather than later from something that is preventable? (cynical)
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 07:29 am
"When you believe everything you read, best not read." - Confucius (I think)

Here's a tip. In a town town maybe 50 or 100 miles from us, they had three times the population supposedly sick from COVID. I think the town was Staunton or something, but it was awhile back. At some poimt, you should say that these numbers are funny. But you don't. At some point you should question what the point of vaccinating a disease where most people are asymptomatic, and most of the people who died, died of complications. But you don't. And you should asking, if this is so good, why do we need to be threatened with our jobs for not taking it? But you don't. And you should be asking people themselves why they won't be vaccinated when it's practically free for alot of people. But you don't.

In a free world, you have the right not to be pestered for your medical decisions. But you don't.
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 08:21 am
Those pictures are interesting. But you should look up what the word false flag means. In a given crowd, most people could be peacefully chanting or holding hands. It only takes six or so people doing crazy or violent things to discredit the movement. These six could be from anywhere, liberal, Marxist, conservative fringe, what have you. Or they may simply be people paid to stir up trouble. A false flag is someone who sets up an event making it look like they are waving the flag of one system in order to blemish that group.

I didn't go to this rally. Nobody I know did. But if you wonder why there are armed guards around the White House, suddenly this all makes sense. They used this "crowd" to show why they needed to gate up the capitol. The real reason? We have a corrupt president who is afraid real people will try to oust him from office.

This man is literally waving around a false flag. Nobody serious waves the confederate flag.


A virus that by your own words has not even killed 1% of the population... over two years. 745k of 300 million (the US population is around 300 million). If 1 million of 100 million died, this would be 1%. But this is just over 1/2% there, and divide it down to 1/6% for being a population of 300 million.

And here's the thing. They ar e stacking cases cumulatively to make it more impressive. All but 6% of those have comorbity meaning it wasn't COVID that really killed them. It was COVID and diabetes, or COVID and heart attack... let's be real, it was the other thing. Btw, type in "motorcycle accident listed as COVID" so of these cases are just outright false. For easy math, we'll round to 10%. So like 1/60% of death from COVID. Now, remember I said it was cumulative? This means in like a month, forty people die. That's maybe a misestimation but I don't care. We start to creep up to 1/6000% territory if we were to count monthly or daily rates. Every year, tens of thousands of people died from flu and cold. Hundreds of thousands worldwide. Nobody went into lockdown. Every day someone dies from car accidents. Nobody stops driving, nor do they stop drinking because or drunk drivers. High drivers are even worse, but they are talking about legalizing marijuana. There are 161k medical error deaths per year. In about 4 and a half years, this would rival the entirety of COVID deaths, yet again, nobody stops going to the doctotr. Btw, doctors also kill 600k more while treating heart disease or cancer. Now we're tied in one year for someone that they had to do screwy cumulative math over two years to get to that result. This is about state control, not keeping ppl well. Nobody avoids living for anything that realistically only kills one or two people in their area every week or so.
Btw, how mant people do you think are born each day? One every 8.08 seconds, with a total of 3 million a year. If anything, all of our COVID alarmism prevented people from going out and getting busy. 750k over two years or 3 million a year? Not concerned. What does concern me is big state. In China, where this hysteria came from, they had a one child policy and the population was wrecked. An overbearing state can do more damage than any viruses.

Which reminds me. You didn't add muscle paralysis or blood clot or death to the list of side effects. Nor did you add eternal damnation for accepting the Mark of the Beast (one of them anyway, though I have some thoughts about the ability of humans to separate themselves from God). That was a real oversight there. Let's see, would I like to die seconds from taking a jab because I might be allergic to its ingredients or would I like to go outside and take a small risk today in hopes that maybe I'll get lucky and be one of the 8.08 seconds where someone I meet gets pregnant in?
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 08:24 am
Did Trump’s staff kill Herman Cain? A staffer says yes…

Real world decisions have real world consequences. Confucius (possibly)

In a free world you have rights but they are not always "right" to exercise.

You also have a duty to others to care and respect their life and liberties as you do your own...
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 08:34 am
COVID-19 has now killed more Americans than WWII...

The things you post are just plain stupid.

So, there is a safe vaccine that prevents death from a virus running rampant and you belittle its significance so you can pedal political crap.

You are untrustworthy, like your Trump and other republicans.

This man waving this "false flag" like the republican's false religion, false patriotism, false concern for kids and parents, false news and false concern for liberty.. well he was serious enough beat cops to death so he could wave that false flag.

Serious enough to threaten the death of democratically elected representatives of our government.

bulmabriefs wrote:
Nobody serious waves the confederate flag.

Nobody waves the confederate flag... but republicans.

Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 08:38 am
Spoken like a true statist.

Marxists talk about oue duty to the common people. Fascists tak about our duty to the state.

We have no duties, except to God. True, I have to pay taxes, but really only if I make enough to be worth anyone's time. I have to pat car insurance, but only if I wanna keep my car. But what if I decide I don't drive enough to make a car worth it? What if I decide I don't care about my cellphone. Well someone will tell me that I can go without them of course, but taxes will still raise, inflation will take my savings, and people will pass dumb laws that screw me and everyone else over anyway.
You see, the ones talking most about our duty, never bother to do their own (pay off the national debt that has resulted in high taxes). If all of us were to do our part and pay down this national debt, making ourselves struggle through several years to finally wipe the debt... they'd just turn around and spend some more! After all, tax money isn't their money they are using.
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 08:49 am
Nobody serious waves the confederate flag. Period.

And no I don't care that it killed more people than world war 2. I care about whether they REALLY did die of COVID.


Motorcycle death listed as COVID. Btw, Snopes being a fake "fact checker" will be quick to deny this, even though three new sources confirmed it.
Wait no, they list it as "Outdated."


So was a murder-suicide. Now, have more people really died of COVID than World War II? Or have more people died of car accidents, motorcycle accidents, murders, suicides, diabetes, heart disease/cancer (which I already said accounts for 600k), pneumonia which you get by "staying safe", and any other cause they fasely claim is COVID?

Real fake news? It's not from conservative sources. It's from the media itsef.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 08:58 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Those pictures are interesting. But you should look up what the word false flag means. In a given crowd, most people could be peacefully chanting or holding hands. It only takes six or so people doing crazy or violent things to discredit the movement. These six could be from anywhere, liberal, Marxist, conservative fringe, what have you. Or they may simply be people paid to stir up trouble. A false flag is someone who sets up an event making it look like they are waving the flag of one system in order to blemish that group.

I didn't go to this rally. Nobody I know did. But if you wonder why there are armed guards around the White House, suddenly this all makes sense. They used this "crowd" to show why they needed to gate up the capitol. The real reason? We have a corrupt president who is afraid real people will try to oust him from office.

This man is literally waving around a false flag. Nobody serious waves the confederate flag.


A virus that by your own words has not even killed 1% of the population... over two years. 745k of 300 million (the US population is around 300 million). If 1 million of 100 million died, this would be 1%. But this is just over 1/2% there, and divide it down to 1/6% for being a population of 300 million.

And here's the thing. They ar e stacking cases cumulatively to make it more impressive. All but 6% of those have comorbity meaning it wasn't COVID that really killed them. It was COVID and diabetes, or COVID and heart attack... let's be real, it was the other thing. Btw, type in "motorcycle accident listed as COVID" so of these cases are just outright false. For easy math, we'll round to 10%. So like 1/60% of death from COVID. Now, remember I said it was cumulative? This means in like a month, forty people die. That's maybe a misestimation but I don't care. We start to creep up to 1/6000% territory if we were to count monthly or daily rates. Every year, tens of thousands of people died from flu and cold. Hundreds of thousands worldwide. Nobody went into lockdown. Every day someone dies from car accidents. Nobody stops driving, nor do they stop drinking because or drunk drivers. High drivers are even worse, but they are talking about legalizing marijuana. There are 161k medical error deaths per year. In about 4 and a half years, this would rival the entirety of COVID deaths, yet again, nobody stops going to the doctotr. Btw, doctors also kill 600k more while treating heart disease or cancer. Now we're tied in one year for someone that they had to do screwy cumulative math over two years to get to that result. This is about state control, not keeping ppl well. Nobody avoids living for anything that realistically only kills one or two people in their area every week or so.
Btw, how mant people do you think are born each day? One every 8.08 seconds, with a total of 3 million a year. If anything, all of our COVID alarmism prevented people from going out and getting busy. 750k over two years or 3 million a year? Not concerned. What does concern me is big state. In China, where this hysteria came from, they had a one child policy and the population was wrecked. An overbearing state can do more damage than any viruses.

Which reminds me. You didn't add muscle paralysis or blood clot or death to the list of side effects. Nor did you add eternal damnation for accepting the Mark of the Beast (one of them anyway, though I have some thoughts about the ability of humans to separate themselves from God). That was a real oversight there. Let's see, would I like to die seconds from taking a jab because I might be allergic to its ingredients or would I like to go outside and take a small risk today in hopes that maybe I'll get lucky and be one of the 8.08 seconds where someone I meet gets pregnant in?

Fixed it!

Since you are such a genius, Bulma...why don't you learn how to post a picture so that it can be seen with no trouble?

Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 09:39 am
CDC: COVID-19 Was 3rd-Leading Cause Of Death In 2020, People Of Color Hit Hardest

Black people must be riding motorcycles a lot. (cynical)
Maybe you should try reading the news for a change...

You're trying to put a spin on it for partisan gain again.

Talk about someone living in a bubble. This time it is the virus (you) inside the bubble rather than outside of it.

Motorcycle accidents is not even in the top 20 causes of death in the US...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 10:02 am
God is only one of our "Christian" duties as exhibited in the scriptures...

Some people put God at the top of the list.

But if you put God at the top of the list then you have to obey God who says to put others at an equal place as yourself irrespective of race or religion.

You know, love your neighbor as yourself?

And it is likely you put yourself above God because I don't hear you talking about the kind Samaritan or about feeding the multitudes.

No instead of Marxism or blessed Christian charity it is the greedy selfish Ayn Rand you conflate your duty to.

And your idolatry for Trump and the other fascists in your party.

Our list of "Christian" duties goes as follows

Duty to:

Spiritual family
Earthly family
The World

Given that God can be ambiguous as to which religion, and if you are to love other as yourself then a duty to society is appropriate for Christian manners.

But I suppose Jesus was too Marxist for you...
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 12:13 pm
Cobbler does not understand how politics affects "truth" in the press, unobserved science, social science, history, education, etc.
Progressives are destroying truth. In a world where we are post ",there are no absolutes" people like Cobbler are easily deceived.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 12:14 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I copypasted someone else's picture. What do I care how big it is?

Seriously, do you think I actually care about some dumb picture? You're the ones that have let some picture shock and disturb you, being led around by the nose by people with "money" and "power". As though these people have anything real.
Meanwhile, I've got a crashed computer. Believe me, when that happens, you care very little about what people in political suits think and a great deal abour what a regular person (the guy tinkering on) does. Nor do I care what someone says is the "greatest virus ever" which is hyperbole btw.
What I do care about is that for 30 years or more, people have been moving away from meaningful connections in favor of staring at ******* screens, and thinking themselves superior because they can swipe right and get a date. The intellectually lazy think themselves brilliant because they know how to press buttons or resize a picture but cannot string together two details into a coherent conclusion.

1. Motorcycle crashes are listed as COVID
2. So are murders and suicides

A person who has a sense of logic can puzzle out "these numbers are not real." But you people only listen to what you're told.

So yay! You know how to resize a picture. Congrats. Fix my computer too, or I don't care what you think .
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 12:35 pm
You seem to have trouble distinguishing between loving your neighbor and helping out those in need because it's a good thing to do, and being guilt-tripped by people who tell you that you are being greedy because you want to keep the fruit of your own effort.

Jesus was approached by a man who told him that he needed to convince his brother to share his inheritance. Jesus said in no uncertain terms that this WASN'T his job.

I'm not the greedy one. You are.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 01:20 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

I copypasted someone else's picture. What do I care how big it is?

Obviously you do not. You also do not care about your posts, because they are a mess. So...no big deal. You just do not have any pride in your work.

Seriously, do you think I actually care about some dumb picture? You're the ones that have let some picture shock and disturb you, being led around by the nose by people with "money" and "power". As though these people have anything real.

You have been playing too close to the edge. I suspect you have fallen over.

Too bad.

Meanwhile, I've got a crashed computer. Believe me, when that happens, you care very little about what people in political suits think and a great deal abour what a regular person (the guy tinkering on) does. Nor do I care what someone says is the "greatest virus ever" which is hyperbole btw.
What I do care about is that for 30 years or more, people have been moving away from meaningful connections in favor of staring at ******* screens, and thinking themselves superior because they can swipe right and get a date. The intellectually lazy think themselves brilliant because they know how to press buttons or resize a picture but cannot string together two details into a coherent conclusion.

Your life seems to be a mess...at least as much a mess as those messy posts of yours.

Works on it, Bulma. Get your life in order. Start enjoying life. This is not a dress rehearsal.

1. Motorcycle crashes are listed as COVID
2. So are murders and suicides

Horse ****.

A person who has a sense of logic can puzzle out "these numbers are not real." But you people only listen to what you're told.

Yeah...right off the edge.

So yay! You know how to resize a picture. Congrats. Fix my computer too, or I don't care what you think .

So your computer is in the same condition as your life and your posts.


Just got a new computer today. It is in the store being updated from my old computer. I am typing on my wife's computer right now.
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 01:37 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Horseshit you say.

I showed you people links. Not only did you not read them (obviously) but you didn't even notice they existed.

This is what happens when you graduate from woke colleges. You stop being able to see basic facts and pretty soon you start telling ppl you're 85 and work for the New York Times.
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 06:17 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yeah...right off the edge.

Are you trying to 'help'?
Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 07:19 pm
Bah I don't mind him. It's my computer I worried about.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 05:24 am
You're the one keeping the "fruit of your effort" while leaving the Samaritan in the ditch...

I don't mind sharing a fair portion of my effort because I feel I am rewarded by the karma of agape...

You are the fake Christian using your politics to hate...

Where did Jesus say feeding the poor wasn't his or our job?

Please quote me chapter and verse.

You are a sociopath, you take from society and give nothing in return.

Jesus forgave the thief hanging on the cross next to him, let's hope forgiving you is his job too...
Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 05:28 am
They're a sad little incel trying to use Christianity as a shield for their own failings.
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