I dunno.
They've had to deal with alot of **** the last year and a half.
Governor Northam went from being a blackfaced (like literally, there was that college incident) weasel to an outright tyrant pretty quick. It's clear to anyone with half a brain (liberals too, but they're acting like this isn't the case) that many of these mandates are actually to try to exclude people from elections, and to push for mail-in voting, which allows them to generate as many votes as they need. But I think Virginia won the house for a change. Which is like a Christmas miracle, because it's literally been years that Virginia didn't turn blue. Anyone who lives in the state understands that unlike California, it's not actually a blue state. It looks very red on the map.

But it has some very corrupt districts where population has been allowed to screw with most of the races.
You can't foist tyranny down people's throats and expect them to like it, though. Someone below pointed out the Carter administration. I'd actually like to call attention to the three-term Roosevelt presidency. It's pretty clear from the attempts to reinstate Obamacare, and the fact the Biden is well into senility and Kamala is a
Marie Antoinette that someone else is making all the executive decisions. The last time this happened, said president had to be shot. But I'm not that concerned. I know that the Mandate of Heaven is a thing. The philosophy was developed during the Warring States, when all of the rulers were like this. One of those old wise guys (probably Mencius, as he was most cynical of big government, followed by Lao Tzu), figured out that the harder you push against Heaven (read: God and his plans), the more unstable things get. This is borne out by actual studies on dictatorships.
The article I'm trying to find seems not to exist anymore, but basically it boils down to the same phenomenon as record companies. They have backers (rich oligarchs who pay them money in order to push for government that makes them money, similar to how record companies sometimes take payola to advertise popular music), and they have to keep trying to make a profit. If they don't, the oligarchs tend to rally people against them, have them assassinated, or they commit suicide seven times in the head. The more corrupt the system, the less they come out ahead, and the less risky their behavior (again true in music, which is why there are such crap hits). Short term ideas, like trying to get 75% taxes or massively inflate the economy, are valued over long term ones. But the problem with short term solutions is they tend not to last too great. Supposing I made $1000 a year and got taxed all but $250, I'd stop working that job. I'd put money away somewhere, and try to hoard it. If there wasn't a good way to do this, I'd stop working entirely, and stop spending. TO say nothing of systems like communism. Or maybe the government just runs out of other people's money (money is cyclical after all, you can't just take without giving some back). So eventually, a dictatorship crashes because first all the leaders can't make it work, but it really crashes when the oligarchs themselves realize they can make a better go of it under a monarchy or republic/democracy.
As for me, I didn't vote. Yeah, yeah, I know. "If you don't vote, you have no right to complain." But since the last time or so I've tried to vote, it backfired horribly, I came to the conclusion that it's probably unethical to vote. Voting uses the stupid and the reckless to elect the corrupt and ambitious (and I don't consider ambition a good thing). I believe that ultimately God's kingdom isn't of this Earth, and I'm just a visitor. I do want those who live on the Earth not to have a completely unpleasant experience, but I cannot guarantee there won't be troubles. It's a bit like a seesaw. If I sit too much on one side, the other pushes back. But Virginia is actually most effective when people are moderate. We have foodstamps for the poor, but also a working economy where people can buy stuff. And we need to stop the expanded Medicare crap. Not everyone wants insurance (I surely don't). Some people have done the math and figured out that saving up money themselves is usually a better investment.