What is Evangelism?

Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 11:26 am
By the way:
Virginia's new Governor-elect sure "kicked butt" over his stupid opponent. Perhaps people are realizing how pitiful Biden's socialist agenda is.
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 01:35 pm
It's probably just standard mid-term backlash against the party that holds the White House. That's a good sign for next year though.

Hopefully once the Republicans retake Congress they'll impeach both Biden and Obama.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 01:37 pm
NealNealNeal wrote:
(2) The enemy did not engage in conventional warfare. Instead they used guerrilla warfare. They were also very dedicated.
They "kicked our butts" in the same way we "kicked England's butts" in the late 18th century.

But they didn't kick our butts. We eradicated the Vietcong during the Tet Offensive. Everything was under control and then Congressional Democrats started blocking aid to South Vietnam so they couldn't afford to defend themselves. North Vietnam was only able to win because of that cut in aid to South Vietnam.

Then, after South Vietnam collapsed because their aid had been cut, the left started pretending that it was inevitable that North Vietnam would win.

It's a lot like how Mr. Biden pulled out of Afghanistan for no reason and now the left is trying to pretend that we were defeated in Afghanistan.

Congressional Democrats tried to follow up their betrayal of South Vietnam by selling out Central America to the Communists. But Mr. Reagan outmaneuvered them and kept aid flowing to the Contra freedom fighters.

Unfortunately Mr. Ford was too weak in the wake of the witch hunt against Mr. Nixon, and was not in a position to keep aid secretly flowing to South Vietnam.
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 02:02 pm
You are correct. You know more than I do about politics.
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 11:18 pm
Just about anyone knows more than what you know....

And Oralloy does not know anything.

Oralloy thinks he knows but he is full of fraudulent facts and Russian propaganda.

What Orally regards as news is nothing more than tripe.
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 11:20 pm
Cobbler is lying. Progressives always lie. Dishonesty is part of their demented ideology.

Everything that I've said is true.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 11:21 pm
Just like Biden kicked Trump's ass.

But the elections in Virginia are rigged (remember?) so it is doubtful the republican won Virginia. A lot of dead republicans voting and mail in ballots are people voting twice. (cynical)

You republicans are so stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 11:26 pm
Your Russian view of US history is what is astounding
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 11:28 pm
All I do is tell the truth. It is curious that you associate truthfulness with Russia.
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 12:09 am
Exclusive: Russian operation masqueraded as right-wing news site to target U.S. voters - sources

Yup, that was YOU Oralloy they targeted and you think you are smart and "tell the truth"... You tell their lies and are dumb enough to think it is the truth.

How Russian trolls are adapting Cold War propaganda techniques

Study: conservatives amplified Russian trolls 30 times more often than liberals in 2016

You are one of those idiots who blindly and stupidly parrots the propaganda of Russian trolls while patting yourself on the back at how high your IQ was (when you were a 13 year old)...

How Russian Trolls Boosted Conservative News Outlets in the United States
A new report documents content from sites like Breitbart and the Daily Caller being pushed by the Kremlin.

Your Russian patriotism makes you a traitor in my book.

Not much of what you say can be trusted, and the damnedest thing is you actually believe the lies...

This does not an intelligent person make... Just sayin'... This makes your version of history jaded and politicized against America's best interests.

Your guns for crazies and democratic socialism is evil, bullshit. hurts the stability of our country but that is the whole point I would guess and you are their tool and fool.

Beggars will ride...
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 01:18 am
TheCobbler wrote:
Yup, that was YOU Oralloy they targeted

If so, they missed, as I've not read anything they say.

TheCobbler wrote:
and you think you are smart and "tell the truth"...

Well, I am. And I do.

TheCobbler wrote:
You tell their lies and are dumb enough to think it is the truth.

You are the only person here who is lying. You are also the only person here with a low IQ.

TheCobbler wrote:
You are one of those idiots who blindly and stupidly parrots the propaganda of Russian trolls

Another lie on your part.

TheCobbler wrote:
while patting yourself on the back at how high your IQ was (when you were a 13 year old)...

You are lying when you say I pat myself on the back. I merely set the record straight when you lie about me.

I suppose your lie about my age when my IQ was measured is a trivial matter, but it does demonstrate that you will lie about anything at all.

TheCobbler wrote:
Your Russian patriotism

Another lie on your part.

TheCobbler wrote:
Not much of what you say can be trusted,

Wrong. My record of always telling the truth makes me trustworthy.

It is you who cannot be trusted, as you always lie.

TheCobbler wrote:
and the damnedest thing is you actually believe the lies...

The only lies that I am reading are your lies, and I do not believe any of your lies.

TheCobbler wrote:
This does not an intelligent person make... Just sayin'...

Luckily for me, my intellect does not depend on the lies that you spew.

TheCobbler wrote:
This makes your version of history jaded and politicized against America's best interests.

The only thing that your lies about me do is show how dishonest and untrustworthy your words are.

TheCobbler wrote:
Your guns for crazies and democratic socialism is evil, bullshit

Progressives are dishonest and never like facts, but no. Facts are not BS.

The plot to violate people's rights (for no reason) by falsely accusing them of mental illness shows just how despicable progressives truly are. Hopefully Mr. Obama will end up impeached for having attempted this assault on American freedom.

TheCobbler wrote:
hurts the stability of our country

Progressives always equate their selfish interests with the country or even the entire world. It's pretty goofy.

When your plots to harm innocent people are thwarted, the only things that are harmed are your evil plots.

TheCobbler wrote:
and you are their tool and fool.

Another lie on your part.

TheCobbler wrote:
Beggars will ride...

Do you wish for honor and integrity??
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 06:22 am
Virginia thinks republicans care about their children's education, republicans want to eat them, and corrupt them, not educate and feed them.

Ask Matt Gaetz about that...

And Trump's best buddy Jeffery Epstein.

What a farce.
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 06:24 am
Your seemingly articulate post once again reveals how shallow and beguiled you are.
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 06:57 am
You are childish and bitter, and your attempt at mean spiritedness is pretty pathetic.

I guess that proves that you are a progressive.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 07:09 am
There was no "Trump Care" which helped parents deal with children who needed medical care well into their 20s...

There was no Trump student loan debt forgiveness, no, but there was Trump university which defrauded students out of their parents life savings set aside to send their children through college.

Republicans have voted against daycare, child lunch programs, paid maternal leave, 15 dollar minimum wage which would help young people in grunt jobs that no adult wants to work.

There is no republican effort, oh we care about your kids' futures and parental rights. Malarkey!

They don't care about kids rights they sprayed them with pepper spray while their moms stood as human shields and republicans fought justice for Travon Martin too!

Travon had parents too, but you know parental rights is not about embowering blacks to decide how their children are raised. Only rich whites who don't care about their kids anyway.

Parental rights are about cramming Texas text books with revisionist history down the throats of young and impressionable kids.

While their parents struggle to make a living in republican slave right to work states.

While they are denied healthcare because republican insurance is another republican scam.

And suddenly republicans care about your children and their education?

While they thwart efforts to keep your children safe from a pandemic that has the third largest death toll of any life threatening disease.

And about stacking the 6 to 3 courts?

Tell me, who again is stacking the courts?
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 07:31 am
I'm sorry, eat them?


It isn't that they think the Republicans care about their education. It is that they know Democrats don't care about their parenting. McAuliffe basically gave most moms an impression of "You don't get a say in what your child knows or believes. We're gonna take your child, and make them into the 2021 version of Hitler Youth." And even though my sister swings liberal, she's a crazy protective mom who once had her mother in law constantly bother her while she was trying to nurse, and doesn't like third-party influence. I can't see her taking that lying down.

But this is a typical mentality of a leftist. You think it's about people voting Republican. No, as with Trump, it's really abour NOT voting Democrat.

About 10% on either side is committed to party. The 80% can be convinced that minorities are better served by liberals (they aren't, btw) or that liberals are too corrupt to vote for. Especially when small town people get called out for being ignorant flyover counties, liberals get to see just how bad things are for them.
Most of the country is idealistic and wants everyone to be treated fairly. They want green country, not so much green tech but beautiful countryside, and no smelly factories. They want people to be able to dress however they want (yes to crossdressing/transgender), believer however they want, and marry whoever they want. They would seem very liberal, but they don't want things like turning kids into adults who spout garbage all the time. They don't want their kids given sex change hormones at 4, well before they can make informed decisions (at 12 or 13, maybe). They don't want laws that redistribute their hard-earned wealth, they want to tax the actual rich (not knowing that the government always defines them as rich, because they are in bed with the very rich). Most peope are moderate, and when you punish being moderate, you get that 80% against you.
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 08:22 am
Parents should have a say in what their kids are taught but not most republican parents.

These same republican parents give their Columbine kids guns radicalize them and then set them off...

They send out their kids with semi automatic rifles to peaceful protests.

They radicalize them with Taliban style Christianity and then leave the world to clean up the mess.

They raise children like Matt Gaetz and Donald "grab 'em by the pussy" Trump and the carnage left behind is not worth the rights granted for the parents to turn their children into sociopathic weapons.

On the other hand a good secular education in science makes children into innovators and inventors who develop vaccines which save millions of lives.

They turn children into environmentalists, scientists and ETHICAL world leaders and politicians who actually care that people are not dying from a pandemic.

Not politicians who frequent the sex trafficking rings so they can drug a teenager and take them across state lines for sex...

Some evangelical parents are terrorists who strap their children with suicide vests and send them off to school...

Parents need to prove they are not a danger to society before they get a blank check and are taken seriously. Creating little Hitlers who join the Klan, wave the confederate flag and make momma real proud don't cut the mustard...

Parents go to jail every day for child abuse and the school is more often than not the place where red flags are detected and parents are reported to child services.

Parents should have a say but so should background checks.

We all know how unstable, illiterate and radicalized most republicans are.

The state takes children away from their parents on a frequent basis.

Just in case you are wondering, republican parents regularly go to jail for child abuse.

Raising a child republican is a form of child abuse.

Maybe we should all listen to Rick for parenting advice? (cynical)

Missouri GOP state lawmaker Rick Roeber resigns amid allegations he abused his children

And then then there is Trump's special bond with his, err, daughter.
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 08:56 am
And then we get to the subject of QAnon.

As if republicans are the protectors of children. Really?

Republican rail on about porn and Hollywood.

While it is a known fact that the children of republican parents consume porn 2 to 1 in red states versus blue states.

These children of republicans are not growing up to be normal gays and lesbians... No, they are growing up as introverts, sexual deviants, child abusers, wife batterers and rapists (and republican senators).

Half of them are sitting in jail for sex crimes.

Jails that the republicans are incidentally getting filthy rich from.

Keeping republican fascist, racist, religiophobe parents in charge of poisoning their children is a lucrative business for republicans.

These republican parents impose a sense of guilt and shame on their kids, their kids turn into social deviants and republicans cash in with prisons for profit. A nice little scam they have going on.

And taxpayers pick up the tab.

...God will send you republicans to hell if you masturbate! (lol)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 09:49 am
I was a Democrat during the Vietnam war. However, as the Dems grew more and more disgusting and as Republicans proved to be much more reasonable than I had been taught I backed away from the Democrat party.
My major concern about Republicans was that they don't give charity. However, I learned how charitable many if not most Republicans are. So, I became a Republican (Independents are fine but have no say because there are relatively few of them).
Cobbler is an example of a "difficult Dem".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 11:38 am
You've obviously never heard the phrase "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." Or as Saul Alinsky says, "Make your enemy live by their own set of rules." Ironically, a socialist liberal, because the biggest rulemakers are currently liberals.

Most liberals want a carbon tax high enough that they drive most car owners broke, forcing them to sell their cars. But they want to drive a Lambourghini or whatever and be somehow exempt from these taxes.

Or they want free healthcare for themselves and immigrants, but the bill of course goes of course to the "rich" (middle class, because the Republicans know that the very rich know tax loopholes). My uncle was talking about how in Detroit, someone who wanted to could own a nicer house then him, rent free, tax free, while he worked full-time and paid about 1/3 of his salary to taxes.

Or they want their kids to be left alone, but they want republican parents to literally have child services take them away or send them to jail for child abuse (just because they regularly get sent to jail doesn't mean they are guilty, it could mean the law is fucked, and the definition of abuse is "teaching them traditional values"). They want students to be able to have their speech protected but build tiny zones where opposing views can be spoken.

Yeah... maybe some double-standard here.

Liberals are not the party of the common people. They are the party of snobs and hypocrites. People who think that standards should apply only to the little people. Watch Dancing With The Stars, and you'll notice that there are two distinct classes of people. Those who have to wear masks (the peons in the audience), and those who are "stars" or "judges". The mentality of this is staggering, because it turns a blind eye to injustice that follows in their wake.

(Here is an enlightened liberal breathing different air from the rest of us, and dragging his slave on a leash. Note the people standing to either side of his group. There people are not allowed to cross their path under penalty of death)

I at one point supported the Democratic party. I was pro-LGBT and pro-environment. Then I realized they cared about neither. Hillary said to the effect that those ppl in the Pulse nightclub should not have been armed. Read this carefully, she was okay with MORE of them being killed, in the name of gun control. And I realized that the conservatives oppose urbanization, while liberals support ever increasing urban sprawl (cutting down the environment) while claim that open immigration is an environmental issue. You're damned right it is! In order to house and clothe illegal immigrants, we need to bulldoze more trees to build more houses, to harvest more resources. We need to spend more money, which requires more paper and cloth and ink, which in turn keeps them here, even though they don't necessarily work, meaning we also need materials for free healthcare (which costs the taxpayer more) and more free food stamps/etc. The bottom line of all of this is slavery. Except for our darling minorities who collect (the biggest collectors however are the party leaders, who get their "fair share" for supposedly helping the downtrodden by making them dependent), whoever is old news now has to work harder to pay for all of the free stuff only to get high taxes raid all their earnings.

Btw, sex trafficking exists because of illegal immigration. These people are all too frequently folks without any options, who cannot speak the language and have to cooperate because deportation is held over their heads.

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