I could say you have an agenda too.. appeasement for a religion known for beheading westerners and Christians...
And it is unknown the countless Muslims (and Jews) who were tortured by the Spanish inquisition also..
I am just saying be cautious before attributing Islam with reason and free thinking culture and free expression of ideas. The very idea is an oxymoron.
Islam does have some wonderful scripture about how beautiful learning is, along side of passages encouraging the obliteration of anything contrary to its narrow definition of "submissive" culture and draconian dogma.
And as for your, "racism insinuation"...
Islam is not a race... now, if we were talking about Arabs, Persians, Italians, the French, or Jewish people... you might have even one leg to stand on.
While you go on your pity party for Islam, gays are being stripped of their dignity and religious zealots of every religious stripe are indoctrinating more of their soldiers for their Armageddon war of Imams.
And... I do have an agenda. To personally fulfill my own duty to see that religion never rises to the level of theocracy ever again. I have no problem in admitting that and I am actually proud to disclose my motives.
As I have said before, "I dislike all religion equally".
I am not an atheist I am a proud agnostic with a bent on secularism so that free thought can exist and prevail over religious tyranny.
The same tyranny that Islam tried to use to put a strangle hold on Spain and the same tyranny that drove them out of Spain.
Islam and Catholicism (along with many other religions) have not fostered anything but grief, torment, repression of ideas and sheer terror among thinking and reasoning people throughout history.
That same religious books used to justify hate in the past are still in use today. Your appeasement for this blight on humanity is not doing anyone any favors.
I will say again it was not Islam that ushered in the Renaissance... it was apostates who fought long and hard to repel and suppress religion so that free thinking could prevail and rule the land; ...and the forgotten and brushed aside many, paid dearly with their lives.
Islam and Christianity for the most part even today stand diametrically opposed to science and rational thought. It is beyond me to even fathom what makes you think it was any different in the past when people could be put to the sword or have their extremities ripped slowly from their bodies for simply opposing these religions in the slightest fraction.
People with intellects equal or even surpassing that of the Greeks were accused of witchcraft and being servants of "the devil" or some "Jinn spirit" with trials led by courts composed of all "men", murdered for their beliefs in reason and rational science.
Get real...