What is Evangelism?

Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 01:31 pm
The History of the Books and the Preservation of Greek Philosophy

The "narrow corridor of Islam" that preserved the books of the Greeks were pockets of apostates living under the rule of Islam...

Just as the books of the Greeks were also preserved by Irish, French and Italian apostates living under the rule of Roman Catholicism.


The Calif Omar,
If these writings of the Greeks agree with the book of God, they are useless, and need not be preserved; if they disagree, they are pernicious, and should be destroyed.

Comment: Islam and Catholicism did most everything in their power to destroy texts such as the works of Plato and the codices contained in the Nag Hammadi Library.

It was free thinking scholars that were responsible for their preservation and the gypsies and troubadours who were responsible for the exchange and change in Renaissance culture.
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 01:56 pm
Just what did Galileo believe?
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 02:06 pm
it makes you sound racist,

And you thinking Islam is a race makes you look stupid. Which is not a surprise.
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 02:18 pm
Why are you so desperate to write out Islam's contribution to civilisation? You seem to be doing everything to belittle it and hide awkward truths with deliberate quote mining.

As for your quote from Caliph Omar.

Later scholars, including Father Eusèbe Renaudot in 1793, are skeptical of these stories, given the range of time that had passed before they were written down and the political motivations of the various writers.


I'm sorry but I really don't think you're wanting to debate this issue honestly. You seem to have an agenda you wish to pursue and it's giving you blinkered vision.
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 02:28 pm
Laughing Laughing I'm sorry but I really don't think you're wanting to debate this issue honestly. Laughing Laughing

Are you kidding? You have already called him a racist, which was very stupid on your part, but never unexpected. Using name calling shows how far you want the conversation to go. And you know damn well that is nowhere.
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 08:12 pm
I could say you have an agenda too.. appeasement for a religion known for beheading westerners and Christians...

And it is unknown the countless Muslims (and Jews) who were tortured by the Spanish inquisition also..

I am just saying be cautious before attributing Islam with reason and free thinking culture and free expression of ideas. The very idea is an oxymoron.

Islam does have some wonderful scripture about how beautiful learning is, along side of passages encouraging the obliteration of anything contrary to its narrow definition of "submissive" culture and draconian dogma.

And as for your, "racism insinuation"...

Islam is not a race... now, if we were talking about Arabs, Persians, Italians, the French, or Jewish people... you might have even one leg to stand on.

While you go on your pity party for Islam, gays are being stripped of their dignity and religious zealots of every religious stripe are indoctrinating more of their soldiers for their Armageddon war of Imams.

And... I do have an agenda. To personally fulfill my own duty to see that religion never rises to the level of theocracy ever again. I have no problem in admitting that and I am actually proud to disclose my motives.

As I have said before, "I dislike all religion equally".

I am not an atheist I am a proud agnostic with a bent on secularism so that free thought can exist and prevail over religious tyranny.

The same tyranny that Islam tried to use to put a strangle hold on Spain and the same tyranny that drove them out of Spain.

Islam and Catholicism (along with many other religions) have not fostered anything but grief, torment, repression of ideas and sheer terror among thinking and reasoning people throughout history.

That same religious books used to justify hate in the past are still in use today. Your appeasement for this blight on humanity is not doing anyone any favors.

I will say again it was not Islam that ushered in the Renaissance... it was apostates who fought long and hard to repel and suppress religion so that free thinking could prevail and rule the land; ...and the forgotten and brushed aside many, paid dearly with their lives.

Islam and Christianity for the most part even today stand diametrically opposed to science and rational thought. It is beyond me to even fathom what makes you think it was any different in the past when people could be put to the sword or have their extremities ripped slowly from their bodies for simply opposing these religions in the slightest fraction.

People with intellects equal or even surpassing that of the Greeks were accused of witchcraft and being servants of "the devil" or some "Jinn spirit" with trials led by courts composed of all "men", murdered for their beliefs in reason and rational science.

Get real...
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 08:29 pm
Catholicism is a religion of great charity and mercy hospitals, though...

There were a few people who disagreed and opposed the wording of the Nicene Creed. They were promptly taken out and murdered for their dissent.

Just like Saddam Hussein had those who opposed his usurping of the Iraqi government murdered, they were promptly taken out and shot.

This is the way of religion and power. To attribute reason and some sort of inherent benevolence, decency and order to it is, insane.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 08:30 pm
And it is unknown the countless Muslims (and Jews) who were tortured by the Spanish inquisition also..

Islamic Terrorists...
...killed twice as many people in one month (5000) in November, 2014) than were killed in 350 years of Inquisition (2000-3000).

It is sourced.
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 09:12 pm
I don't believe any of your sources... I know for certain they are bogus and slanted towards a fundamentalist "Christian" religion that is equally if not more barbaric and narrow minded.


You use the Spanish Inquisition in your deceptive shell game as if it was the only Papal murdering machine. The Catholic church had hired mercenary armies, they killed entire provinces of people simply over differing interpretations of the scriptures. Monks and nuns were also a murdering army for popes with their vows of complete and utter obedience to the pope. This is called murder with no questions asked. The popes had a hand in the death of nearly every crusader of the Teutonic Knights because they simply wanted to usurp the power and money they had. The Spanish Inquisition was a tiny fraction of the overall picture. How many Muslims died in the holy lands due to the wealth of the Papery?

How many innocent Iraqis died during George W.Bush's religious Jihad for oil and religious supremacy? Iraqi invasion casualties - 460,000 deaths in Iraq as direct or indirect result of the war.

Shall we count Afghanistan (dead Taliban), Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia... The Iran/Iraq war we also funded and our hand in the creation of Bin Laden.. and those caught in the ongoing global drone war against "radical Islam" Al Qaeda and ISIS?

Your "links" are deception and dishonest at best. Only idiots believe in them... The same idiots who have been raised to believe in this religious crap so the corrupt oligarchy can pit us against one another.
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 09:36 pm
If we had taken the money spent on these religiously motivated wars and put it into our economy, green renewable energy and SCIENCE... we would be leading the entire world in solar, wind and other energy resources like research and development for batteries and revitalizing our energy grid. Instead we are cutting funding to schools so billionaires can have tax breaks.

Religion has NEVER been responsible for a "renaissance"...
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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2019 09:42 pm
I don't believe any of your sources...

Then you do not believe direct quotes from Islamic holy literature. They are facts not rhetoric. I told you the truth you are simply refusing to believe it.
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Reply Sun 17 Feb, 2019 02:52 am
GOP lawmaker claims women are inferior: ‘a lesser cut of meat’

Stupid can't get no dumber...

I guess he did not read the science memo that male DNA is a mutation of female DNA.

And, have you ever had rooster breast meat? Tough as hell and not much to it...
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Reply Sun 17 Feb, 2019 03:59 am
I'm not trying to appease anyone I'm trying to stick to the facts. You seem to be able to as easily discard facts as your president.

The fact that you take atrocities committed by present day Daesh as a valid reason to dismiss the Historical contribution of Islam shows that you're not interested in discussing this honestly, so I'll leave you with your buddy Coldjoint.

He hates Muslims too and doesn't give a **** about the truth so you've already got a lot in common.
Reply Sun 17 Feb, 2019 11:56 am
He hates Muslims

Not as much as you hate Englishmen. And I never speak of Muslims, I speak of the violent intolerant religion they follow.
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Reply Sun 17 Feb, 2019 08:17 pm
Now I can see the idiot coming out of you.

You are going back on my ignore list.

I have had all of the racism insinuations and oh, I hate Islam false accusations I can stand for a while from your dim witted egotism.

I am just curious as to what part of, "I dislike all religions equally" that you don't understand?

You compare me to CJ but it is you who have a serious comprehension deficit.

Your appeasement for some sort of innate guilt complex, like a gay homophobe needs help, see a shrink about this.

I do not like Islam just as I do not like Christianity.. They are both mass manufacturers of idiocy...

If you don't like that, well, I seriously don't care what you think...

Oh, and your idea that Christianity civilized pagan Europe is also a load of bull crap.

You are a puppet for the religious elite, unoriginal and parroting what you are told like a good obedient slave.
Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2019 02:24 am
You speak of everything in absolutes, either good or bad with nothing in between. That's exactly how bigots like Coldjoint think, and yes Islamophobia is racism for the simple fact that most of its adherents aren't white.

You're trying to paint a false narrative that monotheistic religions, specifically Christianity and Islam are spread through violence while your airy fairy pagans converted people through reason alone.

It's nonsense, look at the Vikings, a rage of warriors who took vast chunks of land, notably Normandy and the North of England from Christians then converted to Christianity. They didn't do that at the end of a sword they did it because it was practical, helped trade.

Similarly Hindu nationalists in India have been responsible for loads of sectarian violence, and they fit your definition of paganism.

The truth is today's neo Pagans date from the Victorian times and their link to the pre Christian pagans/druids is tenuous at least.

You accuse me of appeasing those jihadis who behead innocents. Yet I'm someone who has posted a lot about the West's corrupt relationship with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states on Glitterbag's Khashoggi thread. You've not posted anything at all, so far from attacking specific Muslim individuals/countries with appalling human rights records you'd rather go for the blanket condemnation of a whole religion. That's bigotry pure and simple.

The truth is that at the heart of the three main Abrahamic religions is a message of peace and love. Certain groups have perverted that message but that's no reason to condemn the whole lot and rewrite history which is what you are doing.

Link to GB's Khashoggi thread where you've maintained a deafening silence.

https://able2know.org/topic/482597-1<br /> <br />
Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2019 09:39 am
Islam, Christianity and Judaism all pay homage to a man who attempted to sacrifice his son on a mountain top.

How many children have been maimed and murdered due to this "Abraham" and that is what you call "love"?

Your charges of racism stink as bad as your theology...
Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2019 10:49 am
Like I said you think in absolutes, black and white good and evil. Life is not like that. Maybe you'll listen to atheist Frankie Boyle.

Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2019 11:11 am
izzythepush wrote:

Like I said you think in absolutes, black and white good and evil. Life is not like that. Maybe you'll listen to atheist Frankie Boyle.


Islam is exactly what IT says it is. It is in black and white. That you agree with a guy named Boyle is perfect. Islam is a boil on the ass of humanity and you are a small cowardly pimple hoping to fester and spread lies about what you are truly terrified of. They are raping your youth and destroying your culture.
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Reply Mon 18 Feb, 2019 12:12 pm
If I remember correctly Abraham was told that he did not need to sacrifice his son, and that meant nobody else had to. It's actually a move forward in a time where children were sacrificed by priests to various gods all the time.

Have you read the Iliad? Agamemnon does sacrifice his daughter, not because a god told him to but to get fair winds for the invasion of Troy.

The message in both texts is that child/human sacrifice is wrong, but only Agamemnon goes through with it.

The Aztecs and the Mayans were sacrificing people every day before the Spanish arrived. Stopping that sacrifice was a good thing.

None of which excuses the rape of Central America by the Conquistadores btw.

Notice you've still not commented on the Khashoggi thread, you're quite happy to condemn (a) whole culture(s)/people(s)/religion(s). Why so coy when it comes to Mohammed Bin Salman?

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