It's pure insanity to expect someone like you to accept truth.
The scientific and medical advancements of Islam coupled with their preservation of Greek philosophy were an essential precursor to the Renaissance.
That's a fact, and your feelings about the story of Abraham or the disgusting pictures you've posted of Daesh's atrocities doesn't change that fact.
You think in absolutes like all bigots, black and white them and us. Daesh are not representative of all Muslims and neither are the KKK representative of all Christians. In each case they're a very small minority.
If you want to get rid of bigotry you don't become a bigot yourself. By tarring all Muslims with the Daesh brush you are being a bigot, you're being just like Coldjoint.
Let's face it, you're both American and that's what all Americans are like, you're all a bunch of slobbering racist Trump worshippers.
I know that's bollocks because I'm not a bigot, but I just thought you might like to feel what it's like to be condemned for the actions of others that have no connection to you at all.
You're very transparent, at one point you were very evangelical until you realised you were gay and that your lifestyle was not compatible with that particular brand of Christianity. You could have just stopped being religious, or you could have moved to a more tolerant accepting church, but no you decided to go down the route of the bigot and condemn all Muslims, Christians and Jews.
My barbers are Muslim, they're lovely people who have no problems with gay or transgender people, which is why they have plenty of LGBT customers. The Rev Richard Coles is also a wonderful human being.
You are a bigot who would rather hate than understand. Had you been born a straight Muslim you would have made an excellent member of Daesh. You're not that different.