au1929 wrote: Bill If you are going to quote me quote me!
No, I quoted and responded to Gav who had quoted one line from you. Yours was completely irrelevant to my point, so your complaint is misplaced. But if it's that important to you, I'll oblige you.
au1929 wrote: I agree we can defend ourselves and defeat any enemy. However can we control the aftermath. i.e.. We can create a baby and deliver it. But we can't nurse, feed and clothe it. Not with the way our service is now staffed.
Unknown. I do hope so... and I wish the world would lend a hand so we can get on with delivering more babies as there are expectant mothers all over the friggin place.
au1929 wrote: Bill wrote
Quote:But as far as making a noticeable impact on your average American; try to keep things in perspective. I'm looking at the15 Leading Causes of Death in the U.S., 2001:I think it's fair to say that the average American was not impacted by the deaths brought on by Influenza and pneumonia.-62,034 Plenty of other examples there, but I think my point is clear.
And this in your mind justifies the death of Americans in a war of choice.
No, your logic train has derailed in your very first sentence here. The perspective was Gav's suggestion that:
Gav wrote:Also OBill, look at the body count for America in Iraq - what is is it? 1300 killed? Thats alot of people affected when you take into consideration extended families.
Obviously his point was to count bodies and consider how that
count affected extended families. This paragraph of my response was only meant to demonstrate that a count of 1,300 isn't terribly significant in a country of nearly 300,000,000. For this purpose, my example worked perfectly.
As for you intentionally obtuse question:
AU wrote:And this in your mind justifies the death of Americans in a war of choice.
One only need read the balance of that post to see what; in my mind, justifies the death of Americans in a war of choice.
Moving on:
au1929 wrote: Iraq I remind you was exactly that. I do not want to hear the BS that we are fighting to free them from an oppressor. That is not our fight and even the loss of one American in that endeavor is one too many. In addition your attitude conveys the message that with all the people dying from other causes what difference does 1300 more make. And the 10,000 without arms, legs, sight and whatever they are not significant at all.
The rest of this paragraph makes it quite clear, as if I didn't already know, that you don't give a rat's a$$ about the Million-plus murdered Iraqis. I again recognize your right not to. Please return the favor and try to understand that I have some twisted morality that says we're all humans first, Americans second... and if a million lives can be saved at the cost of a few thousand lives... I need not know the nationalities to consider this as a bargain.
au1929 wrote: I would also add that we are far from out of the woods in Iraq the loss of life and injury continues.
As for Iran which was the subject, with their heavily fundamentalist constituency an invasion of that country will IMO be even more costly than Iraq.
That's a reasonable opinion I suppose, but we have not, as of yet, invaded Iran... and I'm sure you know we're perfectly capable of taking out any WMD designs they may have without stepping foot in Iran (no, I don't mean nukes). Furthermore, since Iran
is already a country run by Radical Islamic Fundamentalists... we could hardly be blamed if we left a group of Radical Islamic Fundamentalists in charge. Why, after disarming them; isn't that what you "only-Americans-count" types would have us do anyway? Hell, it wouldn't cost hardly anything to just take out the danger and go, would it? You feelin me yet? Our worst nightmare in Iraq is already the reality in Iran.
Now I'm sure you'd prefer we just mind our own business or take out their weapons from a distance... and you have a right to your opinion. So do I. I'm troubled by the fact that there are 10,000,000 little girls aged 14 and under there who have been sentenced to a life of child molestation, second class citizenship
essentially slavery... for the crime of having been born Iranian. Now, if they're lucky, they'll know better than to do something really terrible like have sex with the wrong person or they may be sentenced to a public stoning to death. You see AU, I think those 10,000,000 little girls should be treated like human beings... and nothing will make me prouder than if we choose to free them from the chains of oppression. You don't seem to realize, that like the Iraqis and Americans, they are just people too. Don't like my opinion? Tough luck. That just makes us even because despite respecting yours I find it absolutely deplorable.
au1929 wrote:One more comment. You seem to be quite cavalier about the loss of someone else's life and limb.
So do you. You just sat there and belittled the suffering of more than 10 times as many families who lost their loved ones to influenza. Pretty cold-hearted, dude.