And the names don't even make sense.
If you child is Prince Michael Joseph, then the one name Michael Joseph wouldn't be the 2nd.
The title II is for when you are named after your grandfather.
I feel so badly for these kids, none of this is their fault, and it is really creepy wondering what their view of the world is, what with wearing masks in public and all.
Chai Tea wrote:And the names don't even make sense.
If you child is Prince Michael Joseph, then the one name Michael Joseph wouldn't be the 2nd.
The title II is for when you are named after your grandfather.
I feel so badly for these kids, none of this is their fault, and it is really creepy wondering what their view of the world is, what with wearing masks in public and all.

You haven't paid any attention have you? the reason they are wearing masks is because his children have vitiligo and the disease is very fatal in sun light...and just to let all of you know Prince his son is a pure genius like michael and knows what is going on because Michael had explained it to him...And the reason that their names are Prince Michael Joseph Jackson and Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, and Michael Joseph because in Paris and Prince's names Michael is one of their two middle names Paris' middle name is Katherine named after his mother, Prince middle name is joseph named after his father...the reason he calls Michael Joseph Jackson his other son Blanket is because he described to me and many other people that, "Blanket is called that because he is like a blanket of love." I am 15 but I've known Lisa ever seance I was a little 2 year old...I have also known Michael for that long and Bobby I met when I was about 5.
What you need to know about the accusers The family have a history of extortion. In 1998 gavin and Star were caught shoplifting some clothes. Caught red handed the mother insisited the boys were planning to model the clothes for the store, even though there was no contract or evidence to support this.
Outside the store Janet Arvizo the boys mother became involved in a scuffle with 3 of the stores security officers. Rather than spend the money on prosecuting the store dropped the charges.
Soon after Janet filed a lawsuit against the department store for the equivilent of £1.6 million. She claimed she and the boys had been viciously beaten by the 3 store detectives one of whom was a woman.
During the litigation a psychiatrist was hired and found Janet to be "schizophrenic" an delusional.
2 years later Janet added a new sensational charge claiming the 2 male security guards had "sexually fondled her breasts and pelvic area for up to 7 minutes.
In subsequent depositions Janet, Gavin and Star also claimed they suffered broken bones in addition to there mothers sexual assualt. Although they were never treated at a hospital.
Ulimately rather than face the damaging publicity from a lawsuit the store reached a settlement for the equivilent of £73,000 days before the scheduled trial in 2001.
The abuse they claim committed by Michael Jackson did not start until after the airing of the documentry "Living with Michael Jackson" in which Michael Jackson innocently admitted he did sometimes allow children to sleep in his room. Around this time its possible that the mother Janet saw the opportunity and download files readily available on the internet from the Smoking Gun website detailing the abuse alleged by Jordy Chandler. She then read these statement allowed to her 2 sons thereby prpgramming them and soon they came up with there own stories. Janet then went to fond a lawyer, not any lawyer but Larry Feldman the same attorny who represented Jordy Chandler and who recieved £500,000 for the settlement of that case. Feldman arranged for the boy to be interviwed by Dr Stan Katz who treated also treated Jordy Chandler in 1993.
Now for those of you who dont know anything about the first case, that to had a huge argument in the favour of Michael Jackson in from which I highlight this comments from the author of the article It is, of course, impossible to prove a negative -- that is, prove that something didn't happen. But it is possible to take an in-depth look at the people who made the allegations against Jackson and thus gain insight into their character and motives. What emerges from such an examination, based on court documents, business records and scores of interviews, is a persuasive argument that Jackson molested no one and that he himself may have been the victim of a well-conceived plan to extract money from him.
In summary on page 8 she states:And what became of the massive investigation of Jackson? After millions of dollars were spent by prosecutors and police departments in two jurisdictions, and after two grand juries questioned close to 200 witnesses, including 30 children who knew Jackson, not a single corroborating witness could be found. (In June 1994, still determined to find even one corroborating witness, three prosecutors and two police detectives flew to Australia to again question Wade Robson, the boy who had acknowledged that he'd slept in the same bed with Jackson. Once again, the boy said that nothing bad had happened.) The sole allegations leveled against Jackson, then, remain those made by one youth, and only after the boy had been give a potent hypnotic drug, leaving him susceptible to the power of suggestion.
Those babies were conceived with the assistance of sperm donors and surrogate mothers. Isn't it odd that they have inherited Michael's vitiligo?
And is it true that Michael's falsetto speaking voice is an affectation?
I_Support_Michael wrote:Chai Tea wrote:And the names don't even make sense.
If you child is Prince Michael Joseph, then the one name Michael Joseph wouldn't be the 2nd.
The title II is for when you are named after your grandfather.
I feel so badly for these kids, none of this is their fault, and it is really creepy wondering what their view of the world is, what with wearing masks in public and all.

You haven't paid any attention have you?
You right, I haven't been paying attent....zzzzzzzzz
I don't give a crap what their names are, I don't know one from the other. What I was saying is if you got two kids named PMJ and the other MJJ the 2nd kid wouldn't be called II.
Stay on track ISM.
and what Syn says about sperm donors and surrogate mothers? I've been wondering for a while who the fathers are. I'd love to see DNA results.
Those kids have African American genes in them like I have a tail of a kangaroo.
and BTW - who the f""k is bobby, that's how little I know about the players.
But, I know a freak when I see one.
What I fail to understand is why this man inspires such passionate loyalty. It beggars belief. I can understand devotion to someone like the Dalai Lama or Mother Teresa. But Michael Jackson?
What's the scoop?
D'art, Good question; but there are wierdos out there besides Jackson. However, the latest argument about artists is the fact that we must learn to separate the artist from their wierd beliefs and behavior. I guess it depends on what the "wierd" is.
and BTW - who the f""k is bobby, that's how little I know about the players.
But, I know a freak when I see one.[/quote]
First off Bobby is Michael's former boddy guard now his manager...and second off start looking in the mirror.^
Again, as mentioned to you before ISM, watch it with the personally aimed insults. It's inappropriate. I said nothing personal about you, please return the favor.
A public service announcement:
Please think responsibly.