Miklos7 wrote:If you want to learn to translate a spoken language, I'd go with Portuguese. To my ear, it's one of the most beautiful languages on earth--a nice bonus! If you plan to explore a literature as well as the spoken word, I'd still go with French--although its prominence is fading, its lit is extensive and powerful. There is no Portuguese analogue, of quality, to Voltaire, Proust, Camus. However, there are very good Portuguese novelists, poets, and songwriters. I enjoy Portuguese more than French, but French lit and science (if that's an interest of yours) have the depth.
Well, portuguese is my native language and I must say I'm amazed with your compliment, as I find portuguese not very nice to the ear - at least compared, let's say, to italian!
Now, I also had to tell you something about what you said about the inexistence of portuguese writers as good as Voltaire, Proust or Camus... I do not agree and trust me I'm not saying this to defend this country because I am no patriot (born in an ex-colony, Mozambique, how could I be?). We do have amazing works but since we did not have conquerers like Napoleon, who was in fact responsable for the expansion of french language in Europe and even Russia, we didn't get to show off our writting.
I find Camoes, Eça de Queiros and the recent Antonio Lobo Antunes (every year he's a candidate for the Nobel Prize) all bright like the best in every other language authors. You can find translations of all these I mentioned in english and many other languages, just most people don't bother to get to know them, like I said because the portuguese never forced themselves in cultural ways to any conquered people.