Lash wrote: O'Bill!
I did read to see what the hub-bub was about. I haven't heard anything about a possible Zarqawi nab. Heard anything new?
Sadly, no. Probably just a rumor, but I can still hope!
Lash wrote:<PS--Nervous, but THRILLED at the upcoming elections!!!! I feel like I could dance, too!!!! A victory over not only Saddam, but those murdering mercenaries. I love it when freedom and courage beat the hell out of control and oppression. Solidarity with Iraqis!!!!!>
Some how it went from it'll never happen-to> there won't be enough turnout to make it legitimate- to> to 80% turnout is insignificant (
) and it won't change anything anyway--- and seemingly the doom-criers will admit no progress, concede no underestimation of the drawing power of self-determination or the humans in Iraq's desire for same
and they are seemingly digging in deeper than ever.
It must suck to be that attached to pessimism.
I can't tell you how much I hope Bush tries his damnedest to proceed with his newly stated goals and it's high time the rest of the world wake up and smell the security that only free peoples everywhere could bring. Instead of hurling accusations of doubt, the world body should be joining forces to push forward towards freeing the oppressed masses everywhere. So what they doubt his sincerity; then attempt to hold him to the words you don't believe he believes. Net good is the result either way, and so much the better if we could just put the petty bickering aside. Stop arguing about who
really wants to work towards ending oppression and just do it.
Ps. Before spell checking I had typed doomcriars instead of doom-criers
guess what the spellchecker thought I was looking for?
(Damn, spellchecking technology is getting really good.:razz:)