georgeob1 wrote:No I don't have any such statistics, Walter. However I do know each of these cities very well, and I know, beyond doubt, that San Francisco is a far more beautiful, interesting, and pleasant city in which to live or just pass the time than any of the others mentioned.
Irrational factors such as the arbitraryness of municipal boundaries, the important elements of reality that are not readily embraced by statistics of any kind, and the often significant distortions created by the statistics themselves can all to easily distort the accuracy of such an analysis. One would hope for a little more critical thinking on the part of the designers of the taxonomy and statistical analysis.
This result does not pass the laugh test.
Your contempt for the UN is patently obvious.
Although I rarely doubt many of your statements, or the sincerity from which they arise, but explain to me what the "corrupt UN' has to gain by ranking one country above another...and of all countries, do you think Canada has the funds to extort such a ranking from the United Nations?
Similarily, the bredth of your knowledge and the depth of your experiences in these select cities surely can't be enough to make a statement regarding any of them to the international community that holds any water. Sure maybe you find one city more appealing than another, but that's based on very limited information, criteria, experience and judgement.