Real Help
First, I want to say that this guy has a serious issue, and one or two jokes is one thing, but porn addiction and/or an uncontrollable sex drive is not a joke. And the fact that you started talking about porn stars - well, let's put it this way: if I said what I really thought my membership would be canceled immediately and this post would be deleted.
So don't expect any humor in this post, I think we've had enough of that.
Now, let me give you an intelligent and relevant response
I have the same problem, in fact, I am worse off than you. I masturbate 8 - yes EIGHT times a day (sometimes more). You say "how is this possible"? I'll tell you: everytime I do it I need to do it twice in a row or it doesn't satisfy me at all. I do 1 set of 2 in the morning when I wake up, I do another at lunch or early afternoon, another as soon as I get home from work and then another before I go to bed. And you say you have 22GB of porn on your computer? Dude, I have 120GB of porn. I have DVD rips of everything you can think of, I crack site passwords, I have dozens - maybe hundreds of directories of pictures. Need I go on?
The truth is I am addicted to sexual release. I gave up dating specifically because of this. I was having sex for 6 or 7 hours per night every single night, not to mention the 2 or more hours in the morning. This seriously disrupted my sleep and my career has suffered greatly because of it. So I decided the only way I was going to be able to keep a job would be to stop dating altogether.
Now, I know a lot of people say "I wish I had that problem
- no you don't. Picture yourself constantly preoccupied with invasive thoughts and images, undressing every single woman you see as soon as you meet them - at work, in the store, etc.. and never being able to treat them as business associates. Picture yourself losing job after job, never having the proper amount of sleep, destroying one relationship after another because you can't stop cheating (believe it or not I have never had a girl complain about the sex, but they just can't trust me). Picture yourself a SLAVE of your own urges. That is what I was going thru. So maybe you can understand how life with an extremely overactive sexdrive can be hell.
And before I get the 'why don't you become a porn star line' I am a programmer and I love my job and I make great money at it. I like using my brain and I don't want a job that requires me to have sex with nasty dirty porn stars who've been f___ed by everybody in the universe.
I am a sex addict, and it is NOT funny or pleasurable. I do not 'touch little girls' or rape women or anything like that, I'm just way too oversexed and I need to figure something out before it destroys me.
That is my story
which I wrote here so that I can show that I identify with what you are going thru. But what can be done about it? Well, I am struggling with that myself, but I have found some options that I am looking into that may help you. There is no way in heaven or hell that I am going to do anything permanent or be chemically castrated. Here are some of the options I have come across:
1) The one decent suggestion posted was to find other activities to preoccupy yourself. But I have been working out everyday and it doesn't help - in fact it seems to make it worse. But I am convinced there must be a way of taking my mind off it. I just haven't found that activity.
2) Anaphrodisiacs: I don't know much about this - and I am currently exploring this. What I do know is that SSRI's (Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitors) reduce sex drive. The problem is there are other side-effects and the fact is that they are made by pharmaceutical companies who have no qualms about destroying your liver or putting you into a state of depression. But there MUST be herbal and /or holistic medications for this. I have not found any. I will continue to look.
3) Support groups. There are several "12 Step" groups that deal with sex addiction. I don't know them all, but I am looking to see if I can find one. I do know of a couple: SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous), CODA (Co-depence Anonymous), This seems to be a better option than counseling to me, since counselors do not have your problem, and they just sit there and go 'geez, this guy is really screwed up!' At least that is the way it feels like to me.
4) Nevertheless, counseling is an option. I haven't tried it (not for this problem) but maybe it is a good option. There are some experts out there and no matter how bad off you are - or I am for that matter - I'm sure they've seen worse.
5) This won't work for me, but maybe you can hook up with a woman who has a high sex drive. Every girl I've been with has accepted this as part of the relationship. In fact, they all seemed to love it. Of course, I generally date girls from the age of 19-22 and now that I am 30 the immaturity is getting annoying. But they say that women's sex drive gets higher and higher as they hear the 'ticking of the clock'. That has not been my experience, but then, like I said, I am an extreme case.
And if you don't think you have what a woman will be compatible (looks, money, car, etc.) with you all you need to do is go sit in a few local bars for a night or two each week (not Friday or Saturday) and if you watch and observe you can see the guys a lot of women go home with are just plain ugly or even downright pathetic. The only thing that separates those who get the girl and those who don't is confidence (or perceived confidence) and effort. If you give her enough reason to believe she will enjoy being with you it rarely matters to them what you look like, how much money you have, what kind of car you drive, or anything else. Women want to let their hair down - be a real woman just as much as you want to be a real man. Provide a comfortable and fun way to do that for them without coming across as a desperate loser and you will be successful over and over again.
6) If you can stay away from porn altogether, I don't care if you have to convert to Islam, just do it. I know I can't do it. I've tried over and over. I have deleted gigabytes of porn several times only to build a new collection. There is much to gain from spirituality.
I am not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV
, but I think your best option is to find a girl who is compatible with you. If you are as bad off as me ultimately this will not work, but it sounds like you are not quite as damned as I am, so I suggest you try this first and then see if you can find another way to deal way it.
In any case, I hope this provides you - or anyone else who comes across this post - a few avenues to explore for some real help.
My e-mail address is
[email protected] if you want to confer personally about this.