Phoenix32890 wrote:Frank- It is really very simple- A person believes something, and his belief does not harm me, or impinge on my privacy. I may consider the belief idiotic, but I respect the person's right to hold those beliefs.
If, on the other hand, the person's beliefs affect my life in a negative way, I cannot respect those beliefs, or the person who believes in them.
Example: If a person does not believe in abortion, I can respect the right of the person to hold that belief. If, on the other hand, that person harrasses people in front of abortion clinics, I do not think that the person, or the belief, (that it is appropriate for him to harrass people who disagree with his stand on abortion) I cannot respect the person, or the belief.
Quote:But Phoenix...not to put too fine a point on it...aren't you saying that you want to be able to pick and choose which "person's right to hold those beliefs" want to respect?
Absolutely- I would not respect a skinhead or his beliefs, even if I never ran into one. But IMO he has the right to hold his beliefs, as long as he does not act on them to the detriment of other people.
Phoenix...I'm not trying to get into an argument with you...I AGREE WITH YOU.
But maybe it is not all that you suggest.
I am merely calling attention to the fact that each of us, subjectively, has to determine when other people's beliefs harm us or impinge on our rights.
In another thread, we have been discussing the wording " nation, under god..." in our pledge of allegiance.
I think (my subjective considerations are) the words impinge on my rights in a huge way...and I think they do immense harm to all of society.
Foxfyre won't even consider the possibility that that is so.
As far as she is is a non-issue.
Just as you want to be able to decide if another person's "beliefs" harm you or impinge on your rights...I WANT TO DECIDE THAT ALSO when it applies to me.
So essentialy, I am saying that all this talk of respecting other people's beliefs (which is the way it normally is presented, despite some of the posts here) way, way overdone. And in light of what some people are saying about "respecting the person"...I will add that I do not respect Osama Bin Laden or Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or Adolph Hitler....precisely because I do not respect their beliefs.
So even that has to be evaluated.
I might add that I have a lot of trouble respecting Foxfyre for her blindness to the sensibilities of people who do not share her views...or mythology.
(SIDEBAR: Is saying what I just said being disrepectful?)
Do you see my point?