Mrf I tried, but need context. Especially I am curious as to whether the document in question makes special reference to music and if so, to punk. We'd also need to know who are the 'authors and viewers,' and zactly what they're writing and viewing
My first reaction is, no offense intended 'cause your version in whatever language, is doubtless flawless, the translation is awful. However, I'll make a few [wild] guesses, restricted however, to the use of 'which' :
...just recently released ..... 'How to approach the Making of Punk Music.'.......which I am hoping you'll go see !! But enough about mine. Now let's discuss, 'The Modern Documentary Music Film,' by Absolom Whichnicoff: A brief introduction describes origins and development of the documentary film and its general characteristics along with an overview of its genres, all relevant to my own film, with particular emphasis on how they're related to punk music. Less pertinent to my own efforts, it's followed by a summary of the most popular methods by which documentary films are classified, based on category [for example, definitive, historical, educational, etc....] and method of representation [by which I suppose is meant....], laying a laid the groundwork upon which the authors of such summaries and the viewers of the films described therein, alike rely.
Not sure I'd one you any good atall
Help Cen, Pond,, Eli, Blick