blatham wrote:tico
PD's suggestion isn't without grounds. A page back you quoted a sentence of mine quite ignoring the related, and acutely relevant, Alterman point.
Okay, "clearly not hired merely for expertise" ... because they also can be counted on being supportive of the administration policies. Quite right, if your main point is that they aren't going to hire an anti-Bush liberal expert to perform services. I'm afraid your point was lost on me for two reasons: (1) I didn't have the foggiest notion of whom Eric Alterman was, nor did I have the inclination at the moment of that post to research the point, and (2) I was speaking specifically in my prior post about the fact that those two were hired for their expertise,
not because they wrote a column. I was not offering up the proposition that the Administration should hire any expert who writes a column -- I certainly do not think they should -- simply that they shouldn't necessarily be precluded from hiring an expert merely because that expert writes a column. You do see the distinction?
I concede your point, as I now understand it to be, but I fail to see how it relates in any material way to my point.
And for future reference, please feel free to point out where you feel I've misunderstood you, rather than just assuming I'm feigning denseness. :wink: