Quote:Because I'm talking about information theory, not God.
Maybe that is the problem, maybe no one else here knows what information theory is, let alone understands it.
They know what it is. We are discussing the scientific evidence of cause and effect with intelligent and sane people on both sides.
There is a group of people in our society that have a world view that fits their temperament very well. That type of person learns all the details to do their profession very well and to live their life in a very systematic way. They work hard to learn and develop this system so they can live with very little anxiety and very little dependence on anyone else. They don't let people from other professions tell them how to run their lives, and don't even like people that disagree with their world view promoting a world view that interferes with the one they worked so hard to build.
They view themselves as the god of their lives and do not want any false God interfering with their self imposed godhood.
The only thing they are willing to discuss is the things they can fully explain or control as the god of their lives. (there self defined universe). Anything outside the universe they control and completely understand is irrelevant to them.
That is exactly how the real God the Father thinks. But, God really does understand everything in the universe and does have not answer to anyone.
They are on the right track. They just need to to join there little universe with God's universe and, instead of ignoring God, attempt to understand Him and merge their little plan in their little universe with God's plan that has been playing out in the entire universe since the beginning.
The neat thing about God's plan is His universe starts and ends in perfection no matter what they do in their little universe. But if they don't merge their universe with God's, their universe will come to an end while, others will continue forever, like it was intended in the beginning.