Adaptation is a fact, Evolution is a myth/false teaching.
Look at this way, the creator created lifeforms with sensors Built in just as humans may build a car with sensors so that the headlights can come on and off automatically.
It seems there are genetic barriers such as dogs will always be the dog kind, , cats part of the cat kind, monkeys part of the monkey kind, and humans part of humankind. Only 2 of each KIND in the ark (about 3,000 animals estimated)
Genesis3:18 ‘thorns and thistles will begin to appear’ (adaptation, not evolution)....creation originally harmless!
One other major false teaching is that flesh eating ‘has always exosted.
Genesis Chapter 1....’and I give every plant and seed for food’
Genesis chapter 9:3 ‘and now I give flesh as food too’
Isaiah prophesied ‘the lion will lay with the lamb, and the child will play near the cobras hole’ (when Christ returns)
Then there are faulty dating techniques, which simply rely on ASSUMPTIONS to dictate the conclusion of millions and billions of years.
Example: ice core dating...each layer can be viewed as summer/winter(long period of time) OR hot day/cold day (short period of time)
The truth? The earth is apx 6,000 years old.
The teaching/theory of evolutionism is ultimately a false teaching/deception aimed at derailing ppl from knowing the truth of God’s word and it’s message of salvation. Just as any other false teaching like Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism etc. Etc.
I used to be caught up in evolutionism

preached it as truth too!