Evolutionry/religious nonsense

Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2017 02:52 am
You seem to have only linked some areas oof physics that I really dont feel are relevant to our discussion.(I think youve just clipped this stuff for reasons "other than pure scientific understanding")
You failed to include the entire area of chemistry .(Things like nucleogenesis from a non skewed "belief" position, and youve further failed to even put in a clip of how chemicals react between themseslve (bonding, linkages, surface reactions, and anything about organic xhem [where all biology rides]).
When I say locked up, my computer will not open several of your posted seriatem style links(I dont know if your selected order is meningful or not, since youve neglected a whole lot of the worlds knowledge ). What is fact is my computer wont open some stuff and when I go bck it locks me out further. So I had to just log off and then do what I do to reboot when I get a huge host of complex spam. I SHUT ALL POWER DOWN, WAIT A FEW Moments, then log back on. So theres probably a lot more of stuff from longer Wikis that youve clipped.

What are you actually attempting here ?? Are you trying to host areas of physics in which work leads to some unerstanding of ID?? If thats the case I think you are going at it backward. Id start with life as we know it and try to decipher how it arrives at qhere it is. This includes a lot of P-chem, molecular bio, genetics , vidence from geology and paleontology, all blended in with expanding your dicussion of time and include geography .
Most of it boils down to the properties of some basic chemicals in space including water (you wont have proteins without Oxygen, Nitrogen Carbon and phosphorus) and you wont have these chemicals without at least two sequential classes of supernovae ,(followed by some understanding of when did these things happen in space time)
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2017 03:29 am
Also, I did fail to mention, when I ws able to rad the first several segments , I aw no areas of really objective science. I was worrying about several of your clips and where they arrived from. You seem to settle in from a side of presentations that are based on statements that are hardly even proven.
Le Maitre's hypothesis did have evidence ultimately and the concepts of cosmology we use as "takeoff" points do exist and are visible.(We see galaxis in entire areas of space being "created" and being snuffed.

Your reference to BGV "theory' , like many mathemagical concepts, has no evidence, so to state that big bang is unfalsifiable, I think Roger was off the track a bit.

However, Lets drive back to this threads topic. We can wait till youre all done and then discuss your site.
When you state, as a staring point that a god made the whole thing perfectly (qnd then try to cobble up some science clips to serve as some kind of upport) , is NOT the way that cience works.
The last thing (as we get smarter and our cience advances). THE LAST THING WE SHOULD DISCOVER -is,

You seem to start with that and then begin to present stuff that seem to be supportive (Im very doubtful but most of it is out of my bag of tricks)

Qll our science should drive us to a conclusion from among multiple hypotheses, and then and only then would you be able to state your opening "beliefs" as more sounding like fact.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2017 03:29 pm
Are you trying to host areas of physics in which work leads to some understanding of ID??

That's the only way they can reconcile their belief in god. They're always in conflict between science and creationism. They must rationalize both in order to continue their belief in the god they love so much. They are equally sure that their prayers have been heard.

Physics is science while religion is faith. Many scientists are religious, and are able to reconcile evolution and creationism. Logically, I'm not able to do that.
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Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 05:47 pm
Adaptation is a fact, Evolution is a myth/false teaching.

Look at this way, the creator created lifeforms with sensors Built in just as humans may build a car with sensors so that the headlights can come on and off automatically.
It seems there are genetic barriers such as dogs will always be the dog kind, , cats part of the cat kind, monkeys part of the monkey kind, and humans part of humankind. Only 2 of each KIND in the ark (about 3,000 animals estimated)

Genesis3:18 ‘thorns and thistles will begin to appear’ (adaptation, not evolution)....creation originally harmless!

One other major false teaching is that flesh eating ‘has always exosted.
Genesis Chapter 1....’and I give every plant and seed for food’
Genesis chapter 9:3 ‘and now I give flesh as food too’
Isaiah prophesied ‘the lion will lay with the lamb, and the child will play near the cobras hole’ (when Christ returns)

Then there are faulty dating techniques, which simply rely on ASSUMPTIONS to dictate the conclusion of millions and billions of years.
Example: ice core dating...each layer can be viewed as summer/winter(long period of time) OR hot day/cold day (short period of time)
The truth? The earth is apx 6,000 years old.

The teaching/theory of evolutionism is ultimately a false teaching/deception aimed at derailing ppl from knowing the truth of God’s word and it’s message of salvation. Just as any other false teaching like Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism etc. Etc.
I used to be caught up in evolutionism Sad preached it as truth too!

Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 06:06 pm
Helloandgoodbye wrote:
You're an idiot.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 06:20 pm
Prove that your creator exists. There are plenty of evidence for evolution. Ever hear of Darwin's finches? How about the evolution of homo sapiens?

This article explores the hypothesis that key human adaptations evolved in response to environmental instability. This idea was developed during research conducted by Dr. Rick Potts of the Smithsonian’s Human Origins Program. Natural selection was not always a matter of ‘survival of the fittest’ but also survival of those most adaptable to changing surroundings.
Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 06:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
If you cannot see the evidence for an intelligent designer, I would say you (like I once was) are ‘blinded.’
Romans 1:18 ‘for the invisible has been made visible through what Has been made,, and No Man is without excuse’

I know even the most simple life form is beyond human technological abilities, never mind the human body(especially the brain).
Be intellectually honest now... reallly. Can you completely, 100% say ‘there is no designer?!’
Even if you do not yet acknowledge the ‘god of Israel’ as the designer...be open to intelligent design. (This was my first step)

.....Highly engineered bacteria (single cells) from ‘chemical soup’Whales with legs, reptiles with feathers, half monkey/man? These things are not real, or even logical.

Evolution of humans? Like piltdown man? (This was a hoax) yes, a hoax which lasted decades because ppl see what they want to see when it comes to mangled fossils. (Just as someone who wants to see millions of years will not see the truth of a ‘younger creation’)
Archaeopteryx is perhaps the most famous ‘transitional fossil’ and yet even that many evolutionist scientists view it as non-transitional. They see what they want to see. Transitional fossils are definitely the weakest argument for evolution by far.

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 07:03 pm
Only people who can see an invisible god are blind; their brain is blind. Planet earth has been in existence for about 4.6 billion years and human existence about 200,000 years, and your god appeared only 2000 years ago, and that's after many other gods were created in different countries. That's the logical clue that people of religion are blind to. What scientists now tell us about human origins. http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils/species/homo-sapiens

BTW, human intelligence is an oxymoron. We are the only animal species capable of building bombs that can kill millions with one bomb. We now have two nuts jobs in control of two countries with thermo nuclear weapons, Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump.

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Reply Mon 13 Nov, 2017 10:24 pm
So, with your authority as a Christian your learned conclusion is that the theory of evolution is a false teaching. Thank you. Now we have that settled. So many have debated this for so long, thank goodness you came along to clear it up for us. Also that part about the dating techniques being faulty; brilliant bit of logical reasoning.....

Rosborne is right, you are an idiot!
Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 02:51 am
There is no ‘debate’ really, just ppl being deceived. This world is Full of misinformation.
Even in the simple things we see Design.
You do not need a ‘degree’ in some sort of interpretation of the evidence, by a bunch of religious gurus calling themselves ‘scientists.’

Things like helicopter technology in maple trees, you know?
Or Velcro with Burr Bushs.
How about the common dandelion which utilizes flight to disperse its seeds....as if the plant is wise enough to design these things ya know?!
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Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 04:15 am
no, I dont think Id call that stuff "thoughts". Its propaganda of Fundamental Christian Cults
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Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 04:18 am
If you cannot see the evidence for an intelligent designer
There really i no evidence. There is only the statement that "The woorld is too complex to have evolved without an intelligence behind the knobs."

Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 05:10 am
H & G's "crap about "polystrate trees" is quite lame and hardly scientific.

There is no term in standard geology callled "polystrate" Its an invention of YEC creationists who hav no iea how stratigraphy even works.

One has but to visit an area where fossil plants and trees (as well as other fossils) seem to "poke through" several layers (therefore representing different times of sedimentation.
One has merely to note that, in all cases, the sediments containing the trees ere soft layers and the trees were originally growing in the basal layer (we can see teeny rootlets where they were growing). Several layers of trees are overtaken by subsequent sedimentation that could (according to the interpreteed energy involved been deposited in a relatively short time (not thouands of years apart).

In other places we can see here trees were uprooted (like in a tsunami) and then sunk back into mat layers that were gradually infilled by subsequent layers.

No one has ever accused of Creationists of thinking like scientists.

Anyone in the Americas who wishes to see such deposits and develop their own results, Id say to go to NOva SCotia along the N part of Bay of Fundy area an go to the Cliffs at Joggins NS. You can be convinced of how fossils can occur through several layrs and not all layers are separated by thousands of years

"Piltdown" is hardly an embarrassment to science. Good scientific work hd nailed the coffin on this hoax after almost 50 years of notoriety. At the outset, many scientists hqd doubts of its veracity . Frank Spenser's 1984 book called "Piltdown a Scientific Forgery" i still a great red (if you can ignore the pages and pages of name dropping.

Evolution theory advances and derives its fact and truth from EVIDENCE, something that no Creationist Organization hqs been able to provide. Their arguments surround one or two assertions, not evidence.
Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 05:43 am
If A person were to dig up a fork and a spoon, they would conclude instantaneously there is a designer. Rightfully so. Except maybe a person like a child who has been conditioned to believe otherwise.

When archaeologists dig up complex skulls and fossils they instantaneously conclude a designer? Some do, why? Have the others been conditioned?🤔

What if it were a ‘spork?’ Transitional fossil?

Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 06:06 am
Again, same evidence, different view.
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Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 06:31 am
that is not within th expertise of archeology.
So scads of related fossils separated by time and geologic structure can be viewed in some Creationist means?

How bout fossil genes ?

Name one bit of Creationist science that actually works.
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Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 06:39 am
Sorry brother, I have read more convincing articles on trees through rock layers. I can not even be sure if you made this up.
Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 06:44 am
youve probably read the bullshit by "Answers in Genesis" (They probably made the damn word up")

Point to where theres even such a word as"polystrate" in real geology. Look in the AGI "Glossary..." and try to find it.

Its a phony word like "Creation SCience"

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 01:17 pm
Hag, Give it up! Your religious' beliefs are based on mythology. That's quite different from science; there's no comparison. It's difficult for you, because you don't want to believe that your religion is a hoax after trusting it for all your life. That's scary! I understand you, because all my siblings are christians. Just think about it. The christian religion is only 2,000 years old, and homo sapiens have occupied this planet for some 200,000 years. If there was such a thing as a "creator," don't you think he would have shown up long before now? What about all those humans that didn't know about your god?
Give the following a read; it might teach you something about your religion.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_in_comparative_mythology Study about Isis


Just relating to our family, we used to be buddhists until our mother was converted to christianity. All my siblings are now christians, but I'm an atheist.

Here's another perspective about religious' belief. Most followed the religion of their parents which was usually based on their culture.

Also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_influences_on_Christianity
Reply Tue 14 Nov, 2017 01:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
remember, anything thats true about E. coli is also true for elephants

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