You're not thinking here. You're trying too hard to
avoid thinking.
I'm just saying that A) all natural language statements are ambiguous and thus their "true or false" value depends
inter alia on how they are interpreted; and B) even in mathematical language that is (or tries to be) devoid of ambiguity, the truth of a statement depends on the axioms one arbitrarily postulates as "true" at the begining of the demonstration.
IOW, there's no such thing as an
absolutely true statement (true in all cases and forever, however interpreted or framed axiomatically). It all depends on a frame of reference or another.
That's not so hard to get, is it?
Take the word "fruit" that you used in one of your examples. It may seem reasonnably clear to you but it is in fact ambiguous. In the biological sense of the word, a tomato, a walnut and a peapod are "fruits", aka they contain seeds and developed from the ovary of a flower. In common English, they are not fruits. On the other hand, strawberries may be considered as fruits in common English but they are not fruits in the biological sense, as they grow out of an inflorescence (a group of flowers) and not from the ovary of a single flower...
And I don't even know what a "decorative fruit" is. Does it mean an actual (common English language) fruit meant for decoration only, or a piece of plastic in the shape and color of a fruit (ie something that looks like a fruit but is not a fruit)?