Quote:This is not really the thread to discuss it, but both 'truth' and 'consensus' exist in terms of their contextual functionality. The only difference between them seems to be that 'truth' implies 'universal consensus'.
On the contrary.
Quantum mechanics is in the right topic.
When Schrödinger's Cat gives you only
one choice for the cat to die, such breaks the philosophical approach of uncertainty, dice game, night prayers, etc.
The analogy or thought experiment itself stinks.
This is what evolutionists tried to make a rule in the 80s and 90s, that the word "evolution" simply means "change".
The several variations resulted in any experiment is the event that show us that no theory has validity in science.
A theory of science is just
an attempt to explain phenomena of a certain class as a consequence of a former phenomena of the same class.
Just an "attempt to explain" such a process.
It will be corroborated in many cases and in other several cases will fail miserably because it lacks of predicting other out comes from the same experiment.
The contradictory found in Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment does fit greatly with the Principle of Explosion.