McGentrix wrote:Well, they did win the recount. Only after the democratic whining was an additional recount made. I believe an additional recount appears neccessary. Best of 3 and all that.
Democratic whining? Why is that whining and this new request by the Republican Rossi, not?
The reason for the request for the hand recount was that normally, the machine recount will show a much greater margin of winning. Instead, Rossi's margin almost disappeared.
Anyone who lives in Washington state, as I do, knows that everything has been done according to state and county law.
The second recount was automatic because the vote was so close. Nobody had to request it and everybody who pays attention knows that.
It was expected (as has happened in the past with second recounts) that the presumed winner would be overwhelmingly proved to be the winner & receive a much greater number of votes. Instead, Rossi's margin dropped.... dramatically... and that's when the determination to pay for a third (and totally legitimate and legal) hand recount. When that was done, the REpublicans complained that the Dems would only pay for hand counting in specific counties... so they paid for hand counting in all 39 counties. All of this was legitimate, legal and totally within the confines of state law.
One could ask, why aren't our voting practices better? The fact is, we expect that the people's vote will not be so evenly split. It doesn't matter whether some legitimate ballots were not counted the first time -- the so-called "sloppy practices" when there is a difference of several thousand votes.
There should be no question that we want to count all the legitimate ballots. In case you are wondering who makes the decision of what is legitimate? Each county makes that determination... and they did. Now the Republicans say they don't like it... at least not the counties where Rossi lost votes. Yet, somebody has to win eventually, and just like they tell you in Campaign Management School... all you want is 50% + 1.
McGentrix -- You are now saying you live in "The Emerald City?"