I would make a stab in the dark and guess his IQ at 110 which, on a good day, is 30 points above mine.
kickycan wrote:Goatf*cker.
I'd buy that Dys (only the part about Bush, of course :wink:).
Bill, the truth: a IQ from 80 - 90 is considered somewhat
retarded. Bush isn't retarded but he's utterly uneducated
about the world and about current events. He has no foresight and acts on impulse only. Prime example is Iraq.
Given his powerful position, I think he's far dangerous
than any other president the US ever had, and I truly believe so.
Bush has done more damage in 4 years ostracizing the
US from the rest of the world, heck, he's even surpassed the dreadful Vietnam era.
kickycan wrote:Goatf*cker.
Goatsucker. (My apology to Whippoorwills and other related birds of the goatsucker family.)
Won't bother to see what anyone else wrote. My one word would be A$$hole
CalamityJane wrote:Bill, the truth: a IQ from 80 - 90 is considered somewhat
retarded. Bush isn't retarded but he's utterly uneducated
about the world and about current events. He has no foresight and acts on impulse only. Prime example is Iraq.
Given his powerful position, I think he's far dangerous
than any other president the US ever had, and I truly believe so.
Bush has done more damage in 4 years ostracizing the
US from the rest of the world, heck, he's even surpassed the dreadful Vietnam era.
I think that's mostly your politics talking... not your knowledge of history. We've had more dangerous guys than this.
Speaking of IQ... I have a little test for you. Shouldn't take more that a minute or two...
Click here,and follow the simple instructions... then come back and report how long it took. No Cheating!
Damn it AU... you were supposed to describe Bush, not me.
Gosh Bill, it startled me to death.
Where are my beta blockers......
OCCOM BILL wrote:I think that's mostly your politics talking... not your knowledge of history. We've had more dangerous guys than this.!
I know you're thinking about Truman and the atomic bomb. It was
an atrocious tragedy, no question about it, but 60 years later we should
be smarter and more educated about war.
yeah we should and maybe, someday, we will.
Hahaha, that was a perfect answer farmerman
CalamityJane wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:I think that's mostly your politics talking... not your knowledge of history. We've had more dangerous guys than this.!
I know you're thinking about Truman and the atomic bomb. It was
an atrocious tragedy, no question about it, but 60 years later we should
be smarter and more educated about war.
In the words of Dennis Miller;ooooh found an audio...
click here!