only because it's been brought up by both anti bush and pro bush people....
Think Tank Study Of Last 12 Presidents Determines Bush I.Q. Of 91 Lowest
"The intelligence of our presidents has never been seriously scrutinized at any time in our history until now. There is a widespread perception that President G. W. Bush is not qualified for the position he holds. That increasing awareness by the people has led to a study of the intellectual ability of all presidents for the past fifty years. There have been twelve presidents in that time, from F. D. Roosevelt to G. W. Bush. All were rated based on scholarly achievements, writings that they alone wrote,their ability to speak effectively, and a number of psychological factors. The conclusions of the study, conducted by an independent think tank located in Scranton, Pennsylvania were surprising. This think tank includes high caliber historians, psychiatrists, sociologists, scientists in human behavior, and psychologists. Among their ranks are Dr. Werner Levenstein, world-renowned sociologist, and Professor Patricia A. Williams, a world-respected psychiatrist. All members of the think tank are experts at being able to detect a person's IQ from the criteria stated earlier. After four months of research, these learned men and women have determined the IQs of each president within a range of five percentage points. The IQs listed below are the norms for each president.
147 Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) 132 Harry Truman (D) 122 Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) 174 John F. Kennedy (D) 126 Lyndon B. Johnson (D) 155 Richard M. Nixon (R) 121 Gerald Ford (R) 175 James E. Carter (D) 105 Ronald Reagan (R) 099 George HW Bush (R) 182 William J. Clinton (D) 091 George W. Bush (R)
The non-partisan researchers who evaluated the twelve presidents determined that the six Republican presidents for the past 50 years had an average IQ of 115.5, with President Nixon having the highest IQ, at 155. President G. W. Bush was rated the lowest of all the Republicans with an IQ of 91. The six Democrat presidents had IQs with an average of 156, with President Clinton having the highest IQ, at 182. President Lyndon B. Johnson was rated the lowest of all the Democrats with an IQ of 126. The margin of error is plus or minus five percent. This study was initiated on February 13, 2001 and completed on June 17, 2001. This study validated the widespread feeling of people about the sitting president. President Bush was rated low because of his inability to command the English language, his lack of any scholarly achievements, and an absence of anything authored by him that would reflect an intellectual effort." --"Jennifer Borenstein, Baskerville News Service, 6/28/01"
Lash, I didn't make this one up - the proof is here
Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Harry Truman (D)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (R)
John F. Kennedy (D)
Lyndon B. Johnson (D)
Richard M. Nixon (R)
Gerald R. Ford (R)
James E. Carter (D)
Ronald W. Reagan (R)
George H. W. Bush (R)
William J. Clinton (D)
George W. Bush (R)
he Lovenstein Institute of Scranton Pennsylvania is a think tank employing high caliber historians, psychiatrists, sociologists, scientists in human behavior, and psychologists. Among their ranks are Dr. Werner R. Lovenstein, world-renowned sociologist, and Professor Patricia F. Dilliams, a world-respected psychiatrist.
Since 1973, the Lovenstein Institute has published its research to the education community on various topics including the famous Presidential IQ Report among others. Reports are distributed to subscribing member universities and organizations within the education community.
Oh, I see Bi Polar was just one minute faster than I
Come on, neither of you are that dumb... go to snopes.
"How could 59,054,087 people be so dumb?" reads the London headline. Good question.
Americans have a full appreciation of their nation's immense power but, in general, we tend to have a retarded view of the great responsibility that comes with this power. Global in reach, we remain incredibly parochial in consciousness."
Duped and in denial.
How could WHO be so dumb?
There's no Lovenstein Institute in Scranton.
What other crap have you taken for the truth?
As a dedicated slacker I kind of resent that farmerman but.... well.... not really enough to do anything about it I guess.
Speaking of dumb, a London paper was actually taken in by the story.
Snopes wrote:As obvious as this joke was, at least two publications were taken in by it: The [London] Guardian and the New Zealand Southland Times. Both ran the "Presidential I.Q." tale as a factual item (on 19 July and 7 August 2001 respectively). The Associated Press publicized The Guardian's error on 12 August, moving The Guardian to post a retraction on 14 August, and U.S. News & World Report clearly reported the I.Q. item as a hoax on 20 August, 2001.
his reputation has caught up with him.
If Bush were a brilliant smart man, no one ever would
believe the stories of his low IQ. If ultimately it is
wrong or right, doesn't matter - he feels like 91.
And it does matter what the world thinks of Bush'
capabilities. Britain was just more outspoken than
other nations.
There you go Bill - the World believes of Bush' low IQ.
So far he hasn't proven us otherwise, has he?
Only to get himself elected the most powerful leader of the most powerful nation on the planet...........twice.
Guess we'll have to find more proof, though LOL.
It's not Bush credit to take that the US is a powerful nation, and he won only narrowly the election. Nothing to be
proud of.
Damn redneck states!
She's right. So, I'm sure she believes Bill Clinton had Vince Foster killed, and he has about twelve illegitimate children running around, and he sold secrets to the Chinese, he sold a Presidential pardon with OilForFood money to his favorite menage a trois partners, Denise and Marc Rich....
Damn, if those people didn't have conspiracy theories, they wouldn't have a political party.
you think Bush masterminded his own election/ hell he had no idea what was going on.
CalamityJane wrote:There you go Bill - the World believes of Bush' low IQ.
So far he hasn't proven us otherwise, has he?
He's a little dopey for a President, but not nearly as dopey as anyone who would buy the 91 figure... or the rest of that bogus list.

You didn't really, did you? Say it ain't so.