Wed 29 Dec, 2004 11:49 am
Which one?
Thank you.
If it's like the "brothers-in-law rule--it would be "points of view"--but I'm not sure...
It is good to get other people's point/s of view/s. --is close enough to the context.
I voted points of view, but it's been a while since I took an English/writing course.
Depends on whether you are soliciting one point of view from other people, or several points of view.
Thanks. Looks like I could use a refresher.
Several different points of view.
But, would that be points of views? Or points of view?
According to the
American Heritage dictionary, it's points of view. You could switch to viewpoints if that seems less awkward...
as long as you are viewing the same thing from different points, it would be "points of view"
Somebody didn't vote. Put your money where your mouth is.