Fully half of the Iraqi population is under the age of 18. Just something to keep in mind when reading all the heart-warming stories of those serving in dealing with the children of Iraq. Personally, I think they're making a huge difference.
It appears all but inevitable that many U.S. men and women in uniform will spend the coming holidays stationed in Iraq. But as sad as that is for their families, all Americans can take heart in the proud traditions our military upholds every day, traditions that speak to the core of this nation's values: reaching out to people in need, regardless of where they call home.
Yes, within the past two years, we've seen some unsettling images that speak to the darker impulses of war. But every day in Iraq there are acts of kindness and compassion that should be celebrated. These moments speak to the true commitment of our men and women in uniform. As unspeakable acts unfolded about them, these soldiers sought to do something good, to make the lives of the Iraqi people a bit more bearable. They weren't ordered to do so by their commanders. It wasn't their duty. It was simply the right thing to do.