I'm not sure what the definition is but I found this yummy recipe
and I found this definition:
Full Moon Magic (14 days after the new moon)
Timing: Midnight is the best hour to work.
Conjuring: artistic endeavors; beauty, health, and fitness; change and decisions; children; competition; dreams; families; health and healing; knowledge; legal undertakings; love and romance; money; motivation; protection; psychism; self-improvement
The sun shines fully on her face and tides are at their extremes again. Some may sense the pull of the sun from one direction and the moon from the opposite and their energy and will feel a bit scattered. Our enthusiasm is at it's peak at this time and we often complete or recommit to our goals. Celebrate the blessings and bounty in your life, through joyous time with friends and family.
I would give you a more personal definition but I don't practice magic. . . I have some friends who do . . . . . . I'll ask them . . . . . .