Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 09:32 am
I want to thank you for your most enlightening and thorughly enjoyable posts. You have managed to wake up some of my long dormant brain cells at least in regard to my religion.
I sent your post, {Daf Yomi} to my son who is having to some extent a religious reawaking.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2005 04:49 pm

thank you for all of your help. After Shabbos I'm probably going to head down to the local Jewish bookstore and pick up that volume. And I just found a livejournal community that's been created just to study the daf yomi!

But something the guy said in the video I really needed to hear about commitment and how inspiration will only take us so far. This isn't just in reference to daf yomi but to a lot of things. So thanks again.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Mar, 2005 11:12 am
Meanwhile, back at the synagogue...
One - Dauer and AU,
You all have validated my existence. Thank you.
I showed your posts to my "woman of valor," my wife, who believes that the time I spend on the internet writing is pure narashkeit - foolishness.
Thank you again.

Two - Doin' the Daf. I have managed thus far to get only two days behind and I am hoping to catch up by the end of today.
I gloss through the incomprensible parts (I listen and read, but do not ponder), but I am fascinated by the parts that cover things I find fascinating. I did not expect that. The speed at which I must go enables me to hit new, interesting points several times a day, as opposed to my normal course of Torah (and Talmud) study, which is to learn a certain part of one thing each night. Sometimes it is interesting, sometimes it puts me to sleep.
I am liking Daf Yomi.
I highly reccomend it - even to those who might be less learned or so inclined (as I am, compared to most of my companions and my children).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 09:59 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 10:20 am
Nicely thought out. I'm not going to engage you in a political discussion but a minor counterpoint; scholars are in general agreement that the Zohar is a later work and even just after the time it was first "discovered" there have been people who doubted its authenticity in whole or part like Isaac of Acre and Joseph ibn Wakkar of Toledo.

But modern scholarship has shown the inferior nature of the aramaic and the contemporary influences on the text itself.

I know you'll probably disagree with me. That's fine. Just want the information available for those who might desire it.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 11:23 am
dauer wrote:
Nicely thought out. I'm not going to engage you in a political discussion but a minor counterpoint; scholars are in general agreement that the Zohar is a later work and even just after the time it was first "discovered" there have been people who doubted its authenticity in whole or part like Isaac of Acre and Joseph ibn Wakkar of Toledo.

But modern scholarship has shown the inferior nature of the aramaic and the contemporary influences on the text itself.

I know you'll probably disagree with me. That's fine. Just want the information available for those who might desire it.


No problemo.
Whether the Zohar was written 2000 years ago or 200 years ago, it was still written before WW II.
And that still makes "Purimfest" on Hoshana Rabah among the things that make you go "Hmmmm?"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 12:48 pm
Well I think there are many coincidences and also many zealously applied models that can be stretched to make a person go hmmm like the writings of Joseph Campbell, the predictions of Nostradamus, the dating of the creation of the world by the Hindus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2005 11:50 pm
dauer wrote:
Well I think there are many coincidences and also many zealously applied models that can be stretched to make a person go hmmm like the writings of Joseph Campbell, the predictions of Nostradamus, the dating of the creation of the world by the Hindus.

Ahh, but it ees Pureem. And on Purim all things should make you go Hmmm?
Campbell is a piker.
The Hindus are descended from the Jews.
And, Nostradamus was working on some heavy hallucinogens.
Nonetheless, Life IS beautiful all the time. And it makes me go hmmm?

(And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats...)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Mar, 2005 10:10 am
Moishe3rd wrote:

Ahh, but it ees Pureem. And on Purim all things should make you go Hmmm?
Campbell is a piker.
The Hindus are descended from the Jews.
And, Nostradamus was working on some heavy hallucinogens.

Shocked Shocked

Well, no face for Nostradamus though I don't see how his use of drugs discredits any similarity his believers find between his prophecy and reality.

(And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats...)

Laughing We're all mad. Baruch Hashem for humor.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 06:56 am
Oops, I'm late, but I hope a good Purim was had by all. I always loved Esther, she's got cojones, whereas a lot of the other women in the Old Testament, etc. are mainly around to produce sons.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 08:13 pm
The most stereotype-breaking biblical woman of all is Jael:

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 10:25 pm
From Shlock Rock album "Sgt. Shlocker's Magical History Tour" - sung to the tune of "Pretty Woman"

Aishet Chayil, Devorah's bravery.
Aishet Chayil, Prophet and Judge was she.
Aishet Chayil, Barak we need you, to save the Jews
Because you asked I will come too.

Aishet Chayil, Sisra said I'll hide.
Aishet Chayil, Yael said come inside.
Aishet Chayil, Now here's a drink, Now go to sleep,
And you will pay for your bad deeds.

Aishet Chayil, Chana had no one.
Aishet Chayil,she prayed for a son.
Aishet Chayil,she was sent home by Eli.
Aishet Chayil, do not fear,
Hashem will answer you and it is clear,
Aishet Chayil, had Shmuel Hanavi.
He led the people to do what's right,
Found Saul and David two kings of might.

Aishet Chayil, Rachav's alibi,
Aishet Chayil, I didn't know they're spies,
Aishet Chayil, they went away hey,
Ok, now you must wait three days Ok,
I'll be in my home it's safe.
When you come back just wait,
What will you see.
The ribbon you gave me,
yeah will protect my family,
Oh Oh Aishet Chayil
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 10:59 pm
That is just awful! Where did you dig that up? No, wait, Jewish humor. It must have come from "the source." No no. I've said too much. Not a good idea to speak of this here...

der oylem iz a goylem...

So what is everyone planning for Pesach/Passover? Anyone hosting?

Friday evening before bed I read the standard hagadah for the first time as one would read anything else instead of at the seder. Not bad. I hope, before Passover, to also read the Breslover Hagadah and maybe the Artscroll Hagadah of the hasidic masters. But I don't know if I can do both. I'll probably pick one. At the seder I go to we use Waskow's Freedom Hagadah, I think is what he called it. And for the second seder it will probably be Maxwell House hagadot all around.

But both will be with family. And my girlfriend will be going to her first seders which is going to be nice.

Back to Moishe:

I dropped Daf Yomi after reading a few discouraging statements from some people dropping out (and a rather negative review of daf yomi as a course of study for beginners) but this Shabbat I worked on catching up and I'm still working at it. I have to say this is some colorful material we've been treading through.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 12:51 am
hi. i am jewish, but i don't really believe in a god. i believe god exits, but the stories in the bible are NOT TRUE! i like the holidays and have had my bat mitzvah, but i honestly don't really care about religious topics.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 06:53 am
dauer wrote:
That is just awful! Where did you dig that up? No, wait, Jewish humor. It must have come from "the source." No no. I've said too much. Not a good idea to speak of this here...

der oylem iz a goylem...

So what is everyone planning for Pesach/Passover? Anyone hosting?

Friday evening before bed I read the standard hagadah for the first time as one would read anything else instead of at the seder. Not bad. I hope, before Passover, to also read the Breslover Hagadah and maybe the Artscroll Hagadah of the hasidic masters. But I don't know if I can do both. I'll probably pick one. At the seder I go to we use Waskow's Freedom Hagadah, I think is what he called it. And for the second seder it will probably be Maxwell House hagadot all around.

But both will be with family. And my girlfriend will be going to her first seders which is going to be nice.

Back to Moishe:

I dropped Daf Yomi after reading a few discouraging statements from some people dropping out (and a rather negative review of daf yomi as a course of study for beginners) but this Shabbat I worked on catching up and I'm still working at it. I have to say this is some colorful material we've been treading through.


So, sure, why don't you stop by for the second seder? Smile
We are going out to friends for the first night, but we are hosting other friends on the second night.
And, OY, this is one of those times that I contemplate becoming irreligious.
We have to daven shacharis on Shabbos starting around 6:30 AM, so we can finish eating the Shabbos meal, bread by 10:27 AM so that we can have the third meal (without bread - no chometz after 10:27 AM) a long time before Passover begins after Shabbos on Saturday night, because you can't eat a meal too close to the Seder, for which we will probably not start eating until about 11:30 Pm anyway for Criminy's sake!! Oy.
Anyway, we use whatever Hagadah is handy. I buy a new one each year. I am currently learning from the Artscroll Hagadah, but I haven't bought my new one yet. One of my favorites is the Hagadah Beruah by the Chofetz Chaim.
Chag Sameach when you get there... Very Happy

And, animalover 18, welcome.
hi. i am jewish, but i don't really believe in a god. i believe god exits, but the stories in the bible are NOT TRUE! i like the holidays and have had my bat mitzvah, but i honestly don't really care about religious topics.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 06:56 am
dauer wrote:
That is just awful! Where did you dig that up? No, wait, Jewish humor. It must have come from "the source." No no. I've said too much. Not a good idea to speak of this here...

der oylem iz a goylem...

So what is everyone planning for Pesach/Passover? Anyone hosting?

Friday evening before bed I read the standard hagadah for the first time as one would read anything else instead of at the seder. Not bad. I hope, before Passover, to also read the Breslover Hagadah and maybe the Artscroll Hagadah of the hasidic masters. But I don't know if I can do both. I'll probably pick one. At the seder I go to we use Waskow's Freedom Hagadah, I think is what he called it. And for the second seder it will probably be Maxwell House hagadot all around.

But both will be with family. And my girlfriend will be going to her first seders which is going to be nice.

Back to Moishe:

I dropped Daf Yomi after reading a few discouraging statements from some people dropping out (and a rather negative review of daf yomi as a course of study for beginners) but this Shabbat I worked on catching up and I'm still working at it. I have to say this is some colorful material we've been treading through.


So, sure, why don't you stop by for the second seder? Smile
We are going out to friends for the first night, but we are hosting other friends on the second night.
And, OY, this is one of those times that I contemplate becoming irreligious.
We have to daven shacharis on Shabbos starting around 6:30 AM, so we can finish eating the Shabbos meal, bread by 10:27 AM so that we can have the third meal (without bread - no chometz after 10:27 AM) a long time before Passover begins after Shabbos on Saturday night, because you can't eat a meal too close to the Seder, for which we will probably not start eating until about 11:30 Pm anyway for Criminy's sake!! Oy.
Anyway, we use whatever Hagadah is handy. I buy a new one each year. I am currently learning from the Artscroll Hagadah, but I haven't bought my new one yet. One of my favorites is the Hagadah Beruah by the Chofetz Chaim.
Chag Sameach when you get there... Very Happy

And, animalover 18, welcome.
hi. i am jewish, but i don't really believe in a god. i believe god exits, but the stories in the bible are NOT TRUE! i like the holidays and have had my bat mitzvah, but i honestly don't really care about religious topics.

I assume that you are probably in your teens, if you are mentioning your bas mitzvah.
If you do have any particular questions about Judaism, or about G-d, or about my opinion that religious topics are about the most fun a person could possibly have (Yippee! Laughing ), feel free to ask.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 10:11 am
Just your friendly neighborhood goy dropping by to wish you a happy Pesach / Passover.

Sorry if that's not the way to express it, but you know what I mean.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 10:37 am
At one time passover was a very happy time in my home. We always had at least 20 people at the seder. However, in the last few years it has been a little empty and sad. Those who usually came have either passed on or are scattered all over the country and in the case of my older son lives in Europe. Well there is always plenty to eat. My wife still cooks for 20.

In any event good yontiff to all.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 11:23 am
...and good yontiff to you.
0 Replies

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