Asherman wrote:Then the terrorists have nothing to fear in being returned to their homelands to be questioned and dealt with by the governments they embarrased and betrayed.
The reason we SHOULD NOT torture detainees is because it's counter-productive. How the hell can you be considered liberators when you're torturing people?!?
You see, memo's like the one released Monday, lead the way to a systemic problem of both accountability and lack of morality. How on god's green earth can we be looked at as the good guys when we're found torturing detainees? It doesn't work, and in fact the opposite effect can be seen. People who weren't necessarily against the occupation, now become insurgents. People who were "on our side" are now supplying terrorists with shelter, arms and logistic support. Do you not see the problem this promotes?
And btw, just because Saddam tortured and killed people, doesn't give us the right to do the same. Yes, the same. Killing detainees by suffocation, killing young Iraqi men because you had a homosexual encounter with him, rectally impairing detainees with batons, all on the same level as Saddam, no matter how much you want to sugar coat it. Talk about setting your standards low. Man, what a freaking joke this god-damn war has become. You reap what you sew man, you reap what you sew.