Joe Nation wrote:Okay, Ticomaya, if he can't do anything without getting a pass, what three things do you find unsupportable about this President's agenda?
Take your time, I don't know if you believe him to be infallible, as he believes himself to be.
Joe (not a follower of the American Pope.) Nation
I find it comical that some of you took Tico's words seriously.
How about these Joe?
1. Kyoto- Yes it calls for America to do the most. So what? It's work that needs to be done both for the environment and to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. We should meet our end and more and then look down our noses at those who don't try to keep up with us. The most credible leaders are those who
2. Death Tax- You can't take it with you and
some re-distribution really is necessary. Beats the snot out of Life Tax in my book.
3. No Child Left Behind- Bureaucratic BS. Education needs a complete overhaul, and 90% of the "administrators" need to find a new job.