blacksmithn wrote:The point is, unless you choose to encase you and yours in a duct tape and plastic bubble 24/7, there really isn't much you personally can do that will have any practical effect. By the time it is recognized that such a bio/chemical attack has occurred, it will already be too late for those in the target zone.
I disagree. There are lots of things I could do. Whether they are justified is another question altogether. Whether I can afford them is yet another question. Lastly, whether anything I might do would ever be needed has to be factored in, but there are lots of things I could do...
Limit travel.
Avoid large urban centers (NYC, LA, etc.)
Avoid places and events where large groups of people congregate.
Stockpile food, water, medical supplies.
Read anything I can about dealing with biological or chemical attacks and do whatever is feasible that is suggested as a potential way to mitigate the effects of same.