Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 06:59 am
Larry434 wrote:
I find the whining going on (and I don't think the GI was whining, just asking a legitimate and respectful question) from the enemies of this administration about lack of a well equipped military to be a bit silly...

I find the ideological loyalty displayed by some posters in this forum to the group of incompetents who got us into this mess much, much more than "a bit silly."

I find it chilling!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 07:16 am
I heard today that the Govt has ordered approx 1,000 new Humvees with the proper armament which should be deliverd by JUNE!! I can not find an official new release however.

Assume it is factual, this is another embarrasement to the administration. It took a GI to mention it, the media to report it, and NOW THE GOVT FIXES THE PROBLEM????

Sen McCain is being nice when he says he has no cinfidence in Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld inaction HAS cost the lives of US Soldiers. If he does NOT resign, or GW replace him, then next step might be impeachable offense, IMO.

Remember, there was no immediacy to rush to war in IRaq, which I supported.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 07:20 am
They may find new recruits, but they will be less able than those they lose and they can not replace their losses easily.

This is much more true of US forces and is the reason the brass has no confidence in Rummy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 07:25 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Larry434 wrote:
I find the whining going on (and I don't think the GI was whining, just asking a legitimate and respectful question) from the enemies of this administration about lack of a well equipped military to be a bit silly...

I find the ideological loyalty displayed by some posters in this forum to the group of incompetents who got us into this mess much, much more than "a bit silly."

I find it chilling!

I guess our conflicting opinions continue, huh Frank?

BTW, my "loyalty" is not ideological. I always support my country, including her freely elected government, her laws, and our fine military. I have no ideological loyalty to any man, woman, or group thereof.

That also conflicts with your hatred of the people in this administration.

I like my position better.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 07:54 am
Larry434 wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Larry434 wrote:
I find the whining going on (and I don't think the GI was whining, just asking a legitimate and respectful question) from the enemies of this administration about lack of a well equipped military to be a bit silly...

I find the ideological loyalty displayed by some posters in this forum to the group of incompetents who got us into this mess much, much more than "a bit silly."

I find it chilling!

I guess our conflicting opinions continue, huh Frank?


BTW, my "loyalty" is not ideological. I always support my country, including her freely elected government, her laws, and our fine military. I have no ideological loyalty to any man, woman, or group thereof.

Well, blindly supporting an elected government that happens to be a bunch of incompetent f**k-ups is certainly not something I'd ever brag about.

Apropos of that...the phrase "My country, right or wrong" is among the most wrong-headed sentiments ever constructed.

That also conflicts with your hatred of the people in this administration.

Frankly, I am beginning to realize that I do not respect them enough to hate them.

I like my position better.[/color]

Yeah, I can see that.

Too bad!

But you seem like a decent chap...and I'll keep trying to wake you up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 07:56 am
Golf season must be over... :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:01 am
Well, blindly supporting an elected government that happens to be a bunch of incompetent f**k-ups is certainly not something I'd ever brag about.

Me neither. I "blindly" support no man. But I am tolerant of human fallibility in our government officials.

Apropos of that...the phrase "My country, right or wrong" is among the most wrong-headed sentiments ever constructed.

So far, my country has been more right than wrong. And, IMO, that includes the prosecution of the war on terror, and those who harbor or export terrorism, abroad rather than in our cities. So far, so good in that department.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:03 am
woiyo wrote:
I heard today that the Govt has ordered approx 1,000 new Humvees with the proper armament which should be deliverd by JUNE!! I can not find an official new release however.

Assume it is factual, this is another embarrasement to the administration. It took a GI to mention it, the media to report it, and NOW THE GOVT FIXES THE PROBLEM????

Sen McCain is being nice when he says he has no cinfidence in Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld inaction HAS cost the lives of US Soldiers. If he does NOT resign, or GW replace him, then next step might be impeachable offense, IMO.

Remember, there was no immediacy to rush to war in IRaq, which I supported.

It would indeed be awkward if properly equipped Humvees have just been ordered.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:08 am
"1,000 new Humvees" is just a sop to those who might otherwise protest the upcoming invasion of Iran.

BANK on it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:18 am
And a still-bitter-sounding Trent Lott weighs in with a vote of no confidence:

U.S. Sen. Trent Lott doesn't believe Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should resign immediately, but he does think Rumsfeld should be replaced sometime in the next year.

"I'm not a fan of Secretary Rumsfeld," Lott, R-Mississippi, told the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday morning. "I don't think he listens enough to his uniformed officers."

Biloxi Sun-Herald
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:35 am
McGentrix wrote:
Golf season must be over... :wink:

Yeah...I is colder than a well-diggers kneecap right now...and I've got the cold from hell. Better to stay warm inside pitching a few soft balls to Larry than trying to hit a frozen golf ball down a frozen fairway toward a frozen green.

And my guess is that when I ultimately sling the spitter...the fun will damn near be even, too.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:37 am
Larry434 wrote:
Well, blindly supporting an elected government that happens to be a bunch of incompetent f**k-ups is certainly not something I'd ever brag about.

Me neither. I "blindly" support no man. But I am tolerant of human fallibility in our government officials.

Is that what they mean by "putting as good a face on it as possible?"

Apropos of that...the phrase "My country, right or wrong" is among the most wrong-headed sentiments ever constructed.

So far, my country has been more right than wrong. And, IMO, that includes the prosecution of the war on terror, and those who harbor or export terrorism, abroad rather than in our cities. So far, so good in that department.


Oh...I though you were an American!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 08:48 am
I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye.

One of the Marines I hear from regularly laughed when replying to my questions of what he thought about the soldier questioning Rumsfeld. He assured me his unit has everything it needs and said he was sitting about ten feet from his M1114, (which has protected glass windows and armament on its sides, front, rear, top and bottom.)

There's a plant in North Carolina that has been working double and triple shifts for over TWO years, after having hired more than 150 additional employees, to get the "Add-on" up-armor kits to Iraq. They've shipped thousands and I understand it takes about two hours to retrofit an unarmored vehicle.

Are there problems that need addressing? Of course. Still, it will continue to amaze me when people jump to conclusions without using even the most miniscule effort to get all the facts.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 09:05 am
JustWonders wrote:
I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye.

One of the Marines I hear from regularly laughed when replying to my questions of what he thought about the soldier questioning Rumsfeld. He assured me his unit has everything it needs and said he was sitting about ten feet from his M1114, (which has protected glass windows and armament on its sides, front, rear, top and bottom.)

There's a plant in North Carolina that has been working double and triple shifts for over TWO years, after having hired more than 150 additional employees, to get the "Add-on" up-armor kits to Iraq. They've shipped thousands and I understand it takes about two hours to retrofit an unarmored vehicle.

Are there problems that need addressing? Of course. Still, it will continue to amaze me when people jump to conclusions without using even the most miniscule effort to get all the facts.

What is even more amazing, JW...is the bullshyt some people want to suppose are facts.

Boy...ya gotta hand it to the conservative masters. They sure know how to turn people into robots.

"Would you mind steadying my hand."

"But you are tying to cut my throat."

"Why...yes I am."

"Oh...okay. Here...lemme help steady ya!"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 09:10 am
Where is this plant in NC? I've heard nothing aobut it, I follow state and local news.....and in this **** economy and boner for war state, a round the clock employment opportunity that helps the war effort would make the news.....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 09:10 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye.

One of the Marines I hear from regularly laughed when replying to my questions of what he thought about the soldier questioning Rumsfeld. He assured me his unit has everything it needs and said he was sitting about ten feet from his M1114, (which has protected glass windows and armament on its sides, front, rear, top and bottom.)

There's a plant in North Carolina that has been working double and triple shifts for over TWO years, after having hired more than 150 additional employees, to get the "Add-on" up-armor kits to Iraq. They've shipped thousands and I understand it takes about two hours to retrofit an unarmored vehicle.

Are there problems that need addressing? Of course. Still, it will continue to amaze me when people jump to conclusions without using even the most miniscule effort to get all the facts.

What is even more amazing, JW...is the bullshyt some people want to suppose are facts.

Boy...ya gotta hand it to the conservative masters. They sure know how to turn people into robots.

"Would you mind steadying my hand."

"But you are tying to cut my throat."

"Why...yes I am."

"Oh...okay. Here...lemme help steady ya!"

Feel better, Frank?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 09:17 am
Got a response for theBear, Jw?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 11:53 am
BPB - The following report by USA Today mentions O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhard, which I believe is a subsidiary of Armor Holdings, Inc. I couldn't find a plant located in NC, but now I'm wondering if the person I talked to meant the work had been stepped up at Camp LeJeune. (I emailed him). I know that some of the work is done there, and then the kits are sent to Kuwait (I think).

In the meantime, this article (dated last May) is interesting. At least they're getting overtime work in Ohio Smile

no shortage of work at the companies that turn out armored Humvees for the U.S. military.


As U.S. casualties in Iraq mount from attacks on the vehicles, production is picking up at the AM General plant in Mishawaka, Ind., where Humvees are made, and at Fairfield-based O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt, which shrouds the vehicles in armor.

The Army upped its order for armored Humvees in December and is expected to buy nearly four times as many as last year. So the workforce at the O'Gara-Hess plant has ballooned from 200 to 500, with 200 more workers expected to be hired soon. Production has jumped from 100 vehicles a month to 250, with plans to boost that to 325 by summer.

At AM General, production increased last month to 32 Humvees a day, up from 30. Its 600 employees are working overtime to fill the demand, and spokesman Craig MacNab said the plant can make more if necessary.
"We can make them a lot faster than O'Gara can armor them," he said.

Inside the southwest Ohio O'Gara-Hess plant, where American flags hang from the rafters, the 500 workers have organized into military-like teams of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Metalworkers notch holes and grooves into the Humvees, assemblers fasten the steel plates and install bulletproof glass, and painters transform the green exterior into a desert tan.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 11:57 am
JustWonders wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
I think there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye.

One of the Marines I hear from regularly laughed when replying to my questions of what he thought about the soldier questioning Rumsfeld. He assured me his unit has everything it needs and said he was sitting about ten feet from his M1114, (which has protected glass windows and armament on its sides, front, rear, top and bottom.)

There's a plant in North Carolina that has been working double and triple shifts for over TWO years, after having hired more than 150 additional employees, to get the "Add-on" up-armor kits to Iraq. They've shipped thousands and I understand it takes about two hours to retrofit an unarmored vehicle.

Are there problems that need addressing? Of course. Still, it will continue to amaze me when people jump to conclusions without using even the most miniscule effort to get all the facts.

What is even more amazing, JW...is the bullshyt some people want to suppose are facts.

Boy...ya gotta hand it to the conservative masters. They sure know how to turn people into robots.

"Would you mind steadying my hand."

"But you are tying to cut my throat."

"Why...yes I am."

"Oh...okay. Here...lemme help steady ya!"

Feel better, Frank?


Thanks for asking!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 12:04 pm
And, this from Military.com:

2nd ID Vehicles are Upgraded to Survive Rough Traveling in Iraq.

August 20, 2004In three days, they up-armored an entire battalion's vehicles.

Soon they had five soldiers from the 699th working for them and hundreds of sheets of Hardox 400, a type of armor with a high nickel and chromium content.

The Hardox costs $1,200 a sheet, which for a while caused the Army to question the volume consumed at the shop, Kenney said.

"We were going through 80 sheets every four days and they [the Army] couldn't believe we were going through that much," he said. "They thought we were wasting metal, but then they came and saw our operations."

The Army changed its view and recently delivered 590 sheets of Hardox, he said.

"This month we have gone through 490 sheets," he said.

Soldiers cut the armor into the shapes of doors and gun mounts that Kenny has designed for the vehicles.

The shop runs from 12 to 15 hours each night because, by day, the metal plates get too hot to pick up. In a single night, the soldiers can up-armor as many as 140 doors on 70 LMTVs. Since April, the shop has up-armored more than 1,900 vehicles, Menough said. Since March 2003, more than 8,000 armor kits, 2,000 air conditioners and 4,500 windshields have been installed in Kuwait and Iraq, officials said.

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