PDiddie wrote:Ticomaya wrote:And can those who are excoriating Kerik for having an extramarital affair say they felt the same way about Clinton?
The real difference, as I'm sure you know but just overlooked, is that President Clinton never called us on to preserve the sanctity of marriage.
You know, like Bush's good friend Rudy Giuliani, that paragon of virtue who pushed for Bernie Kerik's nomination, has.
LOL. Of course Clinton never stressed the sanctity of marriage. Are you saying Kerik did?
I'm sure you were aware, and just overlooked, that my point was focusing on those, and primarily those on A2K, who were having trouble with Kerik's extramarital relations, to the point of exclaiming it should prevent him from attaining the position of Director of Homeland Security, and contrasting that to how they felt about Clinton and his extramarital affairs, and their feelings about whether he should be made to leave the highest office in the US.
When Clinton was going through his difficulties in this regard, he caught a lot of flack for having his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Lying to the American People, mind you, was a much larger transgression as far as his job went. But the attitude of the Clinton supporters at the time was to minimize his affairs, and basically exclaim that it was a private matter, and should not bear upon his fitness for office.
Is this a situation where you feel there should be one set of rules for Republicans, and a different set of rules for Democrats?