Getting married later is definitely an advantage for these
young people. When think back how inmature I was with
20 and how my life had changed when I was 27 years old,
it reassures my way of thinking.
These are the years to work on a decent education and build
a career, that is so important in today's world for both sexes.
I've met couples who got married with 20, had children soon
thereafter and played house. Over the years the relationship,
the marriage changed, they themselves changed and they
were unhappy in the marriage, divorce was inevitable.
With the divorce came the economic downfalls. Without proper education, no job experience to show for, the women
had to get whatever job was available to them, and unfortunately there were only low paying opportunities out
For the men, things looked somewhat better in the job department, but child support cut their income to the bare
essentials, and they struggled.
Sure they can get remarried, but until then, their lives is
a hard one and they struggle economically.
If they get married after they finished their education and already
started with their career, they at least have something to fall back on, when the marriage doesn't work out, and if one looks at the statistics, one
has to be realistic about marriage and divorce.
I got married with 26, and had I known then what I know today,
I definitely would have waited to be at least 30 years old.