@Region Philbis,
RP, you literally made me sick to my stomach with that picture.
Basically, that's a piece of hardened soap scum.
I would have been cleaning that thing out after every bar.
I make my own foaming soap with Dr. Bronner's Castile liquid soap.
I have several foaming soap dispensers. 20% Dr. Bronners Peppermint Soap (or whatever other scent you like, and 80% water.
Use it for both hand soap and in the shower. Very sanitary.
BTW, I also make my own daily shower cleanser spray.
3 cups water
1/2 cup peroxide
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1 teaspoon Dr. Bronners or dish soap (I like Dr. Bronners because it smells fresh. Either Citrus or Pepperment.
1 tablespoon dishwasher rinse agent.
Hint add the water first or the suds will go all over.
Works super well.