or, I thought I knew **** before I sniffed cocain.
spendius wrote:cav-
I know this is a trifle technical and a possibly pedantic reflection but **** doesn't evolve.What evolves is the organism that's been left behind.
I'm sorry.But this is a scientific thread now.
Lets see.Off the top o' mi 'ed-
Darwinism-Its a tough one that.Being aroused by pigeon ****.
Well, if we are going to get pedantic and technical, that would be finch ****, not pigeon ****.
cav got that one right! As a matter of fact, there are 14 finches identified in this **** species, and their food source are all different ****.
I'm not certain about finches.I have read Origin and CD kept pigeons at his country house in Kent and was a member of a number of pigeon fancying organisations around London where,for the first time in his life,he mixed socially with members of the working class,I have the book here in my hands and there are nine entries under "pigeon" in the index.There are no entries under "finch" although I realise that may not mean they were not mentioned.He carried out an amazing number of experiments on pigeons and more importantly on their corpses and he questioned the fanciers a great deal about pigeon behaviour.
Stay warm
I was just curious if Darwin's rock pigeon ever danced The Bird. Probably not, it didn't know beans.
One of the behaviourists,Skinner or Watson,used pigeons in his lectures.
He would invite his students to bring a pigeon and while he was lecturing he would train it to walk in a figure of eight.The report of it I read didn't mention whether it did any shitting or not.
One would guess that had you been chosen to bring the pigeon you would have dosed it with a strong purgative.
When we have done every ism known we will have proved that everything is covered and not just religions.To our satisfaction I mean.
Prism-a device for scattering ****.
"Prism-a device for scattering ****." Now, this is a classy ****.
Correct use of the "F" word . .
When is @#$% Acceptable?
There are only eleven times in history where the "F" or "S" word has
been considered acceptable for use.
They are as follows:
11. "What the @#$% do you mean, we are sinking?"
-- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912
10. "What the @#$% was that?"
-- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945
9. "Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?"
-- Custer, 1877
8. "Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that."
-- Einstein, 1938
7. "It does so @#$%ing look like her!"
-- Picasso, 1926
6. "How the @#$% did you work that out?"
-- Pythagoras, 126 BC
5. "You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?"
-- Michelangelo, 1566
4 "Where the @#$% are we?"
-- Amelia Earhart, 1937
3. "Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass!"
-- Noah, 4314 BC
2. "Aw c'mon. Who the @#$% is going to find out?"
-- Bill Clinton, 1998
and a drum roll please............!
1. "Geez, I didn't think
they'd get this @%#*^ing mad."
-- Saddam Hussein, 2003
Colonialism - the act of staring up one's ass to check if your **** smells good to the natives.
Imperialism - confiscating their **** and then selling them back your shitcakes
Neo-imperialism: Buying their raw **** at rock-bottom prices and then selling them back processed shitcakes for tenfold the money.
You #@&%*$? incompetent ?#*&.
Princess Anne when the butler dropped the trout on her front.2004.
Cubism-thinly spread ****.
And I always thought Rummy was the #%$#^ incompetent! That really hurts, spendius.
Don't get "Rummy" c.i.
Enlighten me if its good.
Environmentalism-a futile attempt to clean up all the ****.
Absurdism-laughing uncontrollable at the sight of your own ****.
Drinking forty pints of Danish lager between the last **** and the next ****.
That's a **** pun
Criticism-that's a load of ****.
What's happened to this ace thread?I'm saving my best ones to keep it alive.