husker wrote:GET a grip Frank - you got ripped for this "Blind Faith" thing before, on the Faith discussion for your tone or lack thereof, my comment was directed at Lola - butt out "it didn't hey Frank" You want to be a thorn in a side or something? Lola was talking about reason and I gave "My" reason and well oops - faith popped right in there. Or maybe it's you just want to be hostile and stifle folks??? Let's hope not!
How tall are you? Napoleon-syndrome
ps - I have posted on the Faith discussion but decided to stop due to your manner over there. Thanks for your input here!

I think my manner and conduct in A2K has been exemplary -- so I'm not sure what you have found wrong with it. Instead of running away -- why not simply discuss what you think is wrong with my take on things and we can discuss it. That is the purpose of these forums.
I have not been discourteous in any way that I know of.
I have never "gotten ripped" on my "blind faith" thing -- in fact, I now have people agreeing with my take on the matter in the other thread -- and quite honestly, nobody there is giving substantial counterarguments to what I proposed.
What on earth does how tall I am have to do with anything? What is that all about?
Why to suppose I have to "butt out" simply because your remarks were not directed specifically to me? Do you not understand how these forums work?
Why are you giving suggestions about how to properly conduct one's self in a discussion of this sort -- in a posting filled with very questionable conduct?
I respect your right to think and say what you will, Husker -- but the questions I asked here are appropriate. And the remarks I've posted in this thread are appropriate also.
Without getting too far off topic, I hope you address my questions.