I've come to the scientific conclusion that sleeze and oooze are related, because our forebears are the same.

As I understand the christian religion, the father, son, and holy ghost are one and the same. Therefore, the son of god is god and jesus all rolled up into one. c.i.
no, I think it's a little bit more complicated than that, c.i. They are all one and they are also separate. Go figure that one. There are a lot of fishy little weird things like that in the Bible. Makes you wonder..........or at least it did me.
Lola, I don't struggle with that stuff any more. All my siblings are still christians, but I'm a atheist, because none of that 'religion' stuff makes any sense to me. I just live by a simple rule of life; treat all living things with respect and dignity. I love simplicity in my life. c.i.
Lola, for some reason, even as a non-Christian, I can grasp the trinity thing. But it has the same maddening quality that a mother has for a child when she says, "I love all my children equally!"
I'm willing to give the "trinity paradox" the benefit of the doubt, since I've seen how mystical stuff in general never sounds right to the logical mind. It still doesn't make sense to me (or my logical mind--when it's logical that is). I do have five fingers on my right hand that, as a plurality, make up the unity of a single hand. But there's nothing spiritually moving in that.
Mystical things are above logic.
S_F, "above" or "below" I don't know. But they sure are "elsewhere."
Mystics are above, logic is on the ground.
But what is logic? It's a particular way of arraging notions in human mind.
In metaphysics, the notion that earth and all that's on it is a mental
construct is the product of people who spend their lives inside rooms. It is an indoor philosophy.
O.K., Dys. Now you've lost me--not that I wasn't lost before. Are we now talking about metaphysics in the philosophical sense or in the New Age sense of Shirley McLaine wisdom?
ok well how about metaphysics is a cobweb that the mind weaves around things?
why don't we all go outside and live a little?
Lola, That's the spirit, but expand that to "live a lot."

live a lot............very nice c.i...........what did you have in mind?
we must all make hay while the sun is shinning, or at least that's what I'm going to do
The Trinity
Just for the sake of doing a little it picking, the doctrine of the trinity is not articulated as such in the New Testament. Jesus is spoken of as the son of God, and the Spirit is spoken of, and there is God the father, but there is no clear idea of how the three of them fit together.
It remained for future generations of Christian theologians to work out the details of the doctrine. For example, the Trinity was an issue at the Council of Nicaea in 325.
I suspect (that means I'm willing to make a wild speculation) that once the Apostle Paul had his say, and those who followed him had to try to work out the details and logical extensions of his ideas, the Trinity doctrine became necessary. That is, in order for Paul's ideas of salvation and the working of the Spirit in humankind to all hang together in an air tight logical fashion, the doctrine of the trinity was a necessity. It would seem that one theological problem was solved by creating another one.