husker wrote:Lola - hope you count me in on the Christian friend side
Reason cannot produce faith. Faith is always consistent with reason, yet reason cannot produce faith, in a Spiritual way of thinking. Faith sortof implies an assurance (which is another word for evidence, it may be hard to tell the difference between them - a big problem in all discussions our Faith at A2K) that Christ loved me, and gave Himself for me. It is by this faith we are saved, justified, and sanctified.
We are discussing "faith" in another thread at the moment.
It is my contention that (especially in the theistic context) there is no difference between "faith" and "blind acceptance."
If a person says, "I believe there is a God" or "I believe the Bible tells me about God and about what God expects of humans" -- and then fortifies that with "I have faith in those beliefs"-- the person is making a statement about unknowns -- and then essentially insisting that those statements are true despite the fact that they have no real evidence that that is so.
They are blindly accepting those things.
Don't you agree???