Wed 1 Dec, 2004 01:06 pm
Thanks goes out to George on behalf of the bulk of Canadians who tuned in to his brief visit to his neighbor.
It was his first official visit to our country since...well, he became president the first time. The courteous and timely fashion by which you dropped in and delivered your "thanks" to the Maratimers who opened their doors to grounded American travelers following 9/11 was a shining moment in your presidency.
...and I also loved the part when the college-frat-boy-turned-President looked cockily into the Canadian cameras and stated how he understands that people don't agree with his policy to remove Saddam, but he is "the kind of guy who does what he thinks is right and will continue to do what he thinks is right."
Yes, Bush sounds like he was as deferential as he's capable of being while visiting our neighbors to the North. It also sounds like nothing much was accomplished.
Which is probably just as well for Canadians...
On behalf of GW, Your Welcome.
How many fingers were you waving with?? I'll bet you had all 5 out there, eh?
A Canadian teen comments on Bush's visit to Canada (from the Toronto Sun):
JASON TEABO thought his pit bull pup was giving him the usual morning kiss but instead the dog ripped off his ear, Jason's dad said yesterday. "My son pushed him away and screamed 'he bit my ear off,' then ran to his bedroom and shut the door," Frank Teabo said.
Awakened by his wife Teresa on Nov. 23, Teabo saw his son's wound, muzzled 11-month-old Bear and called 911.
"It didn't seem to understand and tried to cuddle with my son."
The family was told originally that the dog was a chocolate Lab and they learned its true breed only as it grew.
Bear had just licked his wife's face "as we taught him to do," Teabo said. But when Jason, 15, said "give kisses" and bent down as he did every day before school, the 30-kilo Bear grabbed his ear.
"It hurt at first, but I didn't cry," the Grade 10 Danforth Tech student said.
"The dog had never growled, never behaved aggressively," Teabo said.
Bear will be euthanized.
Jason said his hearing is fine and he refuses to take painkillers. He returned to school Monday with a small bandage and a promise that his ear can be rebuilt with cartilage from his ribs. Bear swallowed the ear, but experts said it could not have been reattached even if it had been recovered. Until the operation, Jason will grow his hair to cover the ear.
Teabo said the family was aware of the publicity surrounding the breed, including the proposed anti-pit bull law, but his uncle had an American Staffordshire terrier "and it never bothered anybody. We thought all the warnings about them being ticking time bombs was exaggeration.
"The dog was an angel," he said. "But they can't be trusted ... I realize that now."
I understand that, but please explain so I don't misinterpret the message.
Relating Bush to the dog.
I understand that.
Sad that a comparison between the rationality of the President of the United States of America and a puppy can yeild such truth and similarity.
Unfortunately, the world had a hunch that the "true breed" was not a chocolate lab in 2000, and they were damned sure it wasn't in 2004....
Even Baldimo picked up on that one
. Quite frankly, I'm non-partisan, but there was a pretty big protest here in Toronto against Bush's visit. Riot police broke it up, but truth be told, it was non-violent, although much rhetoric was spoken. There were a lot of students involved who just high-tailed it out of there when the cops showed up. Well, the cops, and Bush's personal security force of snipers ready to shoot at will, if given the order.
I had a "chocolate lab" pup about 5 years ago, but I had some slight suspicions that it might have some pit bull blood. After prosecuting a case where a pit bull attacked and ripped open the face of a 12 year old boy riding his bike by the dog, I had a Animal Control friend come by and confirm my dog was part pit. I had the dog taken and euthanized straight away.
And still I voted for Bush!
Tico, you voted for Bush? I'm shocked.
One thing I can say for Canadian politicians, they have a good sense of irony:
PM steaks out position
THE PRESIDENT patiently listened to Canada's beefs for most of the day, then was served Alberta beef for dinner last night at the Museum of Civilization -- mesquite-smoked medallion to be exact.
While Martin wasn't able to speed up an end to the ban on live Canadian beef cattle following the mad cow scare in Alberta more than a year ago, the menu did hammer home the PM's contention that Canada's beef is safe enough for the leader of the most powerful nation in the world and the 700 other guests who attended the official dinner.
cavfancier wrote:Tico, you voted for Bush? I'm shocked.
One thing I can say for Canadian politicians, they have a good sense of irony:
PM steaks out position
THE PRESIDENT patiently listened to Canada's beefs for most of the day, then was served Alberta beef for dinner last night at the Museum of Civilization -- mesquite-smoked medallion to be exact.
While Martin wasn't able to speed up an end to the ban on live Canadian beef cattle following the mad cow scare in Alberta more than a year ago, the menu did hammer home the PM's contention that Canada's beef is safe enough for the leader of the most powerful nation in the world and the 700 other guests who attended the official dinner.
They may have a good sense of irony, but a terrible sense of opportunity.
If the US thinks that our beef is tainted, why didn't we give George the beef America
thinks we have.
candidone, that just wouldn't be smart politics, would it?
From a mischievous Liberal staffer, several of the top 10 reasons it's wonderful to have U.S. President George W. Bush come to Ottawa:
4. "Finally, we will learn whether Carolyn Parrish is covered by the Geneva Convention."
3. "It's nice to know Bush chose Canada first when he said he planned on visiting all of the States in the Union in his second term."
2. "It's nice of a lame duck to visit a dead duck." . . .
And the No. 1 reason: "Because it's better to have Bush visit than the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division."
It's the oil we're after :wink:
Probably not a good strategy, though. We tried it in Iraq...
Yeah, feed the pres CJD contaminated beef...want Canada to become the 52nd state, after Puerto Rico, with no voting rights? We need more bombing ranges...
cjhsa wrote:Yeah, feed the pres CJD contaminated beef...want Canada to become the 52nd state, after Puerto Rico, with no voting rights? We need more bombing ranges...
Apparently he's quite fine, despite the constant constipated look on his face.
Given the symptoms of CJD, how could they tie it to anything?
I was at a seminar today. About 30 people from Alberta, Quebec and Ontario. Only 2 other people realized Bush had visited for 2 days. I guess you've got to be in Ottawa or Halifax to be aware of/pissed off about the visit.